Argot and Slang. Albert Barrere
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Название: Argot and Slang

Автор: Albert Barrere

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664634542


СКАЧАТЬ boscot, boscotte, stunted man or woman; hunchback.

      Bosse, f. (familiar), excessive eating and drinking; excess of any kind. Se donner, se flanquer une——, to get a good fill, “a tightener.” Se faire des bosses, to amuse oneself amazingly. Se donner, se flanquer une—— de rire, to split with laughter. Rouler sa——, to go along. Tomber sur la——, to attack, to “pitch into.”

      Bosselard, m. (familiar), silk hat, “tile.”

      Bosser (popular), to laugh; to amuse oneself.

      Bossmar, m. (thieves’), hunchback, “lord.”

      Bossoirs, m. pl. (sailors’), bosoms. Gabarit sans——, thin breasts.

      Botte, f. (popular), de neuf jours, or en gaîté, boot out at the sole. Jours, literally days, chinks. Du jus de——, kicks. (Sailors’) Jus de—— premier brin, rum of the first quality.

      Botter (popular), to suit. Ça me botte, that just suits me, just the thing for me. Botter, to kick one’s breech, or “to toe one’s bum,” “to root,” or “to land a kick.”

      Bottier (popular), one who is fond of kicking.

      Bouant, m. (cads’), pig, or “angel.” From boue, mud.

      Boubane, f. (thieves’), wig, “periwinkle.”

      Boubouar (Breton), ox; cattle in general.

      Boubouerien (Breton), threshing machine.

      Boubouille (popular), bad cookery.

      Bouc, m. (popular), husband whose wife is unfaithful to him, a “cuckold.” Properly he-goat; (familiar) beard on chin, “goatee.”

      Boucan, m., great uproar, “shindy.”

      J’ai ma troupe, je distribue les rôles, j’organise la claque. … J’établis la contre-partie pour les interruptions et le boucan.—Macé.

      (Popular) Donner un—— à quelqu’un, to give a blow or “clout” to one.

      Boucanade, f. (thieves’), bribing or “greasing” a witness. Coquer la——, to bribe. Literally to treat to drink. In Spain wine is inclosed in goatskins, hence the expression.

      Boucaner (popular), to make a great uproar; to stink.

      Boucaneur, m. (popular), one fond of women, who goes “molrowing,” or a “mutton-monger.”

      Boucanière, f. (popular), woman too fond of men.

      Boucard, m. (thieves’), shop, “chovey.”

      Boucardier, m. (thieves’), thief who breaks into shops.

      Bouche-l’œil, m. (prostitutes’), a five, ten, or twenty-franc piece.

      Boucher (thieves’), surgeon, “nimgimmer;” (familiar) —— un trou, to pay part of debt; (popular) —— la lumière, to give a kick in the breech, “to hoof one’s bum,” or “to land a kick.” Lumière, properly touch-hole.

      Bouche-trou, m. The best scholars in all University colleges are allowed to compete at a yearly examination called “grand concours.” The “bouche-trou” is one who acts as a substitute for anyone who for some reason or other finds himself prevented from competing. (Literary) Literary production used as a makeshift; (theatrical) actor whose functions are to act as a substitute in a case of emergency.

      Bouchon, m. (thieves’), purse, “skin,” or “poge;” (popular) a younger brother; bottle of wine with a waxed cork; quality, kind, “kidney.” Etre d’un bon——, to be an amusing, good-humoured fellow, or a “brick.” S’asseoir sur le——, to sit on the bare ground.

      Bouclage, m. (thieves’), handcuffs, or “bracelets;” bonds; imprisonment.

      Bouclé (thieves’), imprisoned, or “slowed.”

      Boucler (thieves’), to shut, “to dub;” to imprison. Bouclez la lourde! shut the door!

      Boucle zoze, m. (thieves’), brown bread.

      Bouder (literally to be sulky) is said of a player who does not call for fresh dominoes when he has the option of doing so; (popular) —— à l’ouvrage, to be lazy; —— au feu, to show fear; —— aux dominos, to be minus several teeth.

      Boudin, m. (thieves’), bolt; stomach.

      Boudiné, m. (familiar), swell, or “masher.” At the time the expression came into use, dandies sported tight or horsey-looking clothes, which imparted to the wearer some vague resemblance with a boudin, or large sausage. For list of synonymous expressions, see Gommeux.

      Boudins, m. pl. (popular), fat fingers and hands.

      Boueux, m. (popular), scavenger.

      Bouffard, m. (popular), smoker.

      Bouffarde, f. (popular), pipe, or “cutty.”

      Bouffarder (popular), to smoke, to “blow a cloud.”

      Bouffardière, f. (popular), an estaminet, that is, a café where smoking is allowed; chimney.

      Bouffe, f. (popular), box on the ear, “buckhorse.”

      Bouffe-la-Balle, m., gormandizer, or “stodger;” man with a fat, puffed-up, dumpling face.

      Bouffer (military), la botte, to be bamboozled by a woman, in what circumstances it is needless to say. (Popular) Bouffer, to eat. Se—— le nez, to fight.

      Bouffeter (popular), to chat.

      Bouffeur, m. (popular), de blanc, prostitute’s bully, “pensioner;” —— de kilomètres, a nickname for the “Chasseurs de Vincennes,” a picked body of rifles who do duty as skirmishers and scouts, and who are СКАЧАТЬ