Leg over Leg. Ahmad Faris al-Shidyaq
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Название: Leg over Leg

Автор: Ahmad Faris al-Shidyaq

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Историческая литература

Серия: Library of Arabic Literature

isbn: 9781479838417


СКАЧАТЬ “capaciousness of the mouth” or qarah, “qarah [jaundice] is to the body what qalaḥ [yellowing] is to the teeth” or qamah, “lack of appetite for food; synonym qaham” or marah, “festering of the eye as a result of failing to apply collyrium” or balah, “lack of native wit” or talah, “confusion, or walah,” which means “losing one’s mind as a result of sorrow” or dalah, “losing one’s mind as a result of worry and so forth” or bazāʾ, “a bending of the back at the buttocks, or projection of the middle of the back over the anus” or jaḥw, “capaciousness and flaccidity of the skin”


والجَلا دون الصلع *
والجَوَى دآ فى الصدر *
والحَصاة اشتداد البول فى المثانة حتى يصير كالحصاة *
والحَقْوة وجع فى البطن من اكل اللحم *
والخَذَى استرخآ الاذن وانكسارها *
والرَثْية وجع المفاصل واليدين والرجلين او ورم فى القوائم او منعك الالتفات من كبر او وجع *
والشرَى بثور صغار حمر حكاكة *
والشَغا اختلاف نبتة الاسنان بالطول والقصر والدخول والخروج *
والضَوَى دقة الجسم وقلة خلقة او الهزال *
والطَنَى طنى لزق طحاله ورئته بالاضلاع من الجانب الايسر *
or jalā, “[a form of hair loss] short of baldness”
or jawā, “a disease of the chest”
or ḥaṣāh, “hardening of the urine in the bladder until it turns into something like stones”
or ḥaqwah, “pain in the belly from eating meat”
or khadhā, “flaccidity and floppiness of the ear”
or rathyah, “a pain of the joints, hands, and feet, or a swelling in the legs, or one’s not being able to turn as a result of old age or pain”
or sharā, “small red itchy pimples”
or shaghā, “variation in the manner of growth of the teeth, some being long, some short, some pointing in, some pointing out”
or ḍawā, “meagerness of the body, or paucity of the body, either as an inborn trait or as a result of emaciation”
or ṭanā, “[the verb] ṭanā means ‘his spleen and his lungs stuck to his ribs on the left side’”


والفَغا ميل فى الفم *
والقَعا هو ان تشرف الارنبة ثم تقعى نحو القصبة *
والقَطَى دآ فى العجز *
واللَقْوة دآ فى الوجه *
واللَوَى وجع فى المعدة واعوجاج فى الظهر *

      وغير ذلك من العيوب كانْ يكون الانسان قشعوما او مقرقما او زُعْبلا او سَقَعْطَرَى او نُغاشيا١ او اِزْبا او دميما * ومن الادوآ التى لم يُعَرف لها بعدُ اسم * ومحال ان تحيط بها كلها حالة كونها غير مستقصاة هذه الثمانية والعشرون حرفا * واصعب ما فيها واضرّ الهُكاع والتشويل * وقد زاد معاصرونا على ذلك الدآء الزَرْنبى مما خلت عنه لغتنا الشريفة *

      ١ كذا في القاموس المحيط وفي ١٨٥٥ «نِغاشيا».

or faghā, “a distortion of the mouth”
or qaʿā, “the projection of the tip of the nose followed by its turning up toward the bridge”
or qaṭā, “a disease of the buttocks”
or laqwah, “a disease of the face”
or lawā, “a pain in the stomach, or a crookedness in the back”

      not to mention other blemishes, such as being a dwarf or a runt, or undernourished, potbellied, and thin-necked, or a beanpole or a midget or squat and fat or short and ugly, or diseases for which no name as yet is known and which it is impossible to enumerate in their entirety since they are too many to be contained within these twenty-eight letters.1 The most trying and harmful of them all are erotomania and erectile dysfunction, to which last our contemporaries have added venereal disease, for which our noble language has no word.2


      واعود فاقول الم يكف بنى ادم ان مدى عمرهم قصير * وهمّهم فيه طويل كثير * وامرهم عسير * لكل منهم من العنآ والجهد СКАЧАТЬ