Russia the formation of the state in the 9th century Veneds and the severjans (northerners), part of the Huns, which became the basis of a new community. Sergey Solovyov
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Читать онлайн книгу Russia the formation of the state in the 9th century Veneds and the severjans (northerners), part of the Huns, which became the basis of a new community - Sergey Solovyov страница 7

СКАЧАТЬ Taylor during archaeological excavations in Troy and Hellas, and similar utensils have been found in Crete and date back to the beginning of the third millennium BC. Bracelets, pins, wands with the image of a volute (double spiral) can also be called iconic. These finds are massive, and open bracelets with volute are one of the signs of these cultures.

      Bronze bracelet from Sintashta

      monuments of Koban culture, State Historical Museum

      The gigantic rise of the Huns

      Huns-Hans, but just real, ethnic Huns. and not members of the union of tribes who adopted the Hunnic culture, was distinguished by extremely high growth. According to the findings of the Tarim mummies belonging to the Andronovo culture, they grew up to 200 cm. The mummies were discovered in 1939. Bergman, and the most impressive finds in China were in the 1980s, where well-preserved remains were found, exhibited in the Urumqi Museum.

      All the legends about the giants of Greece speak of the extremely high growth of these heroes, in Germany the Huns (Huns) are called giants, and the Burgundians, part of the Huns, also had gigantic stature according to the letters of the Romans. Savirs-Seversk-northerners of Novgorod-Seversk Land reached a height of 180 cm.

      The closest to the Andronovites were the representatives of the European Corded Ware culture and the Sintashta culture, as well as modern Indian populations, according to the study by Keyser C. et al. “Ancient DNA provides new insights into the history of south Siberian Kurgan people.”

      The magical power of number seven

      The number seven appears to be significant for these northern tribes. There are numerous depictions of seven-pointed stars. Seven tribes of the union of Slavic tribes are known, the Union of seven Slavic tribes (Greek έptά γενεάς – “Seven clans” or “Seven tribes”) is an intertribal union of Slavs in the 7th century on the Balkan Peninsula, which, along with the Bulgars and other Slavs, became the basis of the future states of the First Bulgarian Kingdom and the Bulgarian people. The seven Hungarian tribes are Nyek (Hungarian Nyék), Meguer, Kurt-guarmat, Tarjan, Eno (Yeno) – one of the seven Hungarian tribes, Ker, Kesi. It would seem that there are different tribes, Hephtalites, Hungarians, Slavs. and everywhere the sacred union of the seven tribes. By the way, there is a Septimania region in France, and there were seven kingdoms in Britain – Mercia, Northumbria, East Anglia, Essex, Sussex, Sussex, and Kent. Seven wonders of the World that Hellas spoke about,

      “I have seen your walls, Babylon, on which

      And chariots; I saw Zeus in Olympia,

      The Miracle of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Colossus of Helios

      And the pyramids are the deeds of many and hard works;

      I know Mavsol’s huge tomb. But only saw

      I am Artemis’ palace, which lifted the roof to the clouds,

      Everything else faded before him; outside Olympus

      The sun sees no beauty equal to it anywhere.”

      Hellenic poet, Antipater of Sidon

      Seven wise men of Ancient Greece, and not all were Hellenes by nationality.

      “I call seven wise men – their homeland, name, speech:

      “Measure is the most important thing,” Cleobulus used to say to Linda;

      In Sparta: “Know thyself,” Chilo preached;

      Restraining anger was admonished by Periander, a native of Corinth;

      “Lish in nothing!” – the proverb was Pittac’s Mithilen;

      “Watch the end of life,” repeated Solon of Athens;

      “The worst are in the majority everywhere,” said Biant Priensky;

      “Do not vouch for anyone” – Thales of Miletus word.”

      Unknown ancient poet

      Sometimes the Scythian sage Anarhasis is added to this list.

      Seven Advisors of Alexander the Great by Arrian, this list of the most important dignitaries of Macedonia included Alexander’s friends, and this work is divided into seven books, too – also in imitation of Xenophon. Seven boyars of Russian tsars, because there were seven assessors in the boyar duma, and this figure is present everywhere Seven

      Huns’ hairstyles – a shaved head, and a braid at the back of the head or on the right side of the head

      Even hairstyles, such a seemingly unimportant part of human culture, turned out to be very similar in the zone of distribution of the Andronov Huns’ habitat. This tribe, or parts of it, reached China and India, and in the west to Egypt and Hellas, and left their mark even in such a part of human culture as hairstyles. It is hard to imagine that this was an accident. Obviously, it was the Huns-Hans who brought these hairstyles to this region, to Northern China. The deity GUAN-GUN (or Gun-Gong), carrying, as you can see, the Hunnic horses, is depicted in this way. Gun-gun (Chinese god of water, depicted with the body of a snake, a human face and red hair on his head. In some stories he is described as a man with a snake’s tail instead of legs. Gun-gun is a destroyer god, and in many legends it is he who causes disasters Most of the legends with him end with Gong-gong being killed or sent into exile, usually after being defeated in a battle with another major deity, such as, for example, the fire god Chzhuzhun.

      Bian-fa (Chinese. “Pigtails”) – the traditional male hairstyle of the Manchus and other nomadic peoples of the Great Eurasian steppe It was a pigtail of three strands, which was braided at the back of the head or crown, while the hair was shaved off the forehead and temples.

      The name of the Huns-Hans forever remained in the name of the Indian Gndhara, and the Ganges River. Krishnaites are Vaishnavas, and they wear Urdhva-Pundra on the bridge of their nose, a tamga depicted on the helmets of Urartu and Rus. For men, it is advisable to cut their hair short or shave it off, leaving a bun of hair called shikha on the back of the head. Shikha – a lock of hair on the back of the head, indicating belonging to the brahminical class. According to Vedic culture, when a person undergoes the ceremony of hair cutting (miracle-karana-samskara) and Vedic initiation (upanayana), he should shave his head, leaving only a tuft of hair called sikha. One who has a sikhu can practice different types of yajna. Therefore, according to Indian tradition, all brahmanas, Vaishnavas and others wear shikhs. According to the grhya-sutras, eccentricity should take place at the end of the first year of a child’s life or before the end of the third (Manu-smrti, II.35), but later scriptures have increased this age to seven years. First, the child’s hair is moistened, then the father cuts it while reciting prayers. After a child’s hair is cut, the father often leaves a shikha (śikhā IAST) or miracle (cūḍā). Analog-hair cutting in Hellas with ephebes.

      Bian-fa (Chinese. “Pigtails

      Homer describes it as follows:

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