Название: Leg over Leg
Автор: Ahmad Faris al-Shidyaq
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр: Историческая литература
Серия: Library of Arabic Literature
isbn: 9781479838417
Good people, think of those who have passed on to the eternal domains and of how they are now but mortal remains, when there were among them men whose name, during their lives, was uttered with blessings but now is spoken of with blame, men who once were to their people as lamps brightly burning but now are become nothing but smoke and dust swirling, men who would eat till their bellies extended and eyes distended, whose tongues wagged and lips sagged and are now become the food of worms (though certain insects find them noxious). Good people, you whose masses are in a coma while the rest are in a daze, flee self-conceit! Beware the chilly rigors of the grave! Hasten to perform some good work that may bring you closer to your God, and be reconciled before you quit this earthly sod! Would you die your hearts by hatred against your opponent chilled, your mouths with curses against those who disagree with your assertions filled? Has not the Truth instructed you, “Be, O mortals, brothers on this earth, for you are of one father and one mother and all of you shall surely die!”5 Be your faces brown, red, yellow, black, or white, all of you are mortal, your lives all are soon erased, all see, feel, hear, smell, and taste. Why is it that the prepuced among you the unprepuced loathes, the ironlike the squashy hates? Will you not be with each other as mates? Have I not made myself manifest to you in the sun’s rising and setting and the stars’ appearing and disappearing, in the fire’s dying and flaring, in the wind’s dropping and blowing, in the waters’ welling and slowing, in Destiny’s reverses and perversities, its cares and adversities, in the blackness of hair and its whitening, in the aging of the body and its lightening, in the ages and how they follow in procession, in the years and their succession, in the advance of nations and their recession, in the thickets when they blossom and the meadows when they bloom, in the trees when they leaf and fall, in the birds when they twitter and call, in the tongue when it pronounces and the pen when it writes with sweeping flounces? There is, I swear, among the ravening beasts and rapacious birds less enmity and hate, less grudge-bearing and spite, than there is among you.
اذكروا يوم ان صعد خطيبكم المنبر * وعبس وبسر * وتوعد وتنكر * وخطّا وكفّر * وحض على القتال وذمّر * ثم دعا فاستغفر * واستخار الله واستبشر * فاغرتم على جيرانكم * وانتهكتم حرمات اخوانكم * وفرقتم بين الام ورضيعها * والمراة وضجيعها * وبين الاب وولده * وسَبَدَه ولبده * اذكروا يوم ان حشد رئيسكم اليه اعوانه * وهاج اهله واخدانه * على ان يخون سلطانه * واى خيانه * وما ذلك الا لمخالفته له فى الحزر والتقدير * والتاويل والتعبير * والتخريج والتفسير * اذكروا يوم ان اعلمتم انفسكم بعلائم الجهاد * وقلتم هذه حرب الله هذا قتال لرضى رب العباد * هذا يوم كسب الثواب * والنجاة من العذاب * فافيضوا الى العدو من البر والبحر * واغتنموا عند الله اجر هذا البرّ * اذكروا يوم ان تنازعتم على لون طعام تاكلونه * وشكل شراب تشربونه * ورحضة جسم تغسلونه * ونوع فراش تتوسدونه * ورقعة ثوب تلبسونه * ووجه كلام تعفكونه * ومتاع تستعملونه * اَلِلخلاف فى هذه الدنيا فُطرتم * ام بالخصام والمعاداة اُمرتم * ما بال علمآ الرياضة والهندسة والتنجيم لا يختلفون فى ادلّتهم * وان اختلفوا لم يشبّوا النار لتحقيق نحلتهم * وانتم تشبونها عند كل فرصة تسنح لكم * ووهم يسبق اليه فكركم * وكان الاولى ان تتواطاوا على راى واحد كما تواطأ اولئك * وان تسُنّوا١ لعباد الله مصالحهم لا ان تدخلوهم فى هذه الملاحك * وتربكوهم فى هذه المرابك * وان تهدوهم الى اقوم المسالك * لا ان تلبّسوا عليهم فى هذه الحوالك * دعوهم يشتغلوا باسباب معيشتهم * ولا تكلفوهم ادراك ما فوق طاقتكم وطاقتهم * واعملوا انتم ايضا بايديكم ساعتين اذا عملتم بالسنتكم النضناضة ساعة * واجمعوا امركم عند تفرق اهوائكم على الالفة والطاعة * انسيتم ما جآ فى الزبور الذى به تلهجون * وتهذّون وتذبرون * وهو قوله ما احسن الاخوة ان تسكن جميعا فى بيت واحد كالدهن النازل على اللحية لحية هرون *
١ ١٨٥٥: تُسنّوا.
Remember the day your preacher climbed the pulpit with frowns and scowls, issued threats and uttered disavowals, accused your adversaries of error and misbelief, urged you to fight and incited you to defend the right, then prayed and sought God’s clemency, asked His guidance and proclaimed СКАЧАТЬ