A Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms or, Synonyms and Words of Opposite Meaning. Fallows Samuel
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СКАЧАТЬ Distinguish, honor, decorate.


      KEY: Brand, {[mlj]?}.

      SYN: Disgrace, stigma, infamy, mark.

      ANT: Decoration, badge, distinction, honor.


      KEY: Brandish.

      SYN: Flourish, fence, agitate, wield, whisk, shake, wave.

      ANT: Stay, arrest, suspend.


      KEY: Bravado.

      SYN: Boasting, bragging, vaunting, bluster.



      KEY: Brave, [See GALLANT].


      KEY: Brawl.

      SYN: Wrangle, broil, scold, roar, shout, vociferate.

      ANT: Whisper, softness, mellowness, melodiousness, intonation.


      KEY: Brawny.

      SYN: Muscular, powerful, strong, athletic, sinewy, herculean, robust, stout.

      ANT: Lean, weak, fragile, delicate, effeminate, feeble.


      KEY: Bray.

      SYN: Pound, bruise, beat, pulverize.

      ANT: Compact, compound, amalgamate, conglomerate.


      KEY: Breach.

      SYN: Rupture, divulsion, gap, quarrel, violation, nonperformance.

      ANT: Integrity, conservation, healing, reconciliation, inviolateness, fulfillment.


      KEY: Break.

      SYN: Fracture, rupture, shatter, shiver, destroy, tame, curb, demolish, tear_asunder, rend, burst, sever, smash, split, subdue, violate, infringe.

      ANT: Heal, piece, conjoin, protect, conserve, encourage, rally, observe, obey.


      KEY: Breast, [See BOSOM].


      KEY: Breath.

      SYN: [See {[K % {[>—pi rit ion}?], inspiration, expiration, inhalation, exhalation, Met, Life.

      ANT: To_latter, Cessation, passing, departure, perishing, dying, death.


      KEY: Breathe, [See BREATH].


      KEY: Breathless.

      SYN: Exhausted, eager, absorbed, fascinated, attentive, bewildered, astounded.

      ANT: Cool, calm, collected, unexcited, fresh, indifferent, inattentive, unastonished.


      KEY: Dreed_\v.\.

      SYN: Generate, procreate, engender, propagate, produce, beget, hatch, nourish, train, instruct, evolve, cause.

      ANT: Destroy, eradicate, extinguish, extirpate, stifle.


      KEY: Dreed \n.\, [See LINEAGE].


      KEY: Breeding.

      SYN: Nurture, education, training, discipline, instruction, manners, air, demeanor, decorum.

      ANT: ill-manners, ill-training, illbehavior, ignorance.


      KEY: Brevity.

      SYN: Shortness, closeness, conciseness, succinctness, terseness, compendiousness, pointedness, abbreviation, abridgment.

      ANT: Length, protraction, elongation, extension, prolixity, diffusiveness, [See IDENTITY], tediousness.


      KEY: Drew.

      SYN: Concoct, compound, mix, hatch, prepare, season, threaten, impend, increase, collect, form, gather, grow.

      ANT: Pass, disperse, break, spoil, miscompound, mar.


      KEY: Bridle.

      SYN: Curb, restrain, govern, control, master, moderate, compress.

      ANT: Loosen, liberate, relax, vent, discharge.


      KEY: Brief, [See SHORT].


      KEY: Bright.

      SYN: Shining, brilliant, burnished, luminous, lucid, sparkling, limpid, clever, happy, witty, joyous, cheerful, radiant.

      ANT: Opaque, dull, dead, muddy, stupid, slow, sullen, dejected, cheerless, joyless, imbecile.


      KEY: Brilliant.

      SYN: Flashing, radiant, shining, lustrous, glorious, luminous, effulgent, beaming, sparkling.

      ANT: [See BRIGHT].


      KEY: Bring.

      SYN: Fetch, procure, convey, carry, bear, adduce, import, produce, cause, induce.

      ANT: Export, remove, abstract, subtract, prevent, exclude, debar, transport.


      KEY: {[Mrink]?}.

      SYN: Quick, lively, vivacious, active, alert, nimble, sprightly, spirited, animated, prompt, effervescent.

      ANT: Slow, heavy, dull, inactive, [See in-^k)lent], sluggish, unenergetic, stagnant.


      KEY: Bristling.

      SYN: Full, stocked, multitudinous, crowded, swarming, multifarious.

      ANT: Bare, nude, scant, devoid, vacant.


      KEY: Brittle, [See FRAGILE].