Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H. Frederic Boase
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СКАЧАТЬ author of On artificial limbs 1855; Orthopraxy the mechanical treatment of deformities 1865, 3 ed. 1877; The gentle treatment of spinal curvature 1875. d. 56 Wimpole st. Cavendish sq. London 30 April 1881. Min. of Proc. of Instit. of C.E. lxviii, 317–20 (1882).

      BIGG, John Stanyan. b. Ulverston, Lancashire 14 July 1828; editor of the Ulverston Advertiser 1848 to about 1854 and 1860 to death, and proprietor 1863 to death; editor of the Downshire Protestant about 1854–60; author of The sea King, a metrical romance in 6 cantos 1848; Night and the Soul, a dramatic poem 1854; Alfred Staunton, a novel 1860; Shifting scenes and other poems 1862. d. 7 Hoad terrace, Ulverston 19 May 1865. Ulverston Advertiser 25 May 1865 p. 4, col. 5.

      BIGGAR, William. Editor and proprietor of The railway times weekly paper. d. Thorpe banks, Willow vale, Shepherd’s Bush 27 Dec. 1872 in 64 year.

      BIGGE, Arthur (7 son of Charles Wm. Bigge of Linden, Northumberland). b. 18 May 1818; ed. at Rugby and Univ. coll. Ox., B.A. 1840, M.A. 1843; fellow of All Soul’s college, bursar 1848–58; barrister I.T. 7 June 1844; stipendiary magistrate for Brighton (the first) 3 Feb. 1855 to 3 May 1884; started the plan of presenting to the deserving aged poor of Brighton on St. Thomas’s day annually sum of 10/– each. d. 23 Cambridge road Hove, Brighton 28 Aug. 1885.

      BIGGE, Rev. John Frederic. Educ. at Univ. coll. Durham, B.A. 1840, M.A. 1843; V. of Ovingham 1841–47; V. of Stamfordham 1847 to death; author of many articles in Transactions of Tyneside Naturalists field club. d. Newcastle 28 Feb. 1885 in 71 year.

      BIGGS, James. b. Canterbury; bookseller at 18 Strand, London, removed to 421 Strand; started 13 May 1843 The Family Herald or useful information and amusement for the million in weekly numbers and monthly parts, this paper in a few years attained a circulation of 260,000 copies per week; founded Biggs’s Charity 1863 for granting pensions of £10 a year to printers and their widows over 55 years of age. d. 421 Strand, London 22 May 1859 aged 64, leaving nearly £50,000 in legacies to about 300 charities and individuals.

      BIGGS, John. b. Leicester 1801; manufacturer at Leicester; mayor 1840, 1847 and 1855; M.P. for Leicester 1856–1862; took out a patent for lacemaking 1844. d. Leicester 4 June 1871.

      BIGGS, William. b. Leicester 1805; mayor of Leicester 1842 and 1849; M.P. for Newport, Isle of Wight 9 July 1852 to 21 March 1857. d. Upper Parliament st. Liverpool 3 Oct. 1881 in 77 year.

      BIGLAND, Wilson Braddyll. b. Bigland hall, Holker, Lancashire 20 July 1788; entered navy 21 Oct. 1801; captain 6 March 1821; retired V.A. 2 Oct. 1857; K.H. 25 Jany. 1836. d. Lansdowne place, Leamington 19 Nov. 1858.

      BIGNOLD, Sir Samuel (youngest son of Thomas Bignold of Norwich, banker). b. Norwich 13 Oct. 1791; secretary of Norwich Union Fire insurance company 1814 and of Norwich Union Life insurance company 1818; sheriff of Norwich 1830 and mayor 1833, 1848, 1853 and 1873; knighted by the Queen at St. James’s Palace 3 May 1854; M.P. for Norwich 1854–1857. (m. 1815 Elizabeth only child of Wm. Atkins of Ridlington, Norfolk, she d. 30 March 1860). d. Surrey st. Norwich 2 Jany. 1875. I.L.N. lx, 181, 189 (1872), portrait.

      BIGSBY, John Jeremiah (eld. son of John Bigsby of Nottingham, physician 1760–1844). b. Nottingham; baptised at St. Peter’s church 14 Aug. 1792; ed. at Univ. of Edin., M.D. 1814; assistant surgeon in the army 14 March 1816; physician at Newark 1827–46; lived in London 1846 to death; F.G.S. 1823, Murchison medallist 1874, founded Bigsby gold medal 1877; F.R.G.S. 1850; F.R.S. 3 June 1869; author of The shoe and canoe, or pictures of travel in the Canadas 2 vols. 1850; Thesaurus Siluricus the flora and fauna of the Silurian period 1868; Thesaurus Devonico-Carboniferus the flora and fauna of the Devonian and Carboniferous periods 1878. d. 89 Gloucester place, Portman sq. London 10 Feb. 1881. Quarterly Journal of Geol. Soc. xxxvii, 39–41 (1881).

