Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H. Frederic Boase
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СКАЧАТЬ 8 April 1830; preb. of Exeter 22 June 1830; bishop of Bangor 28 Oct. 1830 to death; author of A general view of the doctrine of regeneration in baptism 1821, 4 ed. 1845. d. The palace, Bangor 19 April 1859. bur. Llandegai church yard 27 April.

      BETHELL, Rev. George. Educ. at Eton; assistant at Eton 1802; fellow of Eton 21 Sep. 1818 to death; R. of Worplesdon, Surrey 1833 to death. d. Eton college 16 March 1857 aged 78.

      BETHELL, John (son of Richard Bethell M.D. of Bristol). b. 1804; solicitor in London 1825–54; patented a complete system of diving apparatus 1835; patented a process for preserving timber from decay by impregnating it with creosote oil 11 July 1838, this invention has been adopted on a large scale, in marine works it is almost indispensable, the idea was taken from the embalming of mummies; patented many other inventions; carried on a distillery of beetroot spirit in Berkshire; A.I.C.E. 20 March 1838. d. Cleveland sq. Hyde Park London 22 Feb. 1867. Minutes of proc. of Instit. of C.E. xxvii, 597–99 (1868).

      BETHELL, Richard. b. 10 May 1772; ed. at King’s coll. Cam., B.A. 1795, fellow of his college; owner of large estates in Yorkshire 1799; M.P. for Yorkshire 5 Aug. 1830 to 23 April 1831, and for the East Riding 18 Dec. 1832 to 23 June 1841; chairman of East Riding quarter sessions many years; author of 2 Latin poems in second series of Musæ Etonenses 2 vols. 1797. d. Rise near Hull 25 Dec. 1864.

      BETHUNE, Charles Ramsay Drinkwater (2 son of John Drinkwater of Thorncroft, Surrey, C.B., F.S.A. 1762–1844). b. 27 Dec. 1802; entered navy 2 Aug. 1815; captain 22 July 1830; served in Chinese war 1840–41; V.A. 10 Nov. 1862, admiral 2 April 1866; retired 1 April 1870; assumed additional name of Bethune 1837; C.B. 29 June 1841, F.R.G.S. 1842. d. 4, Queensbury place South Kensington 21 Feb. 1884. M. F. Conolly’s Biog. dict. of eminent men of Fife (1866) 56.

      BETHUNE, Sir Henry Lindesay (eld. child of Martin Eccles Lindesay Bethune, commissary general in Scotland who d. 1813). b. Hilton near Perth 12 April 1787; lieut. Madras Horse artillery 18 July 1804; captain 3 Sep. 1813 to 1 Sep. 1822 when he retired; drilled and disciplined the Persian army 1811–21, his lofty stature, 6 feet 7 inches, and great personal strength gained for him in Persia the epithet of “Rustum” the Hercules of ancient Persian story; knighted at St. James’s Palace 20 July 1832; sent to Persia as British agent 1834; commanded advanced guard of the Shah’s army 1834–35; returned home Sep. 1835; created baronet 7 March 1836. d. Tabreez, Persia 19 Feb. 1851. M. F. Conolly’s Biog. dict. of eminent men of Fife (1866) 57.

      BETHUNE, John Elliot Drinkwater (brother of C. R. D. Bethune). Ed. at Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1823; barrister M.T. 4 May 1827; one of municipal corporation comrs.; counsel to the Home Office 1833–47; drew the Municipal reform, Tithe commutation and County courts bills; legislative member of Supreme council of India 11 April 1848 to death; pres. of council of education at Calcutta 1848; established a school for native females of the higher classes at Calcutta which he endowed by his will with property in Calcutta. d. Calcutta 12 Aug. 1851 aged 50. G.M. xxxvii, 94–96, 434 (1852).

      BETTINGTON, Claude (2 son of Albemarle Bettington of Halsey house, Cheltenham). Commanded Bettington’s Horse in Zulu war 1879–80; C.M.G. 30 Oct. 1880. d. Elmina, Gold Coast 29 Dec. 1880.

      BETTRIDGE, Rev. William Craddock. b. 30 Aug. 1791; ensign 81 Foot 7 April 1813; lieutenant 31 Aug. 1815 to 25 Feb. 1816 when placed on h.p.; town major of Brussels 1815; entered Univ. of Jena Saxony 1818; walked from Jena to Naples; entered Neapolitan army 1822; aide-de-camp to Sir Richard Church 1822; accorded by Government a continuance for life of his half pay by a special mandamus; studied at St. John’s coll. Cam., B.D. 1837; ordained deacon 1824; C. of Elvington near York 1824; C. of Ecclesfield 1828; Inc. of St. Paul’s, Southampton 1828–34; R. of Woodstock, Ontario, Upper Canada 1834 to death; obtained a grant of 400 acres of land for each of the 57 rectories of Upper Canada; canon of Huron; declined bishopric of Huron 1857; author of A brief history of the church in Upper Canada 1838. d. Woodstock 21 Nov. 1879.

      BETTS, Edward Ladd (eld. son of Wm. Betts of Sandown, Kent). b. Buckland near Dover 5 June 1815; constructed Midland railway from Rugby to Leicester and many other lines; partner with Sir S. M. Peto; constructed the line from Balaclava to English camp before Sebastopol; constructed with Brassey the grand trunk railway of Canada including Victoria tubular bridge, and with Crampton the London, Chatham and Dover railway; chairman of Eastern counties railway co. 1851 and 1852; sheriff of Kent 1858; contested Maidstone 1865; A.I.C.E. 26 June 1849. d. Assouan, Upper Egypt 21 Jany. 1872. bur. at Aylesford, Kent. Minutes of proc. of Instit. of C.E. xxxvi, 285–88 (1873); I.L.N. lx, 187, 207, 611 (1872)

      BETTY, William Henry West (only child of William Henry Betty, M.D. of Lisburn, Ireland who d. 1811). b. Shrewsbury 13 Sep. 1791; made his début at Belfast theatre 16 Aug. 1803 as Osman in tragedy of Zara, and at Crow st. theatre Dublin 29 Nov. 1803 as Douglas; engaged at Covent Garden for 12 nights at £50 per night and a clear benefit, and at Drury Lane on intervening nights on same terms 1 Dec. 1804, after 3 nights his salary was raised to £100 per night; known as the young Roscius; fellow commoner of Christ’s college, Cambridge July 1808 to 1811; returned to the stage 1812 when he failed to draw; made his last appearance in London June 1813; took his farewell benefit at Southampton 9 Aug, 1824. d. 37, Ampthill sq. London 24 Aug. 1874. Roscius in London Biographical Memoirs of W. H. W. Betty 1805, portrait; Tinsley’s Mag. xv, 415–23 (1874); Temple Bar xlii, 346–61 (1874); Theatrical Inquisitor xii, 227 (1818), portrait; Graphic x, 227 (1874), portrait; The dawn of the 19th century in England by J. Ashton ii, 118–29 (1886), portrait.

      BEVAN, Charles Dacres (son of Charles Bevan, Lieut. col. 4 Foot who d. 12 July 1811). b. 7 Nov. 1805; ed. at Charterhouse and Ball. coll. Ox., B.A. 1827, M.A. 1829; barrister M.T. 21 May 1830; recorder of Dartmouth 1845–55, of Truro 1848–49, of Falmouth 1850–56, of Helston 1850–56 and of Penzance Dec. 1855 to Jany. 1857; judge of county courts for Cornwall (circuit 59) 22 Jany. 1857 to death. d. near Fowey, Cornwall 24 June 1872.

      BEVAN, Edward. b. London 8 July 1770; apprenticed to a surgeon at Hereford; studied at St. Bartholomew’s hospital; M.D. St. Andrews 1818; physician at Mortlake 5 years, at Stoke-upon-Trent, at Congleton 12 years and at Mortlake again 2 years; lived at Bridstow near Ross, then at Hereford 1849 to death; one of founders of Entomological Society 1833; author of The Honey-Bee, its natural history, physiology and management 1827, 3 ed. 1870, which was the best book on the subject; Hints on the history and management of the Honey-Bee 1851. d. Hereford 31 Jany. 1860. The Naturalist, ed. by Neville Wood iv, 142–46 (1838), portrait.

      BEVAN, Hannah Marishall (dau. of Wm. Bevan of London, tea merchant). b. London 1 Feb. 1798; joined the Newgate prison committee; worked with Elizabeth Fry and others; a minister of Society of Friends 1828. (m. 1827 Thomas Bevan, M.D. who d. 1847 aged 43). d. Penge 8 Nov. 1874. Annual Monitor for 1876 pp. 3–19.

      BEVAN, Philip. Ed. at Trin. coll. Dub., M.A. and M.B. 1843, M.D. 1845; F.R.C.S. Ireland 1837; lecturer on anatomy Dublin School of medicine; surgeon to Mercers hospital to about 1870; M.R.I.A. 13 April 1846; professor of practical anatomy Royal college of surgeons to death. d. 33 Pembroke road, Dublin 6 Dec. 1881.

      BEVAN, Venerable Thomas. Ed. at Jesus coll. Ox., B.A. 1823, M.A. 1828; V. of St. Peter’s, Carmarthen 1833 to death; archdeacon of St. David’s 11 June 1833 to death; preb. of Brecon 1853 to death. d. 28 Dec. 1863 aged 63.

      BEVERIDGE, Thomas. b. Dunfermline 7 Oct. 1775; deputy clerk in the court of session, Edinburgh; author of A practical treatise on the forms of process containing the new regulation before the Court of Session … 2 vols. 1826; A guide to the judicial records of the court of session 1852. d. near Edinburgh 27 May 1858.