Russia the formation of the state in the 9th century Veneds and the severjans (northerners), part of the Huns, which became the basis of a new community. Sergey Solovyov
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Читать онлайн книгу Russia the formation of the state in the 9th century Veneds and the severjans (northerners), part of the Huns, which became the basis of a new community - Sergey Solovyov страница 10

СКАЧАТЬ Asclepius corresponds to the mole in the cult of Rudra with Ganesha” [Pisarevsky p.5] (The legend that only a mouse is afraid of an elephant). That is, the migration of Indo-Aryans from the coast of the Arctic Ocean is proved by toponymy of places, the location of mammoth burial grounds in that region, and the emergence of myths about Ganesha, Apollo and Indrik-Zver, in the regions of the Ob river basin, and the present Arkhangelsk, Vologda regions and the Komi Republic, and Khanty-Mansiysk district, where there are cases of findings of mammoth remains. Also, numerous finds of the most valuable artifacts in the Yamal region and the mouth of the Ob river, as well as in the area of the river. Kama of a later time, the so-called “Zakamsky silver”, which most likely were donations from Iran, Byzantium to the sanctuaries of the Far North, described by Herodotus, who considers these places to be associated with the veneration of Apollo, and Herodotus gives evidence of Aristeus, who visited the Far North in execution vows. That is, the tradition, memories of the ancestral home, already at a later time turned out to be so strong that offerings to the gods to the ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans were sent from Iran and Greece, for which there is material evidence, these are the treasures of Yamal and the Zakamsk treasures.

      White gods of the Indo-Europeans

      The Baltic Slavs had a deity BEL-God, his name was interpreted as kind, good. But the main thing is that he is WHITE. Bel-Bog sometimes became Chernobog, in a rage. And then it becomes clear why. Indrika, in the legends of the North is also called Blue.

      Diomedes wounded Aphrodite at Troy according to the legend set forth by Homer:

      The moisture that flows from the inhabitants of the happy sky:

      For they do not eat brushes, nor do they partake of grapes of wine;

      That is why they are bloodless, and they call them immortals.

      With a loud cry, the goddess threw her son out of her arms;

      Apollo quickly took him into his arms and accepted and rescued him,

      ἰχώρ, οἷός πέρ τε ῥέει μακάρεσσι θεοῖσιν:

      οὐ γὰρ σῖτον ἔδουσ᾽, οὐ πίνουσ᾽ αἴθοπα οἶνον,

      τοὔνεκ᾽ ἀναίμονές εἰσι καὶ ἀθάνατοι καλέονται.

      ἣ δὲ μέγα ἰάχουσα ἀπὸ ἕο κάββαλεν υἱόν:

      καὶ τὸν μὲν μετὰ χερσὶν ἐρύσατο Φοῖβος Ἀπόλλων

      And ICHOR, the transparent blood of the gods, flowed from the WOUND. So it is ichor that flows in the veins of the gods, making them immortal. BUT – the blood is transparent, namely the blood passing through the smallest capillaries gives the skin a pinkish tint. Blue, hesbej or irtiu, was made from a mixture of copper oxide with iron oxide, or from ground precious lapis lazuli or turquoise. Blue and blue – a semblance of the vast heavens and endless waters of the eternal ocean of Nun, symbolized life, rebirth and the blessed floods of the Nile. The feathers of the sacred bird Benu and the flesh of the universal god Amon-Ra were blue. THAT IS THE GODS EXACTLY WHITE IN THE DIRECT, AND NOT THE PORTABLE SENSE OF THE WORD. Sometimes in India, Krishna is portrayed not even with white skin, but with a bluish tinge of face. Here we should remember the legends about the BLUE BLOOD of the Chosen.

      And in a rage the Gods terrified. After all, it is known that when a person is angry, the adrenaline rush and more blood enters the capillaries, that is, the face turns red. And what will happen to the Blue Blood, Ichor???

      RIGHT. WE WILL SEE A BLUE (BLACK) FACE OF DEITY full of rage. Kali’s anger is so terrible that it threatens the existence of the world, therefore a special theme in mythology is the pacification of Kali. Also in mythology, Kali is the protector of the gods and bestowing liberation.

      The presence of heads adorning the deity is also important here. The Sarmatians also have a similar image.

      The Sarmatian goddess rides a lioness, under the body of the lioness is a human head.

      Initially, Achilles, according to Agamestra of Pharsalus, the son of Peleus and Thetis bore the name Pyrrisius (“Ice”). That is, it was also called snow-white.

      There were such sayings associated with the blue blood of aristocrats, apparently based on memories of IKHORA. So the Deities are most similar in the Representation of Indo-Europeans, and indeed the Chinese and Japanese, as Shining (emitting light) and with a WHITE skin color (almost like vampires in a movie).

      And among the Ugric, Volga tribes, the gods are called WHITE. The Mari worshiped many gods known as Yumo, while recognizing the supremacy of the Big White God (Osh Kugu-Yumo).

      BUT – without red eyes, and the lips should be blue, like the nails. This is well described in the book of Solovyov The Dead Princess and the Seven Dreamers)

      Opponents will say, where is the evidence!!! Actually, here is the image of Apollo wrestling with Hercules. The Greeks were dark-skinned, and by no means Negroes, but APOLLO WAS WHITE. Yes, he is depicted on the Vase. Do other peoples have memory? Remained, and even what! everyone’s favorite fairy tales “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, as well as “The Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs” and “Snow Maiden”. There is a legend about this custom in the tale of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and the Snow Maiden. Snow White and the Princess in the fairy tale do not die, but only fall asleep, and even after three days are not subject to decay. That is, there is a memory of the appearance of goddesses who did not die, and had an unnaturally WHITE complexion. And one more thing – these girls were UNNaturally loved by animals, they were not afraid.

      In fairy tales, girls are mentioned with unnaturally white faces, similar in color to ice, that is, really WHITE. Most likely, the matter is in IСHOR, the divine transparent blood (or, hence the legend about BLUE blood of the chosen ones), and then, of course, the skin color due to the capillaries will be whiter than snow (or slightly bluish).

      In English, cold also means cool, and cool means cool, shameless. But – direct translation – cold, cold.

      In Russian legends about Indrik:

      “And the beast Indrik appeared. And the beast Indrik became a father to all beasts, a beast to all beasts. The beast Indrik itself is blue, and his eyes are golden. And maybe even the beast Indrik turns into a mighty blue warrior. His eyes are golden, he glows with a blue radiance of inner light, he holds a stone club in his hands, and he is dressed in stone armor. And so it is huge, higher than the mountains it is underground. The beast Indrik is a giant warrior underground in the underworld in a stone chariot.

      Well, of course, people tried to be like gods, and therefore the custom of whitening of faces appeared.

      “Women in Muscovy have a graceful appearance and a specious beauty of the face, but their natural beauty is spoiled by useless rubbing. They smear their faces so that almost at the distance of a shot СКАЧАТЬ