5LBs in 5 Days: The Juice Detox Diet. Jason Vale
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Название: 5LBs in 5 Days: The Juice Detox Diet

Автор: Jason Vale

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Кулинария


isbn: 9780007555901


СКАЧАТЬ to give people their weekends back. I also wanted to develop a simple follow-on plan which would enable people to reach their ultimate dream health and weight and keep it off. 5lbs in 5 Days: The Juice Detox Diet does exactly that. People who have followed it to the letter drop an average of 7lbs, the same as the seven-day plan; many people who have done the programme have lost an incredible 10lbs in five days. Dramatic losses such as this will only happen if you follow the five-day juice and Super After-burn exercise programme to the letter.


      I will cover this later in the book, but it needs addressing now as well, for whenever I mention such dramatic weight losses in such short periods of time, many people start with the predictable mantra that ‘it’s not healthy to lose so much so quickly’. In fact, the number of people I hear saying that ‘it’s not healthy to lose more than 2lbs a week’ is a joke. You might know some of them; you may even be one of them if you are reading this for research, but did you know there is no scientific evidence whatsoever to show that it’s unhealthy to lose more than 2lbs a week?

      It’s like the ‘you must drink 2 litres of water a day’ mantra – it’s a myth that has been perpetuated for years, but which no one has challenged or questioned. There is an old saying that if you tell a lie long enough, strong enough and hard enough, then even the person who started the lie ends up believing it. This has been the case with this utter nonsense about it being unhealthy, and some doctors and medics would even go as far as to say dangerous, to lose more than 2lbs a week. Nope, not joking, they use the word ‘dangerous’!

      Now going to fight in a war-torn part of the world for your country is dangerous, or putting your head in a hot oven, but drinking the juice contained within vegetables that is specifically designed to feed every cell of the human body is clearly not. I say clearly not, but we are in a world where some highly intelligent doctors and ‘experts’ cannot see this clearly and continue to preach the ‘don’t lose more than 2lb a week’ mantra because they believe it to be ‘dangerous’.

      As I said, I will cover this later in the book but for now all you need to know is if you hear anyone saying that living on freshly extracted juice for five days and dropping 5–10lbs in that short space of time is dangerous, please know it’s total and utter nonsense.


      All you actually need to know is that if you have excess weight to lose, it works. Not only does it work but it works 100 per cent of the time for 100 per cent of the people. I know this because it’s been tried and tested over and over again and, as mentioned, this five-day plan – if done to the letter – can be just as effective as the seven-day one. All you have to do is follow these three simple instructions. If you do, success is yours every single time.


      Before you start the programme you need to read the whole book, with the exception of:

       ‘The Rough After Plan’;

       ‘The Low-H.I. Way of Life’;

       ‘The Law of Four’; and

       ‘Be Limitless and Make Your Life Extraordinary’.

      You need to read everything else. This includes the Q & A section.


      This programme has been carefully thought through in terms of both nutrition and effectiveness; please do not veer away from it. If you want the results it has to offer, follow the exact recipe laid out and you will get the same results as everyone else.


      On day 5 read the following chapters:

       ‘The Rough After Plan’; ‘The Low-H.I. Way of Life’ ; ‘The Law of Four’; and ‘Be Limitless and Make Your Life Extraordinary’.

      Make a note of this now!

      You are welcome to read these chapters before you start the programme, but you need to re-read them on Day 5 too. What you need to do after the five days is just as important as the five days themselves, so do not miss this instruction. Those chapters will make more sense to you on Day 5 as you’ll feel very differently by then, both mentally and physically. This is because any withdrawal from refined sugars, fats and caffeine, would have subsided, leaving you free to really take on board the after plan.


      Follow these three simple instructions and in just five days you will feel a way, I’d lay money on, you haven’t done in years. Yes, you’ll lose weight – 5lbs and then some, more like 7lbs to be fair and for some 10lbs – but it’s how your mind is going to feel that will surprise you most. The most common feedback I get is people saying they had no idea just how much weight would also be lifted from their mind. What many refer to as ‘Brain Fog’ or ‘Fussy Thinking’ seems to completely lift; people say they are just sharper. When the blood that circulates through your brain is loaded with the vital key nutrients required to feed the cells, and it’s not dealing with refined sugars, fats, alcohol and other rubbish, your head becomes clear and you start being totally on top of your game. Do not underestimate what can be achieved when you feel both mentally and physically fired up. Every single aspect of your life changes for the better.

      My ultimate aim for this book is not for you to simply juice yourself up for five days, drop some weight and feel good for the party. No. My aim is for you to see, but more importantly, feel such a difference in yourself that you are compelled to adopt a juicy fitness lifestyle for life. Yes the title is 5lbs in 5 Days but I am hoping that’s a sprat to catch a mackerel. In other words, I am hoping it doesn’t just lure you in, but catches you fully. For most people there’s often much bigger fish to fry than a quick 5lbs and, if you are like most people, you will be so recharged at the end of five days that this will act as a catalyst to much bigger changes on the weight loss and health front. So you may well feel you’ll be doing it simply to fit into that little black dress (or skinny jeans) but, chances are, you’ll never grow out of them again.


      I don’t know much about anything else, but I do know juicing and I do know the importance of the right frame of mind. Because of this, and in order for this programme to be easy, I have advised you to read the book first. Please do not skip ahead and just start. You need the right mental preparation or the chances are you will fail. The reason I believe 7lbs in 7 Days has been so successful, and my theory is backed up by tens of thousands of testimonials, is because of the first instruction: read the book.

      As I’m sure you know, the vast majority of books of this nature never actually get read. In the UK, we buy more recipe books than any other European country, yet at the same time we buy twice as many takeaways. СКАЧАТЬ