A Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms or, Synonyms and Words of Opposite Meaning. Fallows Samuel
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СКАЧАТЬ affiliation.

      ANT: Zephyr, gentle_breeze, neutralization.


      KEY: Blatant.

      SYN: Noisy, bellowing, vociferous, clamorous, braying.

      ANT: Quiet, low-toned, gentle.


      KEY: Blaze, [See BLAST].


      KEY: Blazon.

      SYN: Notify, signalize, publicate, adventure, circulate, propagate, disseminate.

      ANT: Cover, conceal, hide, suppress, hush, palliate, shroud, bury.


      KEY: Bleach.

      SYN: Whiten, blanch.

      ANT: Darken, blacken, soil, [See BLANCH].


      KEY: Bleak.

      SYN: Blank, bare, open, cold, exposed, stormy, nipping.

      ANT: Warm, sheltered, verdant, luxuriant, zephyrous, balmy, halcyonic.


      KEY: Blemish.

      SYN: Spot, blur, blot, flaw, speck, fault, imperfection, stain, daub, tarnish, defacement, discoloration, disfigurement, disgrace, dishonor, defect.

      ANT: Purity, unsulliedness, honor, intactness.


      KEY: Blench.

      SYN: Start, shy, shudder, recoil, shrink.

      ANT: Encounter, dare, venture, face, stand.


      KEY: Blend.

      SYN: Mix, harmonize, unite, combine, fuse, merge, amalgamate, mingle, commingle, coalesce.

      ANT: Run, separate, divide, dissociate, confound.


      KEY: Bless.

      SYN: Felicitate, endow, enrich, gladden, rejoice, cheer, thank.

      ANT: Deprive, sadden, impoverish, ignore, curse, anathematize.


      KEY: Blessedness, [See JOY].


      KEY: Blessing.

      SYN: Felicitation, benediction, endowment, donation, gift, gratitude, thankfulness, thanks, benefit.

      ANT: Impoverishment, deprivation, bereavement, malediction, thanklessness, obliviousness, catastrophe, disaster, calamity, detriment, curse, damn.


      KEY: Blight, [See BLAST].


      KEY: Blind.

      SYN: Sightless, unseeing, eyeless, depraved, undiscerning, ignorant, prejudiced, uninformed, unconscious, unaware.

      ANT: Farsighted, penetrating, sensitive, keen, discriminating, clearsighted, pure-minded, aware, conscious.


      KEY: Blink.

      SYN: Wink, ignore, connive, overlook.

      ANT: Notice, visit, note, mark.


      KEY: Bliss.

      SYN: Blessedness, joy, ecstasy, rapture.

      ANT: Condemnation, accursedness, suffering, misery, woe.


      KEY: Blithe.

      SYN: Light, merry, joyous, happy, bright, elastic, gladsome, bonny, vivacious, lively, cheerful, blithesome, gay.

      ANT: Heavy, dull, dejected, sullen.


      KEY: Block.

      SYN: Stop, arrest, fill, obstruct.

      ANT: Free, liberate, open, pave.


      KEY: Blockhead.

      SYN: Dolt, dunderhead, jolterhead, dunce, ninny, numskull, dullard, simpleton, booby, loggerhead, ignoramus.

      ANT: Sage, adept, luminary, schoolman, philosopher, savant.


      KEY: Bloodshed.

      SYN: Slaughter, massacre, carnage, butchery.


      KEY: Bloodthirsty.

      SYN: Gory, bloody, murderous, inhuman, cruel, ruthless, savage.

      ANT: Humane, kind, merciful.


      KEY: Bloom.

      SYN: Blossom, bud, flower, sprout, germinate, beauty, freshness, delicacy.

      ANT: Decay, decadence, coarseness, blight, blast, harshness, roughness, toughness, superannuation, cadaverousness, ghastliness.


      KEY: Blooming.

      SYN: Flourishing, fair, flowering, blossoming, young, beautiful.

      ANT: Fading, waning, blighted, old, blasted, paralyzed, superannuated, unsightly, deformed.


      KEY: Blot_\v.\.

      SYN: Obscure, tarnish, spoil, sully, spot, discolor, pollute, obliterate, erase, blur, stain, blotch, smear, smutch.

      ANT: Elucidate, clear, absterge, perpetuate, cleanse, manifest, conserve.


      KEY: Blot_out.

      SYN: Erase, efface, cancel, expunge, wipe_out, obliterate, destroy.

      ANT: Restore, replace.


      KEY: Blotch, [See BLOT].


      KEY: Blow.