Russia the formation of the state in the 9th century Veneds and the severjans (northerners), part of the Huns, which became the basis of a new community. Sergey Solovyov
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СКАЧАТЬ variations can be summarized in two:

      Indrik and the Unicorn (the name White is also important):

      The beast is a mother to all beasts…

      And he dug the earth with his mother’s horn,

      Dug up the keys all deep I took out all the boiling water.

      This animal lives across the ocean-sea,

      And he walks here in the dungeon…

      It passes all the white stone mountains,

      Cleans streams and depressions,

      It misses rivers, cold stores…

      “Pigeon Book”

      In different lists of the Pigeon Book verse there are different features in the image of Indrik, but in all he is called “the father of all beasts.” He walks through the underground, “misses rivers and wells, or lives on Tabor-mountain (that is, the Mountain of Light,”; “when he turns, all the animals worship him.” Or he lives on the Holy Mountain, eats and drinks from the Blue Sea, does not hurt anyone. Or he walks with a horn through the dungeon, like “the sun through the skies.” “The Dove Book” is a collection of East Slavic folk spiritual verses of the late 15th – early 16th centuries, the questions and answers of which provide information about the origin of the world. The book united both Christian and pagan motives. The book was preserved thanks to the tragedy of the schism in Orthodoxy, and was preserved among the Old Believers. According to Russian folklore, Indrik is endowed with the features of the master of the water element, springs and wells, and acts as an enemy of the snake.

      Indrik, as the master of the water element, is close to the mythical bird Sirin – the symbol of water and fertility. Images of Indrik are often combined with “braid”, which in ancient times meant water. Often in the works of oral folklore, the “homeland” of the Indrik-beast is called – the Indian land full of wonders – India, which is not accidental, but there were several Indies in the history of migration of Indo-Europeans, and one was later described by Herodotus in the Caucasus as Sindika, an area in the Kuban region…

      “And somewhere else, you can hear a foolish live,

      Yes, stupid to live, unreasonable?

      And where, you can hear, is the Indian land,

      Indian land, all rich?

      As there is a lot of gold and silver,

      Yes, more than that kind pearls.

      In the Indian land, the steppe is wild,

      The steppe is wild, the forests are dark.

      Indrik the beast lives in those forests:

      He has all pearl little shorts on him,

      And the mane-tail is gilded,

      And his hooves are all damask,

      Fire blazes from his nostrils,

      A column of smoke comes from his ears.

      He runs to drink in the Tarja River,

      He runs, he runs – the whole earth trembles.”

      Here, as you can see, Tarja-river is also mentioned as the place of the ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans, which remained with the Hellenes in the form of Tartarus, as one of the places of the land of their ancestors.. Researchers have established an undoubted connection between the Indrik beast and the Vedic and Hindu deities Indra, and his weapon is the Vajra, vahana bearer) is the elephant Airavata, which also brings him closer to Ganesha, and on whose behalf the name of the country – India, and the sacred river – Indus, and the people – Indians, and religion – Hinduism are formed. And in the Russian North there are still many names of rivers with the most ancient common Indo-European root “ind”. For example, the Indiga River is the river basins between the Pechora and Mezen rivers, the river flows into the Barents Sea, and one of the Indiga tributaries is the VYREY river (and it is known that Iriy-Vyri is the name of the Kingdom of Heaven in Slavic myths). from Yamal, west of the Ob, in the same administrative district. It is also interesting that there are places in the Russian North with the sacred name “Ida”. Scientists suggest that in the era of the ancient Indo-European ethnocultural community, Indra was the single supreme god of the Indo-Europeans. After the disintegration of the Indo-European conglomerate of tribes and the departure of the Aryans from the North to the Indian subcontinent, in the memory of the Proto-Slavs, and later the Russians, one of the many incarnations of Indra – “The King of Beasts”, “Mother of all beasts” was preserved. “A brief description of the Ostyatsky people” by Novitsky says: “some who want to confirm the narrated for the reliable, so His likeness is described: with a height of three arshins, almost an arshin length, his legs are like those of a bear, his horns, folded crosswise, he wears on himself, and when he digs caves, then he bends and stretches like a crawling snake. Some, contradicting this, argue that these bones belong to unicorns or some other beasts of the sea, during the flood of Noah, they were applied and dried up on the earth by water, but by antiquity they went into the earth.

      “And the beast Indrik appeared. And the beast Indrik became a father to all beasts, a beast to all beasts. The beast Indrik itself is blue, and his eyes are golden. And maybe even the beast Indrik turns into a mighty blue warrior. His eyes are golden, he glows with a blue radiance of inner light, he holds a stone club in his hands, and he is dressed in stone armor. And so it is huge, higher than the mountains it is underground. The beast Indrik, the giant underground warrior, rides through the underworld in a stone chariot (that is, similar in skin color to Krishna and Yama (blue skin))

      The wheels of that chariot are huge stone millstones, and monstrous black stone dogs, giant dogs, are harnessed to that chariot. And the eyes of those dogs burn like the fires of a thousand bonfires. And those dogs roar like a thousand thunders. And those dogs breathe fire and smoke. The beast Indrik, the giant underground warrior, rides through the underground world in his chariot. And he fights with lizards and underground dragons. And the Underground Lizard crawls away from him into his inferno. And he closes his inferno on the brass door.”

      Throughout the Russian North and even farther – in Manchuria and China – legends about a strange creature of unprecedented growth called the indrik-beast are widespread. It is supposedly the size of an elephant and is endowed with horns that serve as a digging device. Descriptions of a giant mole named ting-shu or in-shu (“the mouse that hides”) we find in ancient Chinese books. Despite the hyperbolic dimensions of the incredible beast, it should be recognized that folk art is by no means a baseless fantasy. Life and real observations gave the narrators quite reliable material for this legend.

      As said, this creature lives in the earth. It digs passages and tunnels with a horn and thereby opens keys, cleans springs and fills lakes and rivers with water. And if the indrik-beast under the ground makes noise, “the whole Universe will shake.” True, this is not a predatory beast, but a completely peaceful giant: “he does not hurt anyone,” apparently feeds on plants or what he finds underground. Well, it is quite possible that in this case we are talking about real mammoths, whose tusks and frozen carcasses are often found in Siberia. Apparently, both the legendary giant mole Tin-Shu, and Fan-Shu, and the Indrik-beast, and the Finnish Mamut are one and the same creature. The modern Russian name “mammoth” just comes from the old Russian word “mamut”. The Russians borrowed it from the Finnish tribes inhabiting European Russia. In many Finnish dialects, “ma” means “earth”, and “mut” means “mole” in Finnish, that is, mamut is an earthen mole.

      “The mountain gave birth to a mouse” is a famous saying in ancient Greece and Rome. What does it mean? Apollo Sminthias Sminfey (Σμινθεύς), in Greek myth-making, the epithet of the god Apollo in the northwest of Asia Minor in Troas. СКАЧАТЬ