A Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms or, Synonyms and Words of Opposite Meaning. Fallows Samuel
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СКАЧАТЬ Buoyant.

      SYN: Sprightly, spirited, vivacious, lively, light, floating, hopeful, cheerful, elastic, [See JOY].

      ANT: Heavy, depressed, cheerless, joyless, dejected, moody, desponding.


      KEY: Burdon_\v.\, [See LOAD].


      KEY: Burden \n.\.

      SYN: Load, weight, Incubus, obstruction, oppression, grief, difficulty, affliction.

      ANT: Ease, lightness, airiness, expedition, facility, acceleration, abjugation, liberation, lightheartedness, alleviation, assuagement, mitigation, consolation, disburdenment.


      KEY: Burdensome, [See TROUBLESOME_and_PONDEROUS].


      KEY: Burial.

      SYN: Interment, sepulture, inhumation, entombment.

      ANT: Exhumation, disinterment.


      KEY: Burke.

      SYN: Stifle, shelve, strangle, smother.

      ANT: Enucleate, propound, promulge, publicate, promote, foster, reanimate, eliminate, ventilate, bruit, suscitate.


      KEY: Burlesque.

      SYN: Parody, travesty, satire, caricature, grotesque, droll, farcical, comic, ludicrous.

      ANT: Classic, pure, severe, tragic, historic, grave, truthful.


      KEY: Burly, [See BULKY].


      KEY: Burn.

      SYN: Ignite, kindle, brand, consume, cauterize, rage, glow, smoulder, blaze, flash, cremate, incinerate.

      ANT: Extinguish, stifle, cool, wane, subside, glimmer, lower, pale.


      KEY: Burning, [See ARDENT].


      KEY: Burnish.

      SYN: Brighten, glaze, polish, gloze, gloss.

      ANT: Scratch, dull, abrade, bedim, cloud, frost, matt.


      KEY: Burst \v.\.

      SYN: Extravasate, displode, explode, discharge, shiver, shatter, disrupt, rend, break, split.

      ANT: Cohere, hold, stand.


      KEY: Bury.

      SYN: Inter, inhume, conceal, repress, suppress, obliterate, cancel, entomb, compose, hush.

      ANT: Disinter, exhume, bruit, excavate, expose, resuscitate, publicate, aggravate.


      KEY: Business.

      SYN: Occupation, profession, vocation, transaction, trade, calling, office, employment, interest, duty, affair, matter, concern.

      ANT: Stagnation, leisure, inactivity.


      KEY: Bustle.

      SYN: Business, activity, stir, commotion, energy, excitement, haste, hurry, eagerness, flurry.

      ANT: Idleness, vacation, inactivity, Indolence, Indifference, unconcernedness, coolness, calm, stagnation, quiet, desertion.


      KEY: Busy.

      SYN: Industrious, diligent, assiduous, engaged, occupied.

      ANT: Idle, slothful, lazy, indolent, unoccupied.


      KEY: But.

      SYN: Save, except, barring, yet, beside, excluding, still, excepting, notwithstanding.

      ANT: With, including, inclusive, nevertheless, however, notwithstanding.


      KEY: Butchery, {[See ~]?}.


      KEY: Buxom.

      SYN: Bonny, blithe, shapely.

      ANT: Lean, slender, ill-shaped.


      KEY: Buy.

      SYN: Purchase, bribe, subsidize, suborn.

      ANT: Sell, vend, hawk, retail.


      KEY: Buyer, [See BUY].


      KEY: Cabal.

      SYN: Confederacy, conspiracy, combination, coterie, gang, faction, plot, {political_intrigue}, junto, league.

      ANT: Parliament, legislation, council, government, empire, synod.


      KEY: Cabalistic.

      SYN: Mystic, symbolical, fanciful, occult.

      ANT: Patent, practical, instructive, lucid, simple.


      KEY: Cabbage.

      SYN: Rob, steal, filch, crib, pocket, shirk, pillage, abstract, purloin.

      ANT: [See PURLOIN].


      KEY: Cachinnation.

      SYN: Grin, chuckle, giggle, snigger, titter, cackle.

      ANT: Longfacedness, whine, whimper.


      KEY: Cackle, [See CACHINNATION].


      KEY: Cadaverous.

      SYN: Pale, exsanguineous, bloodless, hueless, pallid, ghastly, ashy.

      ANT: Rosy, incarnadine, sanguine, chubby, brawny.
