Russia the formation of the state in the 9th century Veneds and the severjans (northerners), part of the Huns, which became the basis of a new community. Sergey Solovyov
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СКАЧАТЬ burning blows of clear copies

      The copper armor of the enemies is to be smashed by hand on the Persians. Homer, Iliad.

      Thus, this hairstyle belonged to the Hans (Huns-Gants Andronovites) who brought it from Crete to India and China and Egypt, where they were called Hyksos (shepherd kings)

      Saka mummy Hare

      Krishna hairstyle, shikha

      Severtsy-northerners, as part of the Hun tribe, retained their hairstyle, and the Cossacks, who come from the Severshchina, wore similar hairstyles – Oseledtsy and I \ ‘s forelocks.

      The ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans. The ancestral home is Hell and Tartarus

      The location of the ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans has always been a stumbling block for the scientific community and I would like to give a number of arguments for the primary habitat in the region of Obi-Yamal, Pechora, Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions and the islands of Novaya Zemlya. What makes it possible to come up with such an unconditional opinion? This geographical reference to this area is due to the myths and legends about Ganesh, Skanda, Indrik-beast. Tartar (ancient Greek Τάρταρος), in ancient Greek mythology – the deepest abyss located under the kingdom of Hades (representation, starting from Hesiod, where, after titanomachy, Zeus overthrew Kronos and the titans and where they were guarded by the hundred-handed giants of Hecatoncheira, the children of Uranus. the Cyclops are imprisoned. This is a dark abyss, which is as far from the surface of the earth as the sky is from the earth: according to Hesiod, a copper anvil would fly from the surface of the earth to Tartarus in nine days. Tartarus was surrounded by a triple layer of darkness of the god Erebus and copper walls with the copper gates of the god Poseidon. According to Hesiod, he arose after Chaos and Gaia. According to Epimenides, he was born from Aerus and Nyukta. According to other authors, as the personification of this abyss, Tartarus was the son of Ether and Gaia. From Tartarus Gaia gave birth to the monstrous Typhon and Echidna. Tartarus is mentioned by Homer (Il. VIII, 13According to the testimony of ancient Greek authors, Tartarus was in the North. Later, the authors began to consider Tartarus the most remote place in Hades. e century the most abandoned and remote corners of the earth began to be called tartar. In late antiquity, Tartarus was represented as a space of dense cold and darkness. Later, in European cartography, due to contamination, Tartarus was associated with Tartaria – northern Asia. The origin of the name of the god is not exactly clear; in any case, it was associated with the ancient Greek ἀϊδής “invisible”, ἀΐδιος “eternal”, ἀϊδνός “gloomy”, αἰδοῖος “venerable, compassionate”; αἰδώς, “awe, reverence”, but also “mercy”; ἀΐδηλος “making it invisible”, that is “destructive”, or “invisible, unknown, mysterious, gloomy”. the rivers of Hades, the most famous are Styx, Cocytus and Phlegeton, a flaming river. Hell and Tartarus are the land of the ancestors of the Huns (Hans), lands in the far North, from Yamal to Altai, the basin of the oil-bearing Ob river.

      Giants, or Gants, that is, Huns-Hans, who also came from the Phlegrean fields, in myths they were described as opponents of the Olympic gods, and the Phlegrian fields are called their homeland.

      In Chinese sources (Bei Shi and others), the state (and, accordingly, the people) of Yada is noted, attributed to the Xiyu region. Chinese historians found it difficult to indicate their origin; it was assumed that they were descendants of Yuezhi or Gaoju. They lived west of Khotan and south of the Altai spurs. The capital is the city of Badiyan, only 10 li in a circle. There is a palace and Buddhist stupas and pagodas adorned with gold. And in these sources the Hephthalite and Sarmatian Huns are called so. I.e. the Chinese call their land ADOM.

      This geographical reference to this area is due to the myths and legends about Ganesh, Skanda, Indrik-beast. No one can argue that this is the closest place to the European part of the continent, where the remains of mammoths are massively found, and one of the most famous is Yamal, and the most famous find is the Yamal mammoth Masha. Often in the works of oral folklore, the “homeland” of the Indrik-beast is called – the Indian land full of wonders – India, which is not accidental, but there were several Indies in the history of migration of Indo-Europeans, and one was later described by Herodotus in the Caucasus as Sindika, an area in the Kuban region…

      Here, as you can see, Tarja-reka is also mentioned, as the place of the ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans, which remained with the Hellenes in the form of Tartarus, as one of the places the land of ancestors.. Researchers have established an undoubted connection between the Indrik beast and the Vedic and Hindu deities Indra, and his weapon is the vajra and the vahana (carrier) is the elephant Aivarat, which also brings him closer to Ganesha (at birth Vinayak, then acquired the name Ganesha, Ganapati, Ganapati means the leader of the divine army of Shiva – ganas). Phlegrian fields also resemble Yamal and the Ob basin, where gas emissions are frequent and lead to explosions and burning of the soil. This can also explain the “milk rivers” and “jelly” banks. When condensation gets into the water. water becomes muna and resembles milk, and oil, mixing with the earth, turns it into jelly. And the slightest carelessness leads to inflammation, and here truly the hellish place is obtained. The climate here, to put it mildly, is not hot, that is, corresponds to the description of Hel of Scandinavia and Hell and Tartarus of Greece, damp, humid and cold, but the earth burns underfoot, and the water of the rivers is often poisonous from oil and gas, like the Styx of Hellas.

      That is, the migration of Indo-Aryans from the coast of the Arctic Ocean is proved by the toponymy of places, the location of mammoth burial grounds in that region, and the emergence of myths about Ganesha, Apollo and Indrik-Zver, in the regions of the Ob river basin, and the present Arkhangelsk, Vologda regions and the Komi Republic, and Khanty-Mansiysk district, where there are cases of findings of mammoth remains. An additional argument in favor of the migration of Indo-Aryans from the Ob is the “Guestrovskaya Ode”, a poem published in Germany, the principality of Mecklenburg for the wedding, written by an unknown author specifically for the wedding in 1716 of Karl Leopold of Mecklenburg and Ekaterina Ioannovna, niece of Emperor Peter I, daughter of Tsar Ivan V Aleksey Tsarina Praskovya Feodorovna Saltykova, the elder sister of Empress Anna Ivanovna. This work describes the migration of the emboldened tribe from the Ob River to present-day Germany. Also, numerous finds of the most valuable artifacts in the Yamal region and the mouth of the Ob river, as well as in the area of the river. Kama of a later time, the so-called “Zakamsky silver”, which most likely were offerings from Iran, Byzantium to the sanctuaries of the Far North, described by Herodotus, who considers these places to be associated with the veneration of Apollo, and Herodotus gives evidence of Aristeus, who visited the Far North in execution vows. That is, the tradition, memories of the ancestral home, already at a later time turned out to be so strong that offerings to the gods to the ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans were sent from Iran and Greece, for which there is material evidence, these are the treasures of Yamal (as well as burials and numerous finds of people of the European type) and Zakamsk treasures. And probably, this area can be identified with Hyperborea of Ancient Greece, as the place of origin of a number of Indo-Aryan peoples.

      Nobody can argue that this is the closest place to the European part of the continent, where the remains of mammoths are massively found, and one of the most famous is Yamal, and the most famous find is the Yamal mammoth Masha [Tikhonov A. N., Brave V. M. Mamontenok from Yamal // Nature. – 1989. – No. 6. – P. 46—47.]

      So. What СКАЧАТЬ