5LBs in 5 Days: The Juice Detox Diet. Jason Vale
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Название: 5LBs in 5 Days: The Juice Detox Diet

Автор: Jason Vale

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Кулинария


isbn: 9780007555901





      And the sugar in fizzy drinks is not the same as the sugar in a freshly extracted apple juice! You may feel this doesn’t need covering. You may feel that it’s obvious that the white refined nutrient-stripped sugar found in a doughnut and a fizzy drink is clearly not the same as the unrefined vitamin, mineral and soluble fibre-rich ‘sugar’ found in an apple and the fresh juice extracted from it. But ever since the late Dr Robert Atkins’ famous ‘don’t eat carbs whatever you do or you’ll explode’ diet (I believe this is better known as a high-protein diet) and all the subsequent copies of pretty much exactly the same theme since then, such as the Dukan diet, it appears our rational thinking has taken a holiday. My mother always taught me, ‘the problem with common sense is that it isn’t that common’, and I fear where the subject of sugar is concerned, for many, it’s disappeared completely.

      Most people are so over-read in the area of diet and nutrition that often they don’t stop to use their common sense; they simply believe what they read and preach it as gospel. This is why I don’t want you to simply buy what I am saying either; always have an open mind and if something makes rational sense to you, then apply it; if not – don’t. But don’t simply go along with a school of thought simply because it was written or told to you by a doctor or dietician, or because it’s been ‘scientifically proven’. Often we don't need science, but our own intuition and common sense.


      Somehow, Atkins and co managed to convince millions of people that bacon and eggs in a frying pan are better for us than an apple – a legacy that still remains to this day. But what does your genuine intuition tell you? Over 92 per cent of the planet is made of water (72 per cent of its surface), over 70 per cent of our bodies are made of it and without it no life on earth would exist. Its importance, I feel, is undisputed. Every single fruit and vegetable designed for human consumption is made up of over 80 per cent pure organic rich water; many fruits and vegetables contain over 90 per cent. This water is designed to transport the essential nutrients within plant food to every cell in the body, while at the same time this essential water helps to flush out any rubbish. We have over 30 feet worth of intestinal tract, designed specifically for high-water-content foods. This water is not only essential for transporting key nutrients and helping to flush the body of toxicity, it also enriches the skin. In my opinion, there are many down sides on the health front to things like the Atkins Diet, but none more so than that gaunt look. You know, that look of total dehydration, like a withered plant that you just want to water.

      We’re not meant to be stick thin, we’re not meant to avoid water-rich foods and we are most certainly not meant to avoid the sugar found in nature’s finest life-giving fruits and vegetables! How we have reached the stage where people honestly believe an apple is worse for their health than fried bacon is beyond me, but we have and that is why I’m having to write this chapter. The belief that the sugars in fruit and vegetable juices are the same as those in a can of fizzy drink are so strong now that I feel I really must put this to bed. I will do this not through ‘science’ but with an often-unused foolproof method – intuition and common sense.


      With this in mind let me ask you a question. If you were a genuine sugar addict and you had a mother of a sugar craving, would an organic apple cut it for you? Would an apple hit those sugar craving buttons for you? Would you leave the house to go hunting for your apple fix? NO! Why? Because:


      If it were, we would have Easter eggs made of fruit and children and adults would be just as happy, but they wouldn't be, because in the same way an apple wouldn't satisfy a smoker’s need for nicotine, an apple wouldn't satisfy a sugar addict’s desire for refined sugars! It’s refined sugars and refined fats that are the biggest cause of preventable lifestyle diseases in the western world and without question they are the biggest cause of the seemingly unstoppable obesity epidemic. It is not the unrefined vitamin, mineral and soluble fibre-rich juice found at the heart of all nature’s finest foods.

      This is why you could have a fridge entirely full of fruit and vegetables and the average sugar addict would still say, ‘where’s the food?’ Unless there is refined sugar or refined fat in the mix, they feel as though what’s in the fridge just won’t cut it. Their eyes will scan everywhere for bread, chips, crisps, chocolate, fizzy drinks, muffins, waffles, biscuits, etc. In other words, anything

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