Diet that works. In every life there comes a moment when one realizes that he went not there. But not everyone has the opportunity to get out on their own.. Sergey Demyanov
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СКАЧАТЬ pojedine muscle mass

      Here, come, all Affairs altered. Came at 16.00.There is still away hunting. But while I write here-hunger increases. all going to do! And sing then. now about the main thing. No fucking way it is impossible to prevent the feeling of hunger is strong. Hunger – enables the body to extract energy from bodies: that is, of the muscle mass, relief that we did some exercises and the appropriate “tools”. To prevent “pojedine” muscles not urgently so throws protein foods: here is the cottage cheese or chicken breast a little bit. Or canned peas of brain grades. But I’m going to do and wasting energy. And that means to Deplete an empty body, which will start eating muscle tissue! (and he, poor thing – left to do?!),.And when So, in this case, throws him to “help” cheese: a little sugar and he is not “chewing” muscles! All are doing! During class: at the end, in the “resting period” – a rise of more cheese – in front of the property press! After school —let’s eat cheese, drink immediately of cold water and iced tea from a glass in the fridge. Went for dry wine: dry red and dry white. Critics will say: no, not an alcoholic. And stick to harmony:50—100 grams —a GLASS of WINE and NO MORE dry red and a slimmer waist! This is the result of research! So. and I checked: it works! And for the soul too: a nice and calm! And after class, he deserves to relax.

      25.07.2016. not bad: for almost 38 years!


      I would…

          I would drink a little dry

      at sundown of the past day, under tales of the toast are simple, in an environment where there are friends. They are lost, that can not be undone. What will not be, – has escaped. So as said in the answer, whom to ask. And Affairs – words continued. Among the worthy – will not be easy…

      Let live, and God be their judge!

      I need red to drink dry…

      for the soul and peace of mind for. Not to regret that it did not. To return that is lost in vain. Would know earlier about it and did not know

      to remain silent about what is impossible. Surrounded by thick fog, again: the sunrise and the dawn…

      I would drink a little dry, for the soul and peace of mind for.

      Chapter six

      And what about the first?

      Broth —contains enemy salt delays liquid in the organism at the waist, But the broth needed for our body. Twice a week – need to eat. No potatoes and dressing on the vegetable (though mustard:900 (!!!) calories —just a hundred grams) of oil.

      In the beginning – let’s just not eat pork in any form!!! Boil low-fat (one meat, without accompanying fat) beef and eat at least a slice of rye bread, sprinkling the meat ground black pepper, spreading tomato paste. Eat in prikusku with aging: meat ages! Pork and beef! Maybe it will stop you it is pork and beef…

      First, cook the beef and eat. 0тварную with or without broth and gradually reducing the volume and gradual change: INSTEAD of pork. Then first substituting chicken – drumstick – without skin and gradually moving on to chicken breast and chicken completely and gradually.

      When there were forces and desire to switch over to chicken, I suggest to do like me: twice a week, use broth when I cook chicken breast in boiling water in a pan (usually three liters ALUMINUM pot) of Salt in minimum: that a chicken breast was salty enough, but not much. something a little more than half a tablespoon of coarse salt. e iodotyrosines”. But you can alternate: today so, next time-“iodotyrosine”. When chicken breast is cooked through (30—40 minutes to cook on low heat under the lid) and throw the chopped half rings onion, ground black pepper (three pinches or three fingers) on and off. Cover with a lid and give 5 minutes to stand up. All through those five minutes —ready soup! Healthy soup – a bowl: get a chicken breast in a deep plate, pour on top of ready-cooked chicken broth with onion is not a very full plate and nice and healthy appetite for harmony and TASTE! With a fork (or clean hands) breaks off pieces of white chicken breast meat from the bones, put into a large dining room, a spoon for the first, and with that warm meat and broth with onion – at the same time. And eat. Don’t forget first pepper black ground pepper (a “Magnet” bought in white packs.) spread chicken with mustard! And tomato pasta: a VARIETY of FLAVORS! Here you and useful soup! And when hot – poured hot broth from a ladle recruited out of the pan: right along with the onions on top of chicken breast.

      After a physical Training! You can even polianin or Borodino bread. Just a little bit, a couple not plump pieces. Pepper, do not forget!

      I, unfortunately, can not be a lot of fluids, especially soup. And in General I can’t have salt: swelling. I have NO METABOLISM!!! Ate in the morning without bread, one hundred gram store a jar of “caviar of Pollack”. From small 100 gram jar of store “caviar of Pollack” – at 04.00 am not able to open my eyes: so swelled the face, as the Chinese were with narrow eyes! But you’re HEALTHY! And sometimes salty! Unlike me: I certainly: never. And salty, including bouillon with caution, moderate doses So…

      Now, about the borscht: the classic and other. No, no soup: with potatoes, or even (especially!) with bacon. About mayonnaise remember: NO MAYONNAISE, just substitute for ryazhenka 2,5% (just remember).

      About ready to “soups”. Soups – it “in quotes!” No"hot mugs’, no soups – bags All: IN ANY CASE! There is ONE POISON: vegetable protein (or ‘chicken powder, chicken extract) flavour enhancers – sodium glutomat and others, there is starch, or other thickeners palm oil.

      And no “Anikonov, instant noodles, big booms, and all sorts pyureshek:: SPARE YOURSELF, don’T RUIN THEIR precious HEALTH! A BANE (especially in ankomah sauces and instant noodles, big bonds (prostonarodye-“silage!“and other —ready easily and quickly prepared (and there filled with boiling water, and voila!” (for lazy people, spitting on their health: “what “finish”: “poison, poison. What is simply IMPOSSIBLE is, Well, if you’re NOT the ENEMY of your health. Yes, but how to force to eat you powders preservatives, emulgatory-from the lab with a spoon – in their “pure” form? No way! Just pour them in the “MAIN” “dish-type anatomy and puree. Well, we’re not like and APPRECIATE and CHERISH their health. Each lives his life and chooses his own way. Or treadmill at the stadium or the path: to the cemetery. Plastic noodles, which burn and melt if set on fire, flakes of potato (GMOs),which turns the stomach.

      To the chicken broth to the breast – more green: preferably fresh, not dried! Dried – preservatives”! Fresh parsley and green onions – rash direct in a bowl poured the broth with onions and chicken. More! Always roll them when I can. Sauerkraut, boiled.

      When I want soup, I cook pea soup: it’s always so delicious. Fresh pea soup! And not broth: on the water! Here:

      On my 2.5 liter aluminium saucepan.

      1 glass (which is glass 250 grams) or plus another 1/3 Cup regular yellow pea (how to you like the density and taste of the soup to be less or more pronounced taste When peas 1 Cup split peas fall apart and the less than transparent When soup 1 Cup, plus 1/3 of the soup richer, fall apart, filling soup.).

      Total cooking time: 40 minutes. Fresh dill, parsley, green onions or anything that has one of them). If is not present – anything terrible.

      Pour СКАЧАТЬ