GOTHIC CRIME MYSTERIES: The Phantom of the Opera, The Secret of the Night, The Mystery of the Yellow Room,The Man with the Black Feather & Balaoo. Gaston Leroux
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      “The great Fred and I were alone in his chamber, now, to talk over this thing. We talked for an hour, turning the matter over and viewing it from every side. From the questions put by him, from the explanation which he gives me, it is clear to me that—in spite of all our senses—he is persuaded the man disappeared by some secret passage in the chateau known to him alone.

      “‘He knows the chateau,’ he said to me; ‘he knows it well.’

      “‘He is a rather tall man—well-built,’ I suggested.

      “‘He is as tall as he wants to be,’ murmured Fred.

      “‘I understand,’ I said; ‘but how do you account for his red hair and beard?’

      “‘Too much beard—too much hair—false,’ says Fred.

      “‘That’s easily said. You are always thinking of Robert Darzac. You can’t get rid of that idea? I am certain that he is innocent.’

      “‘So much the better. I hope so; but everything condemns him. Did you notice the marks on the carpet?—Come and look at them.’

      “‘I have seen them; they are the marks of the neat boots, the same as those we saw on the border of the lake.’

      “‘Can you deny that they belong to Robert Darzac?’

      “‘Of course, one may be mistaken.’

      “‘Have you noticed that those footprints only go in one direction?—that there are no return marks? When the man came from the chamber, pursued by all of us, his footsteps left no traces behind them.’

      “‘He had, perhaps, been in the chamber for hours. The mud from his boots had dried, and he moved with such rapidity on the points of his toes—We saw him running, but we did not hear his steps.’

      “I suddenly put an end to this idle chatter—void of any logic, and made a sign to Larsan to listen.

      “‘There—below; some one is shutting a door.’

      “I rise; Larsan follows me; we descend to the ground-floor of the chateau. I lead him to the little semi-circular room under the terrace beneath the window of the ‘off-turning’ gallery. I point to the door, now closed, open a short time before, under which a shaft of light is visible.

      “‘The forest-keeper!’ says Fred.

      “‘Come on!’ I whisper.

      “Prepared—I know not why—to believe that the keeper is the guilty man—I go to the door and rap smartly on it. Some might think that we were rather late in thinking of the keeper, since our first business, after having found that the murderer had escaped us in the gallery, ought to have been to search everywhere else,—around the chateau,—in the park—

      “Had this criticism been made at the time, we could only have answered that the assassin had disappeared from the gallery in such a way that we thought he was no longer anywhere! He had eluded us when we all had our hands stretched out ready to seize him—when we were almost touching him. We had no longer any ground for hoping that we could clear up the mystery of that night.

      “As soon as I rapped at the door it was opened, and the keeper asked us quietly what we wanted. He was undressed and preparing to go to bed. The bed had not yet been disturbed.

      “We entered and I affected surprise.

      “‘Not gone to bed yet?’

      “‘No,’ he replied roughly. ‘I have been making a round of the park and in the woods. I am only just back—and sleepy. Good-night!’

      “‘Listen,’ I said. ‘An hour or so ago, there was a ladder close by your window.’

      “‘What ladder?—I did not see any ladder. Good-night!’

      “And he simply put us out of the room. When we were outside I looked at Larsan. His face was impenetrable.

      “‘Well?’ I said.

      “‘Well?’ he repeated.

      “‘Does that open out any new view to you?’

      “There was no mistaking Larsan’s bad temper. On re-entering the chateau, I heard him mutter:

      “‘It would be strange—very strange—if I had deceived myself on that point!’

      “He seemed to be talking to me rather than to himself. He added: ‘In any case, we shall soon know what to think. The morning will bring light with it.’”

      Chapter 18. Rouletabille Has Drawn a Circle Between the Two Bumps on His Forehead

       Table of Contents


      “We separated on the thresholds of our rooms, with a melancholy shake of the hands. I was glad to have aroused in him a suspicion of error. His was an original brain, very intelligent but—without method. I did not go to bed. I awaited the coming of daylight and then went down to the front of the chateau, and made a detour, examining every trace of footsteps coming towards it or going from it. These, however, were so mixed and confusing that I could make nothing of them. Here I may make a remark,—I am not accustomed to attach an exaggerated importance to exterior signs left in the track of a crime.

      “The method which traces the criminal by means of the tracks of his footsteps is altogether primitive. So many footprints are identical. However, in the disturbed state of my mind, I did go into the deserted court and did look at all the footprints I could find there, seeking for some indication, as a basis for reasoning.

      “If I could but find a right starting-point! In despair I seated myself on a stone. For over an hour I busied myself with the common, ordinary work of a policeman. Like the least intelligent of detectives I went on blindly over the traces of footprints which told me just no more than they could.

      “I came to the conclusion that I was a fool, lower in the scale of intelligence than even the police of the modern romancer. Novelists build mountains of stupidity out of a footprint on the sand, or from an impression of a hand on the wall. That’s the way innocent men are brought to prison. It might convince an examining magistrate or the head of a detective department, but it’s not proof. You writers forget that what the senses furnish is not proof. If I am taking cognisance of what is offered me by my senses I do so but to bring the results within the circle of my reason. That circle may be the most circumscribed, but if it is, it has this advantage—it holds nothing but the truth! Yes, I swear that I have never used the evidence of the senses but as servants to my reason. I have never permitted them to become my master. They have not made of me that monstrous thing,—worse than a blind man,—a man who sees falsely. And that is why I can triumph over your error and your merely animal intelligence, Frederic Larsan.

      “Be of good courage, then, friend Rouletabille; it is impossible that the incident of the inexplicable gallery should be outside the circle of your reason. You know that! Then have faith and take thought СКАЧАТЬ