Diet that works. In every life there comes a moment when one realizes that he went not there. But not everyone has the opportunity to get out on their own.. Sergey Demyanov
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СКАЧАТЬ them under cold water, pressed in deep mess. Condiment “Universal” (in “Magnet” that), stir, Now pour the seasoning “Seasoning to the chicken”. Of the same company. The ratio of spices: “Universal” – little more than Seasoning to the chicken”: the percentage is 60 40.Stir and the lid or without giving porridge to walk 7—10 minutes. stir. Then carefully stir the porridge should smell the aroma of Lavrushka. Stir and take out the Bay leaf. Smell porridge: if the weak aroma, then again, throw and push Bay leaf, pulled, and covered it with a lid leave. After a couple minutes, pull out the Bay leaf. Porridge “sanashi” – ready!..

      Oatmeal oat flakes “Hercules”.

      Cook in the water: not bad then for the figure. VERY nourishes the skin from within. Necessary once a week-at least! It when cooking – there are those elements that will stop the aging process of skin since 10 years!!! Tested! Cook it in a small saucepan 1 liter. I repeat the recipe:

      In a saucepan 1 liter which, pour in the 1 l glass (which is glass, 250 grams) plus it 1 inch from the bottom of water or milk, or half milk with the water at your discretion (you can half the glass at first pour water into it pour the milk. Then 1 cm of water or milk even). Pour sugar:1 teaspoon (or three pieces of lump, if there is one).Rubbing salt: 1/3 teaspoon. When it boils, cover: 2,5 tablespoon – for liquid cereal or soup. For porridge thicker-3 tablespoons. To satisfy the “thirst for taste of cereal and be satisfied enough, without surplus cereal.

      RECIPES cereals. Milk mixed with water.

      If you really want to treat the whole family (or guests).

      In a saucepan 2.5 liters.; a glass of water. 2 cups plus 2/3 Cup of milk.

      2 cups grains: millet, corn, oats, wheat, and Artek.

      1 teaspoon plus 1/3 teaspoon of coarse salt.

      6 teaspoons of sugar.

      The liquid in a saucepan bring to a boil, add salt, sugar, cereals. Remove the foam and no cover (I love it – as you want: you can and under the lid).Boil until ready: 12 minutes total!

      At the end of cooking turn off the heat, cover with a tight lid and let the porridge to stand for at least 5 minutes! The taste – excellent!

      Wheat porridge.

      There are three kinds of Wheat (the largest grinding) Artek (smaller) Barley.

      Very useful. but with it, be careful: very high in calories, water cook. “Artek” is also a species of grinding, as well as barley. Cooked rare: for flavor and eat with sugar.

      Artek and wheat —prepare the same way.


      For a start.

      Wheat milk mixed with water.

      1 Cup of wheat grits.

      3 cups of cold water.

      2 cups milk 2.5% fat.

      1/3 tablespoon of coarse salt.

      1,5 tablespoon of sugar.

      In a saucepan aluminum 2.5 liter pour water and milk and bring to boil. In hot water with milk to pour sugar and salt. In boiling to fill up the rump. To a boil and let the lid of the 12 minute cook until tender.

      In boiling water.

      Artek milk in half with water.

      Take the aluminum pot 2.5 liters.

      Artek – 1, glass. Rinse is not necessary.

      Water – 1 Cup. 1.5 cups milk 2.5% fat.

      1 teaspoon of coarse salt.

      3 teaspoon of sugar.

      In boiling water, salt, sugar, then wheat. To a boil. Then do a small fire. Allow water to boil away almost completely. Once the water has boiled away – pour in the cereal, milk (can be pre-boiled.0 bring to boil and until cooked porridge. taste.

      Classic, wheat on the water.

      In aluminum pot 2.5 liter pour 3 plus 1/3 cups of water. Water on the fire. In hot water, pour 1 or 1.5 teaspoons of coarse salt. Pour 3 teaspoon of sugar. In boiling water cereal and fall asleep under a lid cook on low heat for 17—18 minutes. To give a finished porridge “walk” until tender about 5 minutes.And better 12 minutes.

      Here’s another option where more wheat. Artek cooking as well.

      Water – 4.5 cups.

      Cereals wheat or Artek – 1,5 (thinner) or 2 cups (thicker).

      Coarse salt – 2 plus 2/3 teaspoon.

      Total cooking time – 15 minutes.

      In a saucepan 2.5 liters of water pour. On fire. In hot pour salt. When it boils, place the rump. Peremeshivaem,, remove the foam bring to the boil. how to boil on low heat under a lid for 8 minutes, removing once the foam. You can povoroshit. Using these 8 minutes to mix and another 5 – 6 minutes under the lid. Готово1 Can be eaten immediately, but can wait 5 – 15 minutes. (5 minutes minimum).

      Barley porridge. Recipe.

      The aluminum pan 2.5 liters.

      3.5 cups of water.

      1 teaspoon of coarse salt.

      A 3.5 teaspoons of sugar. And under the lid cook on anologii with the previous cereal on low heat for 10—15 minutes.

      Barley is the charge of thinking and memory.

      Yes, my friend, this product is recommended and practiced by Pythagoras: improves memory and improves skin condition. There is for sure though active even in an idle day, at least once in 10 days. (nutritious too!) I have in the fridge in the pot it is eaten with pleasure warm. That thought appeared because of it!


      In aluminum pan 2.5 liters.; a glass of cold water from the tap. In hot water pour 1 teaspoon plus 2 or 8/10 (the taste) of coarse salt. Rinse in the bowl 1.5 cups pearl barley. In three waters. In boiling water to fill the cereal. During boiling, stir and remove the foam. Reduce the heat to almost small and let it boil for 10 minutes without a lid. Then remove the foam, povoroshit, reduce the heat to the very small, tightly close the lid and the pot for another 20 minutes under the lid. These 20 minutes will pass, carefully povoroshit, cover tightly, and for another 10 minutes. How will these 10 minutes, carefully povoroshit mess and closing the lid to cover the pot with a towel and let about 25 minutes well stewed until tender. I don’t cover with a towel and not immediately eat, I organize cool taste.

      Millet – porridge harmony.

      Only on the water – the harmony – in full! Goodies? Yes, sugar is sprinkled with hot – taste 100% like the breast. When I miss the “taste of dairy millet – cook in the day (active day) – half with water. And eat with СКАЧАТЬ