A Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms or, Synonyms and Words of Opposite Meaning. Fallows Samuel
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СКАЧАТЬ Charitable.

      SYN: Kind, benign, benevolent, beneficent, liberal, considerate, forgiving, compassionate, placable, inexacting, inextreme.

      ANT: Uncharitable, unkind, harsh, selfish, churlish, illiberal, censorious, unforgiving, uncompassionate, implacable, extreme, exacting, retaliative, revengeful.


      KEY: Charlatan, [See QUACK], Charm \v.\.

      SYN: Bewitch, enchant, fascinate, lay, soothe, mesmerize, delight, enrapture, transport, entice, allure, entrance, captivate, subdue.

      ANT: Disenchant, disillusionize, excite, rouse, disturb, annoy, Irritate, alarm, terrify, repel, disgust.


      KEY: Charm \n.\.

      SYN: Spell, incantation, enchantment, fascination, attraction, allurement.

      ANT: Disenchantment, repulsion, fear.


      KEY: Chary.

      SYN: Careful, cautions, calculating, frugal, shy, wary, sparing, slow, saving, reluctant.

      ANT: Liberal, lavish, profuse, eager.


      KEY: Chase \v.\.

      SYN: Pursue, hunt, follow, drive, prosecute.

      ANT: Abandon, relinquish, discard, dismiss, avoid, elude, evade.


      KEY: Chaste.

      SYN: Pure, modest, uncontaminated, spotless, immaculate, undented, virtuous, incorrupt, simple, unaffected, nice.

      ANT: Impure, corrupt, meretricious, gaudy, flashy, overdecorated.


      KEY: Chasten.

      SYN: Purify, discipline, chastise, correct, castigate, improve, spiritualize, afflict, refine.

      ANT: Indulge, sensualize, brutalize, degrade, corrupt, pamper, carnalize, spoil, demoralize.


      KEY: Chat, [See BABBLE].


      KEY: Chattels.

      SYN: Effects, goods, wares, movables, furniture.

      ANT: Freehold.


      KEY: Chatter.

      SYN: Rattle, jabber, cackle, prattle, twaddle.

      ANT: Reason, sense, argument, reticence, philosophy, conversation.


      KEY: Cheap.

      SYN: Common, inexpensive, uncostly, mean, vile, worthless, low-priced.

      ANT: Rare, costly, worthy, expensive, honorable, noble, high.


      KEY: Cheat \v.\.

      SYN: Overreach, fleece, silence, trick, gull, cozen, juggle, defraud, swindle, dupe, beguile, deceive, deprive, hoodwink, prevaricate, dissemble, shuffle, inveigle.

      ANT: Enlighten, guide, remunerate, compensate, undeceive, disabuse.


      KEY: Cheat \n.\.

      SYN: Deception, fraud, imposition, trick, artifice, illusion, imposture, swindle, finesse, deceit, lie, fiction.

      ANT: Troth, reality, verity, fact, certainty, genuineness, verification, honesty, authenticity.


      KEY: Check \n.\.

      SYN: Repulse, hindrance, set_back, rebuff.

      ANT: Encouragement, freedom, liberty.


      KEY: Check \v.\.

      SYN: Curb, restrain, stop, stay, repress, hinder, impede, inhibit, cohibit, bridle, control, obstruct.

      ANT: Loose, liberate, instigate, accelerate, license, indulge, allow, abet.


      KEY: Cheer \v.\, [See ENCOURAGE].


      KEY: Cheer \n.\.

      SYN: Hope, happiness, comfort, hospitality, plenty, conviviality.

      ANT: Dejection, sullenness, gloom, starvation, niggardliness, dearth, inhospitableness, churlishness, unsociableness.


      KEY: Cheerful.

      SYN: Lively, gay, bright, happy, bonny, merry, joyful, pleasant, buoyant, {[stmnY]?}, enlivening, In_good_spirits, sprightly, blithe, joyous.

      ANT: Lifeless, dull, gloomy, unhappy, dejected, depressed, sullen, joyless, melancholy, depressing, dispiriting.


      KEY: Cheerfulness, [See CELESTIAL].


      KEY: Cheerless, [See CHEERFUL].


      KEY: Cherish.

      SYN: Foster, nurse, promote, nourish, nurture, comfort, protect, entertain, value, encourage.

      ANT: Stifle, abandon, discard, discourage, check.


      KEY: Chew.

      SYN: Masticate, munch, eat.

      ANT: Gorge, bolt_whole.


      KEY: Chicanery.

      SYN: Artifice, subtlety, sophistry, subterfuge, prevarication, shift, trickery, dodge, quibble, mystification, pettifogging, underhandedness.

      ANT: Openness, candor, fairness, cogency, demonstrativeness, soundness.


      KEY: Chide.

      SYN: Rate, scold, trounce, reprove, reprimand, rebuke, blame, admonish, objurgate.

      ANT: Applaud, flatter, compliment.
