5LBs in 5 Days: The Juice Detox Diet. Jason Vale
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Название: 5LBs in 5 Days: The Juice Detox Diet

Автор: Jason Vale

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Кулинария


isbn: 9780007555901


СКАЧАТЬ This morning, 18st 5lbs. Yep 1st 5lb. (19lbs). WOW. That took me 6 weeks on my last diet! I cannot believe in 4lbs time I will be the lightest I have been in about 15/16 years.


      This man dropped 19lbs on the seven-day juice programme. I wanted to add his story to this book to illustrate a very important point. Clearly this man didn’t lose 19lbs of fat, but he is 19lbs lighter than he was a week ago. All the body is ever looking to do is heal. By removing the junk coming in and replacing it with only the pure ‘live’ nutrient-filled juice contained within nature’s fruits and vegetables, the body can go into healing mode. This man was 277lbs; his body was not designed to be that weight, and was always looking for an opportunity to ‘detoxify’ itself. This is why in such a short period of time he had such dramatic weight loss. The body was finally given a chance to let go of unwanted crap, and did just that.

      The weight loss was clearly not all fat, but it wasn’t muscle either; it was the body doing whatever it can to remove the ‘danger’ to its very survival. When all the junk coming in was removed, the liver, kidneys, lungs and bowel could finally get to work and do what they are always looking to do; remove the rubbish and heal the body. The removal of junk leaves the organs open to do their job and the juices can get on with helping the healing process by providing key nutrients. It also took this man over six weeks to achieve the same level of weight loss last time. As I mentioned at the beginning, I’m all about ‘condensed success’ and turning months into weeks – this is exactly what happened here.


      My first experience of a juice detox and I am totally hooked; I lost ten pounds and feel fantastic, calmer, no more sugar cravings, am craving healthier foods, slept better, more energy and can’t wait for my next juice … It has transformed my life. Thank you so much.


      This email represents thousands of similar ones with the same message. It is not simply about the initial weight loss (although 10lbs is not to be sneezed at!) but how your cravings change at the end. ‘...No more sugar cravings, am craving healthier foods...’ – isn’t that the Holy Grail? Isn’t that what we ultimately want, to change our cravings for junk into actually wanting healthy food? I get this more than anything else, and what you think you will be craving at the end of the juice detox is not what you actually crave. This lady also reported she felt fantastic, had more energy and was sleeping better.


      I feel alive! Shadows under my eyes are gone, athletes’ foot clearing up, more energy and a clear head. Just come back from my first gym session in 6 years. I’ve lost about 7lb and my body fat has gone done to 22 per cent.


      This is also extremely common: dark circles or shadows under the eyes disappearing. Dark circles under the eyes can be a sign of tiredness, lack of sleep, fatigue, stress or lack of fresh air. On the other hand, it can also indicate a more serious illness, and is connected with heart, kidneys, thyroid gland or meta-bolic illnesses. But for this juicer, the shadows under her eyes are completely gone – how come? Because, as I will constantly repeat, the body just wants to heal! Please also notice that her athletes’ foot is also clearing up. The reason I wanted to point this out is because many people think juice feeds yeast and therefore should be avoided by anyone with Candida or conditions like athletes’ foot. This is not the case with the freshly extracted fruit and vegetable juices in this programme.


      Day 8 and I am so chuffed as have lost 11lbs and 2in from my waist and hips! The weight loss is great but I am so, so very pleased that my health has improved. Not so much chest pain because of the angina, my BP is normal and stable, my GFR count is rising, I am breathing better and easier, my joints are not so swollen, and I am not suffering as much with the fibromyalgia...


      Where do we start? Tremendous weight loss, improved angina, blood pressure normal, GFR rate up (that’s Glomerular filtration rate, which is the best estimate of kidney function), she’s breathing better (the freshly extracted apple juice is wonderful for that), joints not as swollen and not suffering as much with her fibromyalgia. Once again so many apparent ‘different’ ailments improving all at the same time, One disease – one solution!


      I didn’t do this for weight loss as was only 8st 4lb. Although I have lost 3lb the most important thing is that before doing this I hadn’t been able to kneel down for over a year as my knees were swollen with arthritis! Seven days on nutrient-filled juice and the swelling has gone and I can now kneel down. Woo hoo, over a year of pain and swelling GONE!


      This woman wasn’t able to kneel down for over a year as her knees were swollen with arthritis and in one week on the juice the swelling has gone and she can kneel. Remove the rubbish, replace the nutrients and you change the internal environment so the body can heal ... naturally.


      I’ve cleared up my eczema on my hands to the point where I no longer feel the need to have long sleeves. We both have more energy, life seems clearer, I’m calmer, sleep better, happier, more confident, the list goes on ... in terms of weight loss ... I lost 9 pound and hubby lost 10 pound.


      I am more than aware of what it feels like not to wear short sleeves and always having to cover up due to a skin problem. To clear it to the point where this lady feels she can now be free to wear what she wants in just one week is truly spectacular. I am not suggesting this would happen to everyone with eczema, but it did for her. Not only did her skin improve, both her and her husband reported having more energy and feeling that life seems clearer; they’re calmer, sleep better and feel more confident. This is all within a week!


      9lbs lost, 6 inches down, and body fat lowered by 3 per cent on day 8! Sleeping great, skin feels better ... I couldn’t achieve this in a year, so to do it in a week is amazing!


      That’s 3 per cent reduction in body fat, which is quite remarkable in a week, and flies in the face of what many believe is possible. Over the years I have received hundreds of emails reporting similar or better fat percentage reductions; one person even said they had stripped their body fat by 5 per cent ... in a week.


      Well 9.9lbs for me and 8.8lbs for Marc! Woweeeee. What’s more, my depression has lifted! I have been depressed for nearly four years, but it has left the building! I’m sleeping better, my hubby doesn’t snore anymore! We are converted! I’ve got my life back.


      You cannot heal selectively, which is why everything seems to get better on both a physical and mental level. I think the nutrients found in good quality fruits and vegetables are the key to giving the brain, as СКАЧАТЬ