A Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms or, Synonyms and Words of Opposite Meaning. Fallows Samuel
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      KEY: Coincidence.

      SYN: Chance, fortuity, casualty, concurrence, correspondence, contemporaneousness, commensurateness, harmony, agreement, consent.

      ANT: Design, purpose, adaptation, synchronism, anachronism, disharmony, incommensurateness, discordance, variation, difference.


      KEY: Cold, [See FRIGID].


      KEY: Collate.

      SYN: Adduce, collect, compare, gather, induct, extract, cite.

      ANT: Verify, identify, recognize, authenticate.


      KEY: Collateral.

      SYN: Indirect, related, connected, parallel.

      ANT: Direct, linear, essential, integral.


      KEY: Colleague.

      SYN: Helper, companion, associate, ally, confederate, coadjutor, partner, assistant, adjutant, assessor.

      ANT: co-opponent, corival, counteragent, co-antagonist, competitor, colluctator.


      KEY: Collect.

      SYN: Collate, gather, glean, sum, infer, learn, congregate, assemble, convoke, convene, muster, amass, garner, accumulate.

      ANT: Classify, arrange, distribute, dispose, dispense, divide, sort, deal.


      KEY: Collected.

      SYN: Calm, composed, cool, attentive, self-possessed, firm, placid, serene, unmoved.

      ANT: Excited, distracted, wandering, dazed, scared, bewildered.


      KEY: Collection.

      SYN: Assembly, assemblage, store, gathering, collation.

      ANT: Dispersion, distribution, dispensation, division, arrangement, disposal, classification.


      KEY: Collision.

      SYN: Encounter, conflict, crash, opposition, impact, concussion, clash.

      ANT: Interswerving, interdivergence, shave.


      KEY: Collocate.

      SYN: Place, locate, arrange, classify, tabulate, allocate.

      ANT: Move, dislocate, distribute, dispense, disturb, disperse, confound, confuse, displace, misplace.


      KEY: Collocation, [See COLLOCATE].


      KEY: Colloquy.

      SYN: Conference, consultation, conversation, council, confabulation.

      ANT: Clamor, outcry, tumult, babel.


      KEY: Colluctation.

      SYN: Wrestling, contention, competition.

      ANT: Coadjutorship, assistance, support, backing.


      KEY: Collusion.

      SYN: Connivance, accompliceship, confederacy.

      ANT: Baffling, frustration, counteraction, defeat, discomfiture, discernment, betrayal, exposure, informership, traitorship.


      KEY: Color.

      SYN: Hue, tint, complexion, pretense, speciousness, tinge, garbling, falsification, distortion, perversion, varnish.

      ANT: Achromatism, paleness, nakedness, openness, genuineness, transparency, truthfulness.


      KEY: Colorable.

      SYN: Specious, ostensible, deceptive, dressed, tinged, warped.

      ANT: Genuine, candid, open, naked, transparent.


      KEY: Colossal, [See GIGANTIC].


      KEY: Combat \v.\, [See RESIST].


      KEY: Combat \n.\.

      SYN: Encounter, conflict, contention, struggle, contest, engagement, arms, battle.

      ANT: Surrender, submission, mediation, reconciliation, truce, arbitration.


      KEY: Combination.

      SYN: Union, association, consortment, concert, confederacy, alliance, league, coalition, cabal, synthesis, co-operation.

      ANT: Division, disunion, disruption, dissolution, dispersion, analysis, opposition, resistance, non-location, removal,.


      KEY: Comely.

      SYN: Seemly, graceful, elegant, shapely, suitable, fitting, handsome, decent, becoming.

      ANT: Unseemly, ungraceful, inelegant, unshapely.


      KEY: Comfortable.

      SYN: Snug, satisfied, pleasant, agreeable, cozy, commodious, convenient, consoled.

      ANT: Uncomfortable, dissatisfied, troubled, miserable, wretched, cheerless, unhappy, disagreeable, forlorn.


      KEY: Comfortless, [See COMFORTABLE].


      KEY: Comic, [See LUDICROUS].


      KEY: Comity.

      SYN: Urbanity, pleasantness, affability, blandness.

      ANT: Rudeness, {[d'-tantness]?}, roughness, churlishness.


      KEY: Command \r.\.

      SYN: Order, direct, instruct, СКАЧАТЬ