Diet that works. In every life there comes a moment when one realizes that he went not there. But not everyone has the opportunity to get out on their own.. Sergey Demyanov
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СКАЧАТЬ pot of 2.5 liters which. It pour 4 cups of cold water from the tap. It salt: 2 teaspoons plus 2/3 teaspoon of coarse salt. Bring to a boil. 2 cups millet (millet) rinse in cold water three times. As the water in the saucepan is boiling, place the washed grits. Bring to the boil, removing the foam. How is boiling, reduce the heat to very small and, povorotov, close the lid and let it boil for 8 minutes.Then povoroshit and closing the lid and boil for 5—6 minutes. (see under the lid of the pan after 4 minutes to make porridge is not burnt.) As ready (the taste) is to turn off the gas, cover and let stand for at least 5 minutes. Eat hot, sprinkled with sugar. (it will taste like milk).

      Recipe 2.

      Water – 4.5 cups.

      Cereals wheat or Artek – 1,5 (thinner) or 2 cups (thicker).

      Coarse salt – 2 plus 2/3 teaspoon.

      Total cooking time – 15 minutes.

      In a saucepan 2.5 liters of water pour. On fire. In hot pour salt. Rinse the millet in cold water under the tap three or four times. When it boils, place the rump. Peremeshivaem,, remove the foam bring to the boil. how to boil on low heat under a lid for 8 minutes, removing once the foam. You can povoroshit. Using these 8 minutes to mix and another 5 – 6 minutes under the lid. Готово1 Can be eaten immediately, but can wait 5 – 15 minutes. (5 minutes minimum).

      Let me remind you! PORRIDGE: NO BUTTER AND SAUCES based on sour cream and flour with starch!

      Now there’s a new cereal: QUINOA. A sprouting country: Mexico. Non-GMO product? To be honest, I have not tried. Everyone wants to try. To cook. This grain has a LOW (for a diabetic me!) not increases the appetite helps to lose weight! In 100 grams —contains three daily allowance of protein!. Grits is white (to garnish), red (salad) and black (the sweetest). We have stores for sale mixture of these grains.

      Recipe for QUINOA porridge. On the water.

      1.5 cups of water.

      1 Cup quinoa.

      Coarse salt – probably as in millet: kA you want to taste.

      In a saucepan 2.5 liters to pour cold water. In hot water pour salt. Bring to a boil. Quinoa, rinsed under cold water (just before the start of the cooking process. Pour in boiling a pot of grits, bring to boil and skim. Close the pan with a lid and let it boil until complete swelling. as millet or Artek. Ready porridge to stand for 5 minutes

      Now for the peas.

      There are a lot of carbohydrates. I do not recommend to eat it unnecessarily (well, when too much want exactly peas: because of the taste. It is like rice: easily digested, and calories – a lot. Here is my recipe unusual peas: the exotic, the “analog” mashed potatoes that WELL, CERTAINLY not friendly with harmony! Doesn’t taste as good (I like) and you can safely eat – within reason of course, mindful of the caloric content of peas! Leave like mine: TWO versions of the recipe for pea puree. 2 recipe “soup” peas: the taste of the soup (with Bay leaf). And the recipe is “soup” flavored with herbs (similar to “sanashi”). And the recipe of peas “exotic”: for Germanico! If you wish to vary: by adding fresh dill, parsley and green onions!.

      Bolder: no limitations!

      RECIPE 1. Puree and if “soup”.

      Take the same aluminum pan 2.5 liters. Pour into a saucepan 4 cups of water. Put on the fire until boiling. Take 2 cups of regular yellow split peas (halves). Rinse in three waters. In hot water in a saucepan to throw 9/10 (almost full) tablespoon of coarse salt. Plus in another saucepan put 2 teaspoons of sugar (as you can get: a spoon with a slide). In boiling water throw the washed peas, remove the foam. On low heat under closed lid cook for 30 minutes – this is for soup peas (leaving the Bay leaf after 25 minutes of boiling, it is 5 minutes until tender.). If the puree: boil for 40 minutes, then draining at the end of the unnecessary excess fluid. Take immersion blender in the pot very little, let it remain fluid. It is better to add while beating-you want density! Whisk the topping while whipping (see the density at the churning of the pea) or at the end of the whipping in the finished puree to the drained liquid And you can not merging is still present in the pot of water, another 5 minutes to boil: peas then and no blender to turn into a puree. Eat well – fresh and hot from the stove. And главное6если gustavito happened – nothing terrible – better than thinner. Just take merged with the pan fluid, pea broth, and live on top pour the sauce in the plate. Razmeshivaya – AS YOU please. Will be thinner and tastier! If podostyl too: the fields of this warm liquid-broth.

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