A Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms or, Synonyms and Words of Opposite Meaning. Fallows Samuel
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      KEY: Broach.

      SYN: Moot, start, launch, originate, suggest, exhibit, propound.

      ANT: Reserve, secrete, seal, repress, cork, bottle.


      KEY: Broad.

      SYN: Wide, extensive, expansive, ample, liberal, comprehensive, unreserved, indelicate, coarse, generic.

      ANT: Narrow, restricted, confined, limited, bigoted, prejudiced, illiberal, narrow-minded, reserved, veiled, enigmatical, shrouded, shaded, refined, delicate, sketchy, specific, pointed.


      KEY: Broadcast.

      SYN: Scattered_abroad, dispersed, profusely, unsparingly, indiscriminately, injudiciously, extensively.

      ANT: Collectedly, concentratively, sparingly, reservedly, locally, partially, discreetly, charily.


      KEY: Droll \n.\, [See {[AFFRAT]?}].


      KEY: [See {[Drook % {[i'}?].

      SYN: Bear, tolerate, suffer, endure, undergo, submit_to, permit.

      ANT: Resist, resent, reject.


      KEY: Brotherhood.

      SYN: Fraternity, association, fellowship, society, sodality.


      KEY: Brotherly.

      SYN: Fraternal, kind, affectionate, tender.

      ANT: Unkind, hard, harsh, unfraternal.


      KEY: Browbeat.

      SYN: Intimidate, bully, overbear, cow, overawe, boycott, bulldoze.

      ANT: Encourage, rally, countenance, support.


      KEY: Bruise \v.\, [See BREAK].


      KEY: Brunt.

      SYN: Impulse, attack, aggression, onslaught, onset, assault, shock.

      ANT: Resistance, endurance, repulsion.


      KEY: Brutal.

      SYN: Savage, inhuman, rude, unfeeling, merciless, ruthless, brutish, barbarous, sensual, beastly, ignorant, stolid, dense, cruel, violent, vindictive, bloodthirsty, intemperate.

      ANT: Humane, civilized, generous, intelligent, polished, chivalrous, conscientious, self-controlled.


      KEY: Brutish, [See BRUTAL].


      KEY: Bubble.

      SYN: Trifle, toy, fancy, conceit, vision, dream, froth, trash.

      ANT: Acquisition, prize, treasury_reality, substance, verity, jewel, good, advantage.


      KEY: Bud_\r.\.

      SYN: Sprout, blossom, bloom, germinate.


      KEY: Buffoon.

      SYN: Wag, clown, jester.

      ANT: Wit, genius, philosopher, pedant, visionary, dissembler, prig, enthusiast, hypocrite.


      KEY: Bugbear.

      SYN: Hobgoblin, goblin, gorgon, ghoul, spirit, spook, specter, ogre, scarecrow.

      ANT: [See SPECTER].


      KEY: Build, [See CONSTRUCT].


      KEY: Building.

      SYN: Edifice, architecture, construction, erection, fabric, structure.

      ANT: Ruin, dilapidation, dismantlement, demolition.


      KEY: Builder, [See BUILDING].


      KEY: Bulk.

      SYN: Mass, whole, entirety, integrity, majority, size, magnitude, extension, body, volume, bigness, largeness, massiveness, dimension.

      ANT: Tenuity, minority, dismemberment, disintegration, diminution, portion, contraction, section, atom, particle.


      KEY: Bulk, [See SIZE].


      KEY: Bulky.

      SYN: Huge, unwieldy, heavy, large, ample, ponderous, burly, cumbrous, gigantic, brawny, massive.

      ANT: Small, light, slight, airy, thin, delicate, nimble, attenuated, slender, sylphlike, puny, tiny.


      KEY: Bully.

      SYN: swashbuckler, swaggerer, braggadocio.

      ANT: [See BLUSTERER].


      KEY: Bullying, [See BLUSTERING].


      KEY: Bulwark.

      SYN: Rampart, fortress, fortification, palladium, citadel, intrenchment, stronghold, parapet, bastion.

      ANT: Storming, siege, investment, bombardment, cannonade, boarding.


      KEY: Bungler.

      SYN: Botcher, clown, lubber, fumbler, novice.

      ANT: Adept, adroit, master, artist, workman, proficient, professor.


      KEY: Buoy.

      SYN: Float, support, sustain, elevate, elate, assure, animate, cheer, inspire.

      ANT: Sink, drown, depress, swamp, overcome, deject, crush, fail, betray.
