A Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms or, Synonyms and Words of Opposite Meaning. Fallows Samuel
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СКАЧАТЬ Befoul, contaminate, pollute, clog, encumber, embarrass, involve, implicate.


      KEY: Clear \adj.\.

      SYN: Open, pure, bright, transparent, free, disencumbered, disentangled, disengaged, absolved, acquitted, serene, unclouded, evident, apparent, distinct, manifest, conspicuous, unobstructed, plain, obvious, intelligible, lucid.

      ANT: Thick, muddy, foul, opaque, encumbered, entangled, condemned, convicted, turbid, dubious, indistinct, unintelligible.


      KEY: Clearly.

      SYN: Plainly, obviously, distinctly, evidently, palpably, lucidly, explicitly, perspicuously.

      ANT: Opaquely, indistinctly, Imperfectly, confusedly.


      KEY: Cleave.

      SYN: Sunder, split, divide, adhere, rend, di?sever, stick.

      ANT: Conserve, unite, splice, bond, cement, agglutinate, consolidate, separate, depart, desert, apostatize, secede.


      KEY: Clemency, [See MERCY].


      KEY: Clergyman.

      SYN: Pastor, divine, parson, preacher, presbyter, minister, elder, deacon, bishop, dominie, rector, prelate, priest, monk, friar, vicar, curate.

      ANT: Layman, laic, congregation, laity, flock.


      KEY: Clever.

      SYN: Able, ready, talented, quick, ingenious, dexterous, adroit, expert, gifted, quick-witted, skillful, well-contrived.

      ANT: Weak, dull, stupid, slow, illcontrived, doltish, uninventive, awkward, clumsy, bungling, botched.


      KEY: Climate.

      SYN: Air, atmosphere, temperature, weather, clime, sky, region, sphere, latitude.

      ANT: Earth, globe, world, sphere.


      KEY: Climax.

      SYN: Summit, height, consummation, acme, point, head, mered, ian, culmination, zenith.

      ANT: Base, floor, bathos, anticlimax, depth, gulf, nadir.


      KEY: Climb.

      SYN: Ascend, mount, clamber, swarm, surmount, scale, escalade, soar, creep_up, rise.

      ANT: Descend, drop, fall, slip, tumble, swoop.


      KEY: Cling.

      SYN: Fasten, hold, adhere, embrace, stick, cleave, hang, twine, hug.

      ANT: Drop, recede, secede, apostatize, abandon, relax, forego, swerve, surrender.


      KEY: Clip.

      SYN: Curtail, prune, contract, abridge.

      ANT: Elongate, cherish, grow, nourish.


      KEY: Cloak.

      SYN: Conceal, disguise, mask, veil, hide, cover, palliate, screen, mitigate, extenuate.

      ANT: Exhibit, propound, promulge, portray, aggravate, expose, demonstrate, reveal.


      KEY: Close_\adj.\.

      SYN: Narrow, limited, restricted, condensed, packed, secret, compressed, solid, firm, compact, reserved, niggardly, shut, fast, dense.

      ANT: Wide, open, ample, spacious, airy, unconfined, dispersed, rarefied, subtle, vaporous, patent, public, advertised, open-handed, liberal, frank.


      KEY: Close \v.\.

      SYN: Shut, conclude, stop, complete.

      ANT: Open, initiate, conduct, protract.


      KEY: Clothe, {[f]?}.

      SYN: Invest, robe, drape, dress, array, attire, cover.

      ANT: Denude, strip, divest.


      KEY: Clothes, [See HABILIMENTS].


      KEY: Cloudy, [See MUGGY_and_OBSCURE].


      KEY: Clownish.

      SYN: Bustic, boorish, bucolic, Boeotian, awkward, clumsy, cloddish, untutored, rude.

      ANT: Polite, civil, urbane, affable, graceful, polished, refined, courtly, high-bred, intelligent, educated.


      KEY: Clumsy.

      SYN: Awkward, inexpert, uncouth, maladroit, botching, bungling, unskillful, unwieldly, unhandy, ill-shaped.

      ANT: Neat, workmanlike, artistic, handy, skillful, clever, expert, adroit, dexterous.


      KEY: Cluster.

      SYN: Bunch, group, gathering, muster, throng.

      ANT: Scattering, sprinkling, {[dietorsion]?}.


      KEY: Clutch \r.\.

      SYN: Grasp, grab, seize, catch, grip, grapple_with, snatch, pounce.

      ANT: Liberate, release, emancipate.


      KEY: Coagulate.

      SYN: Mix, blend, fuse, coalesce, amalgamate, condense.

      ANT: Rarefy, expand, dissipate, subtilize, discombine.


      KEY: Coadjutor.

      SYN: Assistant, ally, cooperator, accessory, accomplice.

      ANT: Opponent, counteractor, antagonist, baffler, adversary.


      KEY: Coalesce.