A Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms or, Synonyms and Words of Opposite Meaning. Fallows Samuel
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      ANT: Uncertain, dubious, exceptional, irregular, casual, occasional, questionable, doubtful, vacillating, undecided, uncertain.


      KEY: Certainly.

      SYN: Surely, positively, unquestionably.

      ANT: Possibly, probably, perhaps, contingently, doubtfully, occasionally.


      KEY: Certainty.

      SYN: Assurance, demonstrableness, positiveness, unquestionableness, confidence, conviction.

      ANT: Dubiousness, precariousness, casualty, vicissitude, uncertainty, irregularity, hesitation, doubt, misgiving, conjecture, indecision.


      KEY: Certify.

      SYN: Acknowledge, aver, attest, vouch, avow, avouch, testify, protest, declare, demonstrate, prove, evidence, inform, assure.

      ANT: Disprove, disavow, misinform, misadvise.


      KEY: Cessation.

      SYN: Stopping, halt, discontinuance, quiescence, suspension, intermission, lull, respite, stop, rest, abeyance, pause.

      ANT: Continuance, uninterruptedness, unintermission, incessancy.


      KEY: Cession.

      SYN: Concession, yielding, surrender, abandonment, relinquishment, grant.

      ANT: Retention, claimance, maintenance, appropriation, usurpation, {[vindbmtkm]?}, assumption.


      KEY: Chafe.

      SYN: Gall, rub, vex, irritate, chagrin, tease, harass, disappoint, grieve, annoy, worry, calcitrate, re_sent, resist, fret, fidget, writhe.

      ANT: Soothe, smooth, coax, calm, humor, console, submit, endure, succumb, crouch, truckle.


      KEY: [See RAILLERY].

      SYN: Banter, badinage, nonsense, frivolity, trash, chaffer.

      ANT: Emphasis, seriousness, sense, substance, reason, argument, marrow, pith, gist.


      KEY: Chaffer.

      SYN: Haggle, bargain, higgle, stickle, boggle.

      ANT: Close, conclude, agree, negotiate.


      KEY: Chagrin \v.\, [See CHAFF].


      KEY: Challenge \v.\.

      SYN: Defy, summon, dare, question, investigate, brave, canvass.

      ANT: Pass, allow, grant, concede.


      KEY: Champion \n.\.

      SYN: Hero, warrior, combatant, vindicator, challenger, defender, protector.

      ANT: Renegade, deserter, poltroon, miscreant, traitor, coward, adversary, opponent.


      KEY: Chance \v.\, [See HAZARD].


      KEY: Chance \n.\.

      SYN: Accident, fortuity, hazard, haphazard, fortune, random, casualty, befoulment, luck.

      ANT: Law, rule, sequence, consequence, causation, effectuation, intention, purpose, design, certainty.


      KEY: Change \v.\.

      SYN: Vary, alter, modify, diversify, qualify, transmute, substitute, fluctuate, shift, veer, exchange.

      ANT: Conserve, retain, stabilitate, fix, clinch, stand, endure, last, hold.


      KEY: Change \n.\, [See VARIATION].


      KEY: Changeable, Changeful, [See CAPRICIOUS_and_CHANGELESS].


      KEY: Changeless.

      SYN: Regular, settled, steady, firm, stationary, consistent, resolute, reliable, undeviating, uniform, immutable, immovable.

      ANT: Irregular, unsettled, unsteady, wavering, fluctuating, capricious, irresolute, vacillating, variable, mutable, plastic.


      KEY: Chaplet.

      SYN: Garland, wreath, coronal.


      KEY: Character.

      SYN: Symbol, letter, nature, type, disposition, genius, temperament, cast, estimation, repute, office, reputation, part, capacity, class, order, sort, stamp, kind, quality, species, sign, tone, mark, figure, record.

      ANT: Vagueness, anonymousness, nondescription, disrepute.


      KEY: Characteristic.

      SYN: Distinction, peculiarity, diagnosis, idiosyncrasy, speciality, individuality, personality, singularity.

      ANT: Nondescription, abstractedness, generality, miscellany.


      KEY: Characterize.

      SYN: Mark, distinguish, describe, particularize, style, designate, individualize, specify, identify.

      ANT: Hint, insinuate, sketch, suggest, adumbrate.


      KEY: Charge.

      SYN: Direct, enjoin, advise, admonish, arraign, inculpate, entrust, commit, load, accuse, impeach, attack, assault, impute, carry.

      ANT: Clear, free, discharge, acquit, liberate.


      KEY: Chargeable.

      SYN: Attributable, ascribable, imputable.

      ANT: Not_attributable, not_ascribable, not_imputable.


      KEY: Charity, [See BENEVOLENCE].
