A Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms or, Synonyms and Words of Opposite Meaning. Fallows Samuel
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СКАЧАТЬ dirge, lament.


      KEY: Carouse.

      SYN: Festivity, feast, banquet, revel, debauch.

      ANT: Fast, starvation, maceration, abstinence.


      KEY: Carousal.

      SYN: Wassail, revel, banquet, orgies.

      ANT: [See BANQUET].


      KEY: Carp.

      SYN: Cavil, censure, challenge, overhaul, canvass, hypercriticise, object, catch.

      ANT: Allow, concede, admit, compliment, encourage, approve, applaud, endorse, acquiesce, assent.


      KEY: Carpet, {(Metaphorical)}.

      SYN: Table, board, consideration, consultation.

      ANT: Shelf, rejection, disposal, oblution.


      KEY: Carriage.

      SYN: Transportation, conveyance, bearing, manner, conduct, demeanor, walk, gait, mien, behavior, deportment, vehicle.

      ANT: Misconveyance, miscarriage, misconduct, misconsignment.


      KEY: Carry, [See BEAK].


      KEY: Carry_on, [See TRANSACT].


      KEY: Carry_through, [See COMPLETE].


      KEY: Case.

      SYN: Occurrence, circumstance, contingency, event, plight, predicament, fact, subject, condition, instance.

      ANT: Hypothesis, supposition, fancy, theory, conjecture.


      KEY: Cash.

      SYN: Money, specie, coin, currency, capital.


      KEY: Cast, {[f]?}.

      SYN: Hurl, send_down, throw, fling, pitch, impel, project, construct, mold, frame.

      ANT: Raise, elevate, recover, erect, accept, approve, retain, carry, ignore, miscalculate, misprovide, break, dissipate, dismember, dislocate.


      KEY: Cast \n.\.

      SYN: Mould, stamp, kind, figure, form, aspect, mien, air, style, manner, character.

      ANT: Malformation, deformity, abnormity.


      KEY: castaway, [See REJECT].


      KEY: Cast_down, [See MELANCHOLY].


      KEY: Cast_out, [See EJECT].


      KEY: Caste.

      SYN: Order, class, rank, lineage, race, blood, dignity, respect.

      ANT: Degradation, taboo, disrepute, abasement, reproach.


      KEY: Castigate.

      SYN: Whip, flagellate, cane.

      ANT: Reward, encourage, decorate, caress.


      KEY: Casual.

      SYN: Accidental, occasional, incidental, contingent, unforeseen, fortuitous.

      ANT: Regular, ordinary, systematic, periodic, certain, fixed, [See CASUALTY].


      KEY: Casualty.

      SYN: Accident, contingency, chance, fortuity, {[hap]?}, misfortune, occurrence, mischance, [See ACCIDENT].

      ANT: Appointment, assignment, provision, ordinance, enactment.


      KEY: Casuistry.

      SYN: Sophistry, Jesuitry, fallacy, refinement, quibble, strawsplitting.

      ANT: Reason, conscience, commonsense.


      KEY: Catalogue \n.\, [See BAWL].


      KEY: Catastrophe.

      SYN: Revolution, disaster, calamity, misfortune, misadventure, reverse, blow, visitation.

      ANT: Blessing, victory, triumph, felicitation, achievement, ovation, success, godsend.


      KEY: Catch.

      SYN: Take, seize, grip, clutch, capture, secure, ensnare, snatch, hit, arrest, comprehend, overtake, apprehend.

      ANT: Lose, miss, misapprehend, escape.


      KEY: Catching, [See PESTIFEROUS].


      KEY: catechism.

      SYN: Erotetics, socratics, interrogation, creed, system, compendium.

      ANT: Reading, excogitation, elaboration.


      KEY: Catechumen.

      SYN: Tyro, learner, pupil, novice, scholar.

      ANT: Master, doctor, professor, teacher, savant.


      KEY: Categorical.

      SYN: Plain, positive, declaratory, peremptory, affirmative, absolute, demonstrative, distinct.

      ANT: Obscure, uncertain, ambiguous, dubious, contingent, hypothetical, hazy, oracular, enigmatical, mystical.


      KEY: Category.

      SYN: State, kind, predicament, condition, nature, order, mode, sort, class.

      ANT: Essence, truth, СКАЧАТЬ