Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H. Frederic Boase
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СКАЧАТЬ court at Berlin 1843 and 1846–49; studied English history in London 1857–60; examined the Spanish Archives at Simancas, Spain Aug. 1860 to death, deciphering more than 12 ciphers of exceeding difficulty; author of Calendar of letters, despatches and state papers relating to the negotiations between England and Spain 1485–1525, 3 vols. 1862–68. d. Fonda de los Principes, Puerta del Sol, Madrid 13 Feb. 1869. W. C. Cartwright’s G. Bergenroth a memorial sketch 1870.

      BERGER, George. b. London; a journeyman compositor; wholesale newsagent and bookseller in Holywell st. Strand 1834; the largest retailer of papers and periodicals in London; publisher in Newcastle st. Strand 1864 to death. d. Friern house, Finchley 1 Feb. 1868 aged 72.

      BERGNE, John Brodribb. b. Kensington, London 1800; clerk in the Foreign Office 1815 to death; superintendent of treaty department 1 July 1854 to 1 Dec. 1870 when foreign office agencies were abolished; member of commission to revise Slave trade instructions 1865; an original member of Numismatic Society 1837, treasurer July 1843 to 1857; contributed 16 papers to Numismatic Chronicle; F.S.A. 1844; made a fine collection of coins which was sold at Sotheby’s in an 11 day sale May 1873 for above £6000. d. 21 Thurloe sq. London 16 Jany. 1873. Numismatic Chronicle xiii, 13–15, 304–308 (1873).

      BERKELEY, Thomas Moreton Fitzhardinge Berkeley, 6 Earl of. b. 19 Oct. 1796; ed. at C. C. coll. Ox.; succeeded 8 Aug. 1810, but never assumed the title or took his seat in House of Lords though he received usual summons to do so. d. Hartington lane, Cranford, Hounslow 27 Aug. 1882.

      BERKELEY, Charles Assheton Fitzhardinge. b. 10 Oct. 1818; ensign 11 Foot 27 May 1836; lieut. col. 32 Foot 24 July 1857 to death; C.B. 24 March 1858. d. on board the “Simla” off the island of Socotra 25 Sep. 1858.

      BERKELEY, Craven Fitzhardinge (brother of 6 Earl of Berkeley). b. Berkeley house, Spring Gardens London 28 July 1805; ensign 85 Foot 13 Feb. 1823; captain 2 Life Guards 22 March 1831 to 25 Aug. 1837 when placed on h.p.; M.P. for Cheltenham 10 Dec. 1832 to 23 July 1847, 28 July 1848 to 24 Aug. 1848, when election declared void and 8 July 1852 to death; fought a duel with Henry George Boldero M.P. for Chippenham, in Osterly park 15 July 1842. d. Frankfort upon Main 1 July 1855. Godings History of Cheltenham (1863) 85–94, 365–8.

      BERKELEY, Francis Henry Fitzhardinge (brother of the preceding). b. 7 Dec. 1794; gentleman commoner at Ch. Ch. Ox. 1814; M.P. for Bristol 22 July 1837 to death; leader in House of Commons of the ballot question 8 Aug. 1848 to death, the ballot bill was passed 13 July 1872; chief opponent of the Temperance cause in House of Commons, presented by the licensed victuallers with a testimonial of £1,050 at Bristol 24 Sep. 1856. d. 1 Victoria sq. Pimlico London 10 March 1870. Burn’s Temperance dictionary (1861) 300–303; Illust. News of the world iii, 84 (1859), portrait.

      BERKELEY, George Charles Grantley Fitzhardinge (brother of the preceding). b. Cranford house, Hounslow 10 Feb. 1800; ed. at Sandhurst; ensign Coldstream Guards 1821–23 when placed on h.p.; heir presumptive to Earldom of Berkeley 1810 to death; kept a pack of stag hounds at Cranford 1824–29 and at Harrold hall Beds. from 1829; M.P. for West Gloucs. 24 Dec. 1832 to 1 July 1852; fought a duel with Wm. Maginn editor of Fraser’s Mag. in a field near the Harrow road 5 Aug. 1836 when Maginn was slightly wounded; author of Berkeley Castle an historical romance 3 vols. 1836; Sandron Hall or the days of Queen Anne 3 vols. 1840; Reminiscences of a huntsman 1854; Love and the lion, a poem 1857; The English sportsman in the western prairies 1861; he is depicted in C. J. Collins’s novel Sackville Chase 3 vols. 1863; he was the last person who wore the flat cocked hat known as the chapeau bras. d. Longfleet, Poole 23 Feb. 1881. My life and recollections by G. C. G. F. Berkeley 4 vols. 1865–66, portrait; Fraser’s Mag. xiv, 242–7 (1836), xv, 100–143 (1837); I.L.N. lxxviii, 253 (1881), portrait.

      BERKELEY, Sir George Henry Frederick (elder son of Admiral Sir George Cranfield Berkeley, G.C.B. 1753–1818). b. 9 July 1785; cornet Royal horse guards 21 Jany. 1802; captain 3 Foot guards 22 Feb. 1821 to 16 Nov. 1826 when placed on h.p.; col. 81 Foot 15 Jany. 1844 and of 35 Foot 11 July 1845 to death; surveyor general of the ordnance 28 June to Dec. 1852; general 20 June 1854; M.P. for Devonport 7 July 1852 to death; K.C.B. 2 Jany. 1815. d. Richmond, Surrey 25 Sep. 1857.

      BERKELEY, Robert James. Called to bar in Ireland 1830; Q.C. 9 Nov. 1852. d. 6 Trafalgar terrace, Monkstown, Ireland 31 Oct. 1873.

      BERKELEY, Sackville Hamilton. Ensign 16 Foot 1 May 1800, captain 25 Dec. 1804 to 26 Feb. 1824 when placed on h.p.; deputy adjutant general in West Indies 20 June 1811 to 15 March 1827; col. of 75 Foot 16 Sep. 1845 and of 16 Foot 22 March 1858 to death; general 20 June 1854. d. 4 York terrace, Regent’s Park, London 12 Feb. 1863.

      BERKLY, James John. b. Holloway near London 21 Oct. 1819; pupil of Robert Stephenson 1839; chief resident engineer of Great Indian Peninsula railway 1850–58; first 20 miles of the line from Bombay to Tanna were opened 16 April 1853 thus initiating the Indian railway system; comr. of Bombay municipal board