Diet that works. In every life there comes a moment when one realizes that he went not there. But not everyone has the opportunity to get out on their own.. Sergey Demyanov
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СКАЧАТЬ peas. Mix thoroughly until boiling, removing neatly on top of the foam. When boiling, reduce the heat to low, stir, cover with the lid ajar. Cook under a lid ajar, stirring periodically coming up and. Cook for 25 minutes. 15 minutes before readiness to quit 2 pinches of black pepper immediately stirring in a circular motion so that the pepper is evenly dispersed into the soup. And under the slightly opened cover cook for another 15 minutes. Cut fresh dill, fresh herbs, onion: a lot. Onion cut into half rings. When the total cooking time of soup came out to throw into the pot of greens, sliced onions, cover tightly and leave for 5 minutes. MM ready! The taste – excellent! “Taste of life”! Don’t forget: if you have in the fridge cooked chicken breast IN a BOWL of soup to break off pieces. In a saucepan, don’t ever leave, otherwise the soup go bad. So, delicious and healthy without harm to the figures of the soup.

      Here’s one of my soup: split pea with chicken liver.

      My aluminum pan 2.5 liters to pour cold water from the tap: 1.5 litres. plus or minus how it goes.. Put on the fire. Rinse with a normal yellow ground (remove) peas: 2/3 Cup. (and there is optional and to taste: I like it when the peas a bit: tastier, and less eat it. and that means less unnecessary sugars!). Wash it in cold water under the faucet three times. In a saucepan pour the salt, approximately ¼ teaspoon of coarse salt. To have been a little salty in taste. When it boils, add peas, stir. Remove the foam, bring to a boil. How good is boiling reduce the heat to very low and cover. Under the lid cook for 10 minutes. Take the CHILLED (not frozen and thawed) chicken liver: I have 200 grams. This is about the fourth part of the total vacuum 800 gram packages. To flush the liver. How will the first 10 minutes of the boil the peas, throw the liver, increase the heat and bring to a boil. As steadily boils, reduce the heat to the very small, cover with lid and cook under cover for 20 (I have time) – 30 minutes. (prasarita work).Yes! And 5 minutes before it is ready don’t forget to throw rinsed under cold water 1 medium size Bay leaf and cover. Now, about the greens, if fresh, throw it like soup it’s ready. If, however, dried for 2 minutes until tender. Ready soup? Off and immediately eat: ground black pepper-don’t forget to salt the broth to make it TASTIER: the flavor! MM,“taste of life”!

      Here’s the soup:

      Soup chicken breast with cauliflower.

      Take aluminum pan on 3 liters. Pour water on two-three fingers from the edge of the pan. Rinse cleansed from fatty lumps of skins of the chicken breast. In a pot of water. Coarse salt – half or two-thirds of a tablespoon. 900 grams or two pounds of cauliflower. (yellow-white color that is). 2 large onions onions. 2 large grated carrots. Fresh herbs.

      Cook the chicken breast, periodically removing the foam. Cook for 40 minutes, under a lid ajar over low heat. Not doing great: the broth will become cloudy. And to us he’s needed. In General, when cooking the breast – without the need of the broth, then fire a bit faster cooked. And when you need broth, fire – do less. At the end of cooking as the brisket is cooked, toss in pan disassembled into florets cauliflower and let boil to her for 5 minutes – 8 is soft – take out the cabbage.. Throw finely sliced onions and let boil 4 minutes. Then grated on a grater (large or small – on your choice and your taste). And bring to the boil and boil for 1 – 2 minutes under ajar lid. Now to throw crushed (in a plastic tray, which was chopping onions – a direct bottom of a glass jar —crushed peas) black pepper..cover. From there. DELICIOUS! Plus sprinkle in a bowl of soup and chicken breast fresh greens.

      Here’s another you can cook for a variety of low-calorie and delicious soup – cream of broccoli with chicken breast. Or chicken fillet.

      400 grams broccoli. 300 grams raw chicken breast. 1 bulb of onion. Salt and pepper to taste. Take the aluminum pan 2.5 liters.. Pour 1.5 liters of cold water from the tap. In 1.5 liters of water, boil chicken breast broth: 30—40 minutes on low heat under the lid ajar. Finely chop the onion. For 5 to 10 minutes (as you prefer) until cooked chicken breast, throw the broccoli, add the fire and bring to a boil, throw the sliced onions and cook until soft broccoli without cover..As the breast cooked, get it and separate the meat from the bones. Throw the meat into the saucepan. Take immersion blender and carefully grind, mix with a spoon until uniform consistency. The soup-delicious! don’t forget to season with pepper, salt if needed..

      25.07.2016. Not bad: for almost 38 years!

      Chapter seven

      Interchangeability of products: what and how ergativity

      Well, again, diabetes does not sleep: woke up at 03.40. Wakes like in that movie: “AUTOMATICALLY”! (it is interesting, in the movie “alien”: the first movie. There whole team at some point and for some purpose “prints” the dream computer) so I have: a disorder, a failure: the body feels “night fall,” the blood sugar to the minimum and the critical limits. Here in a sweat and Wake up every time with in a weakened state… Sugar falling over the night: who is interested And already in the shower, in the darkness of the room, at a distance of “arm’s length” reached for the jar of sugar on the table and a couple of “approaches” – threw the sugar, washed down immediately brewed the night tea: water grocery remained black sweet and the other savory green. They – and washed down the sugar from the jar. It’s “fall” already know: feelings. They tick almost every night fall, but especially in the days after the day when engaged in physical exercises (loading and injection of insulin in the body).And when you work a day: in the vest – 12—14 hours – not removing! (under it because the machine and it still is 3700 kg. Plus a pouch of three ammunition cartridges, in General, the weight of th 63 to pound me. Eating a day – one pack of bran “rye”: 270 two:540 calories in prikusku with sugar, at somewhere else let well 20 calories. That’s all! Used: ate: “diet slim” gets in “life diet”. Back after the vest is sick… Well, nothing will break! Well, now we have to wait five minutes, just lying down. Here, you feel relief. Now the dream has rasmala, get started on the book. Also: “the purpose” for which, probably, too: the awakened.

      Here we are dear friend and got to the core: the replacement of one products others. One method of cooking to others. Lies four kinds of cereal: one can eat and gain weight. on the other. – to gain weight and grow wiser. With third polneya is to get a range of flavors, wholesome nourishment of the skin from the inside Another to strengthen it even and blood vessels only with benefits for the ENTIRE body. One cereal can get fat. On the other to lose weight. If it is REASONABLE —to go from the start!.Rule to cereals to cooking always on the water! And it’s only for the taste – with milk: mixed with water: taste the same. For harmony – harmless! Use – in full!

      So let’s start. In the beginning – seems absurd: calorie cereals —does not harm the harmony! It is, BUT: it depends on how you cook! And so in order. A bowl of cereal – terms of use and nutritional value – is certainly needed. But! then the principle of MINIMUM to maximum: a minimum of calories, and about fat in General: keep quiet!) maximum benefit. So watch porridge: NO BUTTER AND SAUCES based on sour cream and flour with starch!

      Semolina. Zapresheno diabetics.

      Didn’t eat all these 10 years, honestly. Even the calories I do not remember. Reveal the main feature of the body – new for you. There are products-“high glycemic index”: СКАЧАТЬ