A Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms or, Synonyms and Words of Opposite Meaning. Fallows Samuel
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СКАЧАТЬ Puff, blast, breath, stroke, infliction, wound, disappointment, affliction, knock, shock, calamity, misfortune.

      ANT: Assuagement, consolation, relief, comfort, blessing, sparing.


      KEY: Bluff.

      SYN: Bare, open, bold, abrupt, frank, plain-spoken, blunt, surly, rude, blustering, swaggering, brusque, hectoring, coarse, discourteous, rough, bullying.

      ANT: Undulating, inclined, inabrupt, courteous, polished, reserved.


      KEY: Blunder.

      SYN: Error, mistake, misunderstanding, fault, oversight, inaccuracy, delusion, slip.

      ANT: Accuracy, truthfulness, exactness, correctness, faultlessness, ratification, atonement, foresight, prevention, hit, success, achievement, correction.


      KEY: Blunt \a.\.

      SYN: Dull, obtuse, pointless, edgeless, insensitive, bluff, coarse, impolite, plain-mannered, uncivil, rude.

      ANT: Sharp, keen, pointed, acute, aculeated, sensitive, polished, bland, eloquent, courteous, reserved.


      KEY: Blunt, {[i']?}.

      SYN: To_subdue, repress, tranquilize, discourage, ossify, numb, harden.

      ANT: Quicken, sharpen, instigate, suscitate, stimulate, animate, excite, vitalize.


      KEY: Blur, {[See ~]?}.


      KEY: {[Jtluxli]?}.

      SYN: Bloom, color, carnation, complexion, aspect, shame, confusion, guiltiness, self-reproach.

      ANT: Innocence, purity, guiltlessness, unconsciousness, boldness, effrontery.


      KEY: Bluster.

      SYN: Storm, rage, puff, insult, blow, swagger, fume, brag.

      ANT: [See BRAG].


      KEY: Blustering, [See BLUFF].


      KEY: See_BOI_{[SJ\r\]?}.

      SYN: Vaunt, brag, swagger, swell, bluster, vapor, triumph, glory.

      ANT: [See BRAG].


      KEY: Boasting, [See OSTENTATION].


      KEY: Bode.

      SYN: Foretell, betoken, foreshadow, presage, predict, prophesy, promise, forebode, herald, announce, prognosticate, portend, augur.

      ANT: Relate, record, narrate, remember.


      KEY: Bodily.

      SYN: Collectively, wholly, summarily, unitedly, compactedly, together, corporeal, fleshy, material, physical.

      ANT: Piecemeal, partially, ghostly, fragmentarily, gradually, spiritual.


      KEY: Body.

      SYN: Substance, mass, whole, substantiality, collectiveness, assemblage, collection, matter, association, organization.

      ANT: Spirit, soul, individual.


      KEY: Boggle.

      SYN: Halt, hesitate, dubitate, falter, blunder, blotch, botch, spoil, mar.

      ANT: Encounter, face, advance, refine, clear, work, perfect, complete, beautify.


      KEY: Boll.

      SYN: bubble, effervesce, rage, explode, fume.

      ANT: Calm, subside, recover, cool.


      KEY: Boisterous.

      SYN: Loud, violent, unrestrained, tempestuous, stormy, uncontrolled, intemperate.

      ANT: Peaceful, calm, serene, selfpossessed.


      KEY: Bold.

      SYN: Courageous, fearless, adventurous, brave, self-confident, forward, intrepid, dauntless, valiant, daring, [See {[aiv-laric in-}?], lion-hearted, doughty.

      ANT: Timid, fearful, inadventurous, shy, bashful, retiring.


      KEY: Bolster.

      SYN: Support, prop, help, {[id]?}, sustain, subsidize, patch, tinker, buoy.

      ANT: Depress, dispirit, relax.


      KEY: Bombast.

      SYN: Rhodomontade, braggadocio, gasconade, bluster, inflatedness, pomposity, exaggerativeness, fustian.

      ANT: Truthfulness, moderation, refrain, veracity, modesty, temperateness, humility.


      KEY: Bombastic, [See OSTENTATION].


      KEY: Bond.

      SYN: Tie, fastening, chain, association, manacle, fetter, compact, obligation, security.

      ANT: Freedom, option, discretion, honor, parole.


      KEY: Bondage.

      SYN: Servitude, confinement, imprisonment, incarceration, subjection, serfdom, thraldom, captivity, slavery.

      ANT: Freedom, liberty, independence, manumission, liberation.


      KEY: Bondsman.

      SYN: Slave, serf, prisoner, captive, vassal.

      ANT: Freeman, yeoman, gentleman, lord, master.


      KEY: Bonny.

      SYN: Fair, pretty, pleasant, lively, cheerful, shapely, buxom.