5LBs in 5 Days: The Juice Detox Diet. Jason Vale
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Название: 5LBs in 5 Days: The Juice Detox Diet

Автор: Jason Vale

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Кулинария


isbn: 9780007555901


СКАЧАТЬ 7.5lbs after 5in5!


      Day 5 (of 5lbs in 5 days) and I’ve lost a whopping 7lbs


      Hubby and I completed 5lbs in 5 days this week and lost 29lbs between us!




      If you are reading this book, the chances are that unless you have picked it up for research, you are looking to improve your health in some way. Given the title, it is probably also safe to say that you wouldn’t mind dropping a few pounds ... or maybe five, maybe even ten. And also that you’d like to drop that excess weight in super-fast time. Chances are you are looking for a programme that can achieve rapid weight loss, while at the same time providing a follow-on system to make sure you keep the weight off for good. If this is you, then, as corny as it sounds, you’ve picked up the right book.

      I have been writing about juicing for weight loss and optimum health for the past 15 years and everything I have done up until now has lead me to this – the most effective rapid healthy weight-loss ‘juice detox’ to date. This is not an easy feat, due to the incredible success of this book’s predecessor.


      My previous book, 7lbs in 7 Days: Super Juice Diet, was released in 2006 and went straight to number 1 of all books on Amazon, not simply in its category, but of every other book available. On play.com it even knocked The Da Vinci Code from the number 1 slot (which, as you can imagine, is not something I mention very often ... well, you know). Even as I write this page, the app is number 1 in ‘food and drink’ on iTunes (Jamie Oliver is number 2) and the book is number 1 in its category on Amazon (it’s been there for eight years). It has gone on to sell well over a million copies and has been translated into many other languages.

      Many celebrities were reported to have done the 7-Day Juice Master Diet, including Katie Price, Sarah Jessica Parker, Drew Barrymore, Jennifer Aniston, Alesha Dixon, Samantha Womack, Sarah Harding, Linda Barker, Kerry Katona, Natasha Hamilton, Beverley Knight and Scott Mills … the list goes on and on. I’m not entirely sure if all the celebs that have been reported to have done the plan actually did, but it gives you a sense of the kind of buzz the book created.

      What the 7-day juice only plan showed above all else was just how much the body will naturally heal if given the right tools and the right environment to do so. It is safe to say that I’ve seen just about every common lifestyle disease either improve, or be completely eradicated, with the use of freshly extracted juice and a very well-thought-through plan. What was even more incredible was to see these common health conditions improve so dramatically and so quickly. In the space of just seven days on the fresh juice only programme, some lifelong health issues disappeared completely.


      I have not only been spreading the ‘juice revolution’ for years, I have been on the journey myself. I have worn the fat and unhealthy T-shirt. I used to be 15 stone 2lb (96kg) (I’m only 5ft 7.1in) and was covered from head to toe in a severe skin condition called psoriasis; I had bad asthma (using the asthma pump up to 14 times a day), extremely bad hay fever (to the point where I couldn’t function) and larger breasts than the average woman (not a good look for a dude). I also used to smoke between two and three packets of cigarettes a day and was a heavy alcohol drinker.

      I cut out the rubbish, started to juice and the weight just fell off – effortlessly. My asthma vanished and my skin completely cleared up. This is what inspired me to want to start the Juice Revolution and ‘Juice the World’, a mission I am still focusing on today. I also stopped smoking and, as I write this, at 44 years of age, I can honestly say I feel better today than I did when I was 24. Nothing comes close to the healthy but extremely rapid weight-loss ability of a well-thought-through juicing programme. When I say I have seen it all, I mean I have seen it all.


      I have seen cholesterol levels drop from 8 points to 5 in that short time with no drug therapy whatsoever. I have seen asthma improve to the extent where people have not only reduced their medication, but stopped using it altogether ... in just seven days. I have even seen someone at my retreat with type 1 diabetes reduce their medication by 75 per cent within just the first five days of juicing. I have seen IBS, arthritis, eczema, Crohn’s, endometriosis, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and even ulcerative colitis symptoms completely vanish with a juicing programme.

      I have seen skin glow and energy levels go through the roof, cravings for junk disappear and, of course, and what for some will be the most important aspect, some utterly ridiculous weight-loss results – and I do mean ridiculous.

      I received one email where a guy dropped 19lbs in a week – in one week! (I’ll share that later in this book). I got a message from Lord Harris of London no less (it’s not every day you get a mail from a Lord); he’d read the book and dropped 42lbs in just three months; his cholesterol also went from the ‘danger of getting heart disease’ zone to ‘perfect’. One person dropped over 200lbs by introducing fresh juice into their lives. Another read the book and within three months of juicing her endometriosis, which she had suffered from for eight years and which had been a factor in several miscarriages, vanished! She had tried all kinds of drugs for many years and nothing helped.

      I saw my own health be completely transformed because of fresh juicing too. The average drop was 7lbs for women and 10lbs for men. The vast majority of these people not only kept the initial weight off, but went on to achieve their ideal body weight because juicing became a way of life.

      Whether it’s from the emails or videos people have sent in, from hearing first-hand accounts on my health retreats, or in my own life, I have seen some miraculous changes in both health and weight loss which happen in a very short space of time.


      And if we cut to the chase, isn’t that what we are all looking for? A simple, highly effective, healthy, but moreover, rapid way to drop weight so we can get lean, be thin, wear what the hell we want and feel amazing? We want our skin to glow, our hair to shine and our stomach to be flat! We want to turn years into months, months into weeks and weeks into days – don’t we? We don’t want to lose weight ‘gradually’ and to ‘be patient’ – we want results and we want them yesterday! This is why I am always looking to condense success, as I say. As in, I am always looking for a way to achieve the same level of success in a shorter period of time. I also constantly look for ways to make that success even easier and more enjoyable. This is precisely what I have done with 5lbs in 5 days: The Juice Detox Diet.

      If there were any challenges with the 7lbs in 7 days: Super Juice Diet, it was the fact it was over a seven-day period and included the weekend. Weekends tend to be an extremely precious time for many people and the last thing many wanted to do was to miss out on meals or evenings out with friends and family. I wanted to develop СКАЧАТЬ