5LBs in 5 Days: The Juice Detox Diet. Jason Vale
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Название: 5LBs in 5 Days: The Juice Detox Diet

Автор: Jason Vale

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Кулинария


isbn: 9780007555901


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      Wow, the end of an incredible week. Can’t wait for my juice tomorrow morning :-) Skin feels great, lost inches all over, hair soft, asthma better, IBS gone!


      Skin great, lost inches, hair soft, asthma better and IBS gone; ‘one disease – one solution’ in action once again.


      Are you starting to notice a pattern here? Are you starting to see that the health possibilities go way beyond dropping a few pounds? I wish to make this clear to those sceptics (as there are many out there) – I haven’t received a dozen or two of these testimonials. I’ve received tens of thousands of them, all reporting incredible positive health changes in exceptionally short periods of time. There are simply too many to be dismissed as just anecdotal evidence.


      What became very clear to me early on when the letters and emails started flooding in was just how many apparent ‘different’ ailments and diseases improved at the same time. The medical profession’s focus tends to be on ‘a pill for every ill’ philosophy and they try to treat each ailment or disease separately with different pills. What appears to be obvious to me now, is that when you remove all of the rubbish coming in and flood the body with the right nutrients to address any vitamin, mineral or other nutrient deficiencies, everything has a chance to heal. I didn’t take a specific juice to treat my asthma, eczema, hay fever, psoriasis or obesity; I simply removed all of the rubbish coming in and flooded my body with the finest nutrients in the most bio-available form – fresh juice.

      I also wish to point out at this stage that I am all for intelligent, and often much needed, short-term, and at rare times, long-term medical intervention. I also don’t believe that every single disease will be cured or made better by a fresh juice. However, the vast majority of common lifestyle diseases, the ones we are popping pills like they are going out of fashion for, do indeed get better when you treat with fresh natural juices.

      This ‘one disease – one solution’ hypothesis is not simply based on my own experience. It is based on the tens of thousands of testimonials I’ve had over the years and from what I have personally seen at my retreats for years. I am convinced that if you remove all the rubbish coming into the body and address all of the nutritional deficiencies, the vast majority of lifestyle diseases will either improve dramatically or go away completely. This is an intelligent hunch based on 15 years’ worth of research.

      I put this ‘hunch’ to the test in my Super Juice Me! documentary: a group of people with over 22 apparent diseases living on nothing but juice for 28 days. Trust me, it makes interesting viewing – and the results will blow your mind! I am hoping in time it will start to affect the way the medical profession approach healing and disease.

      I think this is still a long way off, unfortunately. But, the more people start shouting from the rooftops about how great they feel after getting rid of all the rubbish going into their body, while flooding their system with the finest plant nutrients through fresh juice, the more they will have to sit up and take notice.

      Luckily, it is not lost on all in the medical profession and things are starting to change. More and more are understanding that nature’s finest nutrient-packed liquid fuel contains something often way beyond any human or scientific understanding. More and more people in the medical profession are no longer relying on the ‘evidence’ produced by the pharmaceutical reps, who bombard them with the latest drug that can cure obesity as well as just about every common ailment. They are using common sense and starting to believe in the power of plant-based foods and the body’s ability to naturally heal itself. I am not anti-doctor; a doctor has even written the foreword for this book, but I am anti certain doctors and certain dieticians who, despite what thousands are reporting, still close their minds to any plant-based ‘food as medicine’ approach to healing. The good news is though, it’s not all doctors and the message is slowly filtering through:

      Hi Jason,

      I'm a GP, for my sins, and have been following your programmes for the last 2 months, prompted by a serious illness in January that left me unable to eat anything except juices and smoothies. I've lost over 2 stone (28lbs) in that time and am now telling patients about it. It's working for me whereas in the past other diets (rather than changes in lifestyle, as this is) have not … I think this is something that is realistic and that people can do. I've never eaten as much fruit and vegin my life, and am enjoying it and also am full on it. My type 1 diabetes control is improving…

      On a professional note, people far prefer to take a tablet (which is easy) than do something hard like totally change their lifestyle. I will continue to advocate you to patients and colleagues – I know I'm only one GP amongst thousands but every little helps I guess.


      And yes, every little does help, as people tend to listen to what a doctor has to say on the subject of nutrition. You may feel that’s an intelligent thing to do, but it’s worth knowing that the average doctor in the UK spends just three to six hours of their six years of training studying nutrition. No, I am not kidding.

      The good news is you don’t need to spend years studying the fundamentals of nutrition in order to know what to do to have a slim, trim, energy-driven, ailment-free body. I have been studying health and nutrition for over 15 years and I have realized one thing more than any other: the more I study the less I know. What I mean is, we have so overcomplicated the issue of health and disease we have missed the simplicity of it. We have missed just how stupidly straightforward the answer to health can be. Do you remember when you were a kid and fell and cut your knee, what was the advice? ‘Leave it alone and it will heal itself.’ And that is all we need to do – give the body the right environment to be in a position to heal itself.



      By now you should be itching to get started – PLEASE DON’T! There are a few things that need addressing first to make sure you are fully armed for anything that comes your way. The last thing you want to do is buy a load of fruit and veg to find it making its own way out of the fridge later in the week! You don’t want to start something and then fail and you are far less likely to fail if you are equipped with the right mental tools before you start.

      To be honest, it seems insane that I even need to cover the following points, but after doing this for years, I know that unless I do people who don’t know any better will try and scare you off doing the programme. What you will hear (and you may even be asking these questions to yourself as you read this book) are things like, ‘What about all the sugar in the juices?’, ‘Where will you get your fibre?’, ‘Where will you get your protein?’, ‘Won’t you just gain the weight back again?’, and so on.

      All of these questions will be covered in this part of the book, but as I write this very sentence, as if by fate, I have just seen a famous UK TV doctor talking about my juice diets! (Yes, how weird!)He was banging on with the usual rhetoric, such as ‘it’s unhealthy’, ‘it can be dangerous’ and so on (which is all nonsense and which I will cover soon), but he also once again made a bold statement that I cannot ignore and one which I have heard many people in the medical profession СКАЧАТЬ