A Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms or, Synonyms and Words of Opposite Meaning. Fallows Samuel
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СКАЧАТЬ Chief \adj.\, chef, {the_head)}, [See CAPITAL].


      KEY: Chief \n.\, [See CHIEFTAIN].


      KEY: Chiefly, [See MAINLY].


      KEY: Chieftain.

      SYN: Captain, general, chief, commander, head_man, leader.

      ANT: Follower, attendant, retainer, subaltern, vassal, satellite, minion, adherent.


      KEY: Childish.

      SYN: Weak, silly, puerile, infantine, imbecile, foolish, trifling, paltry, trivial.

      ANT: Strong, resolute, manly, wise, judicious, sagacious, chivalrous, profound, politic.


      KEY: Chimerical, [See VISIONARY].


      KEY: Chivalrous.

      SYN: Courageous, generous, knightly, gallant, heroic, adventurous, valiant, spirited, handsome, high-minded.

      ANT: Unhandsome, dirty, sneaking, pettifogging, scrubby, dastardly, {[-9oreant]?}, ungenerous, ungentlemanly.


      KEY: Choice \n.\.

      SYN: Option, adoption, selection, election, preference, alternative.

      ANT: Compulsion, necessity, rejection, refusal, unimportance, indifference, refuse.


      KEY: Choice \a.\.

      SYN: Select, exquisite, precious, dainty, cherished, valuable, {[ex]?}, excellent, rare.

      ANT: Common, ordinary, Inferior, cheap, valueless, despicable, trumpery.


      KEY: Choke.

      SYN: Throttle, strangle, gag, smother, burke, suffocate, stifle.

      ANT: Eliminate, educe, promote, demonstrate, discuss, disseminate, moot, bruit, ventilate.


      KEY: Choler, [See ANGER].


      KEY: Choleric.

      SYN: Hasty, testy, impetuous, irascible.

      ANT: Cool, phlegmatic, serene, placid, dispassionate, stoical.


      KEY: Choose.

      SYN: Select, elect, prefer, appropriate, adopt, cull, pick_out.

      ANT: Leave, dismiss, reject, refuse, disclaim, repudiate, ignore, decline.


      KEY: Chronicle \v.\.

      SYN: Record, register.


      KEY: Chronicle \n.\, [See ANNALS].


      KEY: Chuckle.

      SYN: Grin, crow, cackle.

      ANT: Cry, wail, grumble, whimper, whine.


      KEY: Churchyard.

      SYN: Buryingground, burial_place, cemetery, God's_acre, necropolis, graveyard.


      KEY: Churlish.

      SYN: Illiberal, niggardly, inhospitable, unsociable, unneighborly.

      ANT: Liberal, bountiful, hospitable_neighborly, sociable.


      KEY: Cipher.

      SYN: Nonentity, dot, nothing, trifle, button, (fig.)_straw, pin, rush, molehill.

      ANT: Somebody, bigwig, something, notability, celebrity, triton, colossus, star.


      KEY: Circuit.

      SYN: Tour, circumference.

      ANT: Line, straightness, directness.


      KEY: Circuitous.

      SYN: Indirect, tortuous, devious, serpentine, round_about, sinuous, winding.

      ANT: Linear, direct, straight.


      KEY: Circular.

      SYN: Round, spherical.

      ANT: Lineal, direct.


      KEY: Circulate.

      SYN: Disseminate, disuse, propagate, publish, notify, spread, travel.

      ANT: Suppress, avert, hush, cease, stagnate.


      KEY: Circumference.

      SYN: Periphery, enclosure, circuit, outline, boundary.

      ANT: Diameter, crossing, bisection, transection, transversion.


      KEY: Circumlocution.

      SYN: Periphrasis, verbosity, inconciseness, insuccinctness, ambiguousness, anfractuosity.

      ANT: Terseness, point, conciseness, succinctness, condensation, directness, plainness, simplicity, coherence.


      KEY: Circumscribe.

      SYN: Define, designate, delineate, limit, enclose, confine, restrict, fence.

      ANT: Expand, dilate, dissipate, disenclose, distend.


      KEY: Circumscribed.

      SYN: Limited, narrow, restricted.

      ANT: Limitless, ample, unconfined.


      KEY: Circumspect.

      SYN: Cautious, wary, careful, heedful, attentive, СКАЧАТЬ