      BIGSBY, Robert (only son of Robert Bigsby 1764–1825, registrar of archdeaconry of Nottingham). b. Castle gate, Nottingham 11 April 1806; ed. at Repton school; a virtuoso or collector of relics and memorials of illustrious characters; author of The triumph of Drake, a poem 1839; Miscellaneous poems and essays 1842; Visions of the times of old, or the antiquarian enthusiast 3 vols. 1848; Ombo, a dramatic romance in 12 acts 1853; Historical and topographical description of Repton 1854; Irminsula, or the great pillar, a mythological research 1864; Memoir of the order of St. John of Jerusalem 1869 and 10 other books; granted civil list pension of £100 16 Jany. 1860; member of order of St. John of Jerusalem; F.S.A., F.R.S.; a knight of St. James of Portugal. d. 4 Beaufort terrace, Peckham Rye, London 27 Sep. 1873. The Freemason 18 Oct. 1873 p. 677.

      BILBY, Thomas. b. Southampton 1794; musical composer; best known as composer of the hymn tune called “Joyful.” d. Islington, London 24 Sep. 1872.

      BILLER, George. b. 20 Nov. 1811; solicitor in London; wrote many letters to The Church Advocate and other papers on Priestly Absolution; author of Rhymes, reasons and recollections from the common-place books of a Sexagenarian 1876; A few suggestions on Prayer book reform 1878. d. 43 Agate road, Hammersmith 24 April 1885.

      BILLING, Archibald (son of Theodore Billing of Cromlyn, co. Dublin). b. Cromlyn 10 Jany. 1791; ed. at Trin. coll. Dub., B.A. 1811, M.B. 1814, M.A. and M.D. 1818; incorporated M.D. at Oxford 22 Oct. 1818; physician in London 1818 to death; F.R.C.P. 22 Dec. 1819, Censor 1823, Consiliarius 1852 and 1855–57; the first in London to organise a system of practical teaching at the bedside and to give it full effect by regular clinical lectures; physician to London Hospital 2 July 1822 to 4 June 1845; member of senate of Univ. of London 1836 to death; F.R.S. 6 June 1844; author of First principles of medicine 1831, 6 ed. 1868; On the treatment of Asiatic cholera 1848; Practical observations on diseases of the lungs and heart 1852; The science of gems, jewels, coins and medals 1867. d. 34 Park lane, London 2 Sep. 1881. Medical Circular i, 243–45 (1852), portrait; I.L.N. lxxix, 272 (1881), portrait; Graphic xxiv, 389 (1881), portrait.

      BILLING, Richard Annesley. b. 1814; called to bar in Ireland Nov. 1839; practised at Dublin; admitted to bar at Melbourne 23 Oct. 1856; lecturer in law at Melbourne Univ.; Q.C. 1878; county court judge for western division of Victoria April 1882 to death. d. Melbourne 21 June 1882.

      BILLINGE, Mary (dau. of Charles Billinge of Eccleston near Prescot). b. Eccleston 6 Nov. 1772. d. Edge lane, Liverpool 20 Dec. 1863 aged 91, but generally reputed to be 112 and so recorded in the 26th report of the Registrar General. W. J. Thoms’s Human longevity (1873) 34–37, 105–13.

      BILLINGS, Elkanah (2 son of Bradish Billings, of Gloucester near Ottawa, then called Bytown, farmer). b. Gloucester 5 May 1820; ed. at Ottawa and Potsdam in state of New York; admitted attorney at Toronto 1844; called to bar at Toronto 1845; practised at Ottawa 1845–48, and at Renfrew 1849–52; edited the Citizen paper at Ottawa 1852–55; palæontologist to Geological survey of Canada at Montreal 1 Aug. 1856 to death; visited Europe 1858; F.G.S. April 1858; published the Canadian Naturalist Feb. 1856, edited the first vol. and wrote 55 out of the 63 papers in it; contributed to Silliman’s Journal; presented his fine collection of Star fishes, Cystideans and Crinoids to museum of Geological survey of Canada. d. Montreal 14 June 1876. Canadian Naturalist viii, 251–61 (1878); Quarterly journal of Geol. Soc. xxxiii, 48–50 (1877).

      BILLINGS, Robert William. b. London 1813; pupil of John Britton, topographical draughtsman 1813–20; illustrated Godwin’s History of St. Paul’s Cathedral 1837; Illustrations of the Temple Church, London, 1838; Baronial and ecclesiastical antiquities of Scotland 240 illustrations 4 vols. 1845–52; restored the chapel of Edinburgh Castle; built Castle СКАЧАТЬ