A Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms or, Synonyms and Words of Opposite Meaning. Fallows Samuel
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СКАЧАТЬ being.


      KEY: Causality.

      SYN: Eventuality, operativeness, potentiality, effectuality, productiveness, conduciveness.

      ANT: Preventiveness, retardativeness, obstructiveness, counteractivity, unproductiveness, ineffectiveness, inoperativeness, barrenness.


      KEY: Causation, [See CAUSALITY].


      KEY: Cause \r.\, [See PRODUCE].


      KEY: Cause \n.\.

      SYN: Source, origin, producer, agent, creator, purpose, inducement, reason, account, principle, motive, object, suit, action.

      ANT: Effect, result, accomplishment, end, production, issue, preventive.


      KEY: Caustic.

      SYN: Burning, mordant, pungent, irritating, biting, pointed, sarcastic, trenchant, severe.

      ANT: Pointless, mild, soothing, conciliating, vapid, flat, tame.


      KEY: Caution.

      SYN: [See CARE_and_CALCULATION].


      KEY: Cautious, [See CIRCUMSPECT].


      KEY: Cavalier \a.\, [See ARROGANT].


      KEY: Cavil, [See CARP].


      KEY: Cavity, [See OPENING].


      KEY: Caviller, [See CAVIL].


      KEY: Cease.

      SYN: Intermit, stop, desist, abstain, discontinue, quit, refrain, end, pause, leave_off.

      ANT: Ceaseless, never-ending, everlasting, constant, incessant, [See ETERNAL].


      KEY: Ceaseless, [See CEASE].


      KEY: Cede, [See RELINQUISH].


      KEY: Celebrate, [See HONOR].


      KEY: Celebrated.

      SYN: Famed, renowned, illustrious, eminent, glorious, famous, noted, distinguished, notable, exalted.

      ANT: Unrenowned, obscure, undistinguished, unknown, disgraced, mean.


      KEY: Celebration.

      SYN: Commemoration, solemnization, observance.

      ANT: Oblivion, inobservance, obsolescence, desuetude.


      KEY: Celebrity.

      SYN: Fame, honor, glory, star, reputation, distinction, renown, notability, eminence, notoriety.

      ANT: Obscurity, meanness, ingloriousness, ignominy, disgrace, contempt, cipher, nobody.


      KEY: Celerity.

      SYN: Rapidity, speed, haste, velocity, swiftness, quickness, fleetness, despatch.

      ANT: Slowness, inertness, slaggishness, tardiness, {[cnmhrnnsnees]?}.


      KEY: Celestial.

      SYN: Heavenly, ethereal, atmospheric, supernal, angelic, radiant, eternal, immortal, seraphic, divine, godlike, elysian.

      ANT: Earthly, terrestrial, terrene, sublunary, human, mortal, hellish, infernal.


      KEY: Cement.

      SYN: Bind, bond, unite, perpetuate, consolidate.

      ANT: Detach, dissolve, dissociate, disintegrate, divorce.


      KEY: Censorious, [See CAPTIOUS].


      KEY: Censure \r.\, [See BLAME].


      KEY: Censure.

      SYN: Blame, stricture, reproach, reprobate, inculpate, reprove, condemn, reprehend, chide, berate, scold, upbraid, disapproval, remonstrance, rebuke, reprimand, dispiaise.

      ANT: Praise, eulogy, approbation, encouragement, commendation.


      KEY: Central.

      SYN: Mediate, accessible, convenient,.

      ANT: Remote, inaccessible, inconvenient.


      KEY: Centralize.

      SYN: Concentrate, fix, localize, collect.

      ANT: Disperse, disseminate, distribute, apportion, divide, delocalize.


      KEY: Ceremonial.

      SYN: Official, ministerial, functional, pompous, imposing, sumptuous, scenic.

      ANT: Ordinary, private, unimposing, unostentatious, undramatic.


      KEY: Ceremonious.

      SYN: Punctilious, formal, prim, precise.

      ANT: Brusque, blunt, supercilious, bluff, unceremonious.


      KEY: Ceremony.

      SYN: Display, pageant, solemnity, rite, formality.

      ANT: [See FASHION].


      KEY: Certain.

      SYN: true, fixed, regular, established, incontrovertible, undoubtful, indubitable, infallible, unmistakable, sure, unfailing, real, actual, undeniable, positive, convinced, СКАЧАТЬ