Название: Leg over Leg
Автор: Ahmad Faris al-Shidyaq
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр: Историческая литература
Серия: Library of Arabic Literature
isbn: 9781479838417
or khawaṣ, | “sinking of the eyes [into the skull]” |
or khayaṣ, | “smallness of one eye [compared to the other]” |
or ramaṣ, | “foul white matter that collects in the inner corner of the eye” |
or shawṣah, | “pain in the belly, or flatulence that affects the ribs, or swelling in the diaphragm” |
or ghamaṣ, | “dripping ramaṣ [q.v.]” |
or qabaṣ, | “a pain that afflicts the liver as a result of eating dates on an empty stomach, or largeness of the crown of the head” |
or qirmāṣ, | “shortness of the cheeks” |
or qafaṣ, | “acidity in the stomach from drinking water after eating dates, or burning in the throat” |
or laḥaṣ, | “abundant wrinkling on the upper side of the eyelid” |
or lakhaṣ, | “fleshiness of the upper eyelid” |
واللَصَص | تقارب المنكبين والاسنان * |
والماصّة | دآء ياخذ الصبى من شعرات على سناسن الفقار الخ * |
والمَعَص | التوآ فى عصب الرجل * |
والمَغَص | معروف * |
والوَقَص | قصر العنق * |
والحَرَض | فساد المعدة والبدن والمذهب والعقل * |
والهَرَض | الحصف يخرج على البدن من الحرّ * |
والخُباط | دآء كالجنون * |
والاَذْوَطيّة | الاذوط الناقص الذقن * |
والاَسَطّية | الاسطّ الطويل الرجلين * |
or laṣaṣ, | “closeness of the shoulders, or the teeth” |
or māṣṣah, | “a disease that affects young boys and consists of hairs on the edges of the vertebrae,” etc. |
or maʿaṣ, | “a twisting in the sinew of the leg” |
or maghaṣ, | “too well-known to require definition” [“stomachache”] |
or waqaṣ, | “shortness of the neck” |
or ḥaraḍ, | “morbidity of the stomach, body, judgment, and mind” |
or haraḍ, | “dry mange that breaks out on the body as the result of hot weather” |
or khubāṭ, | “a disease resembling insanity” |
or adhwaṭiyyah, | “one who is adhwaṭ has a small chin” |
or asaṭṭiyyah, | “one who is asaṭṭ has long legs” |
والسَرَطان | ورم سوداوى يبتدئ مثل اللوزة واصغر فاذا كبر ظهر عليه عروق حمر وخضر شبيه بارجل السرطان لا مطمع فى برئه وانما يعالج لئلا يزداد * |
والضَرَط | خفة اللحية ورقة الحاجب * |
والضَوَط | عوج فى الفم * |
والطَرَط | خفة شعر العينين والحاجبين والاهداب * |
والقَطَط | قصر الشعر وجعودته * |
والمَرَط | خفة الشعر * |
والمَعَط | عدم الشعر * |
والجَحْظ | خروج المقلة او عظمها * |
والبَثَع | ظهور الدم فى الشفتين وانقلاب الشفة عند الضحك * |
والجَلَع | عدم انضمام الشفتين * |
or saraṭān, | “a bilious swelling that starts the size of an almond or smaller; when it grows larger, red or green veins appear on it that resemble the legs of a crab; there is no hope of its being cured and it is treated only to stop it from getting worse” |
or ḍaraṭ, | “sparseness of the beard and thinness of the eyebrow” |
or ḍawaṭ, | “crookedness of the mouth” |
or ṭaraṭ, | “sparseness of the hair of the eyes, the eyebrows, and the eyelashes” |
or qaṭaṭ, |
“shortness and tightness of the hair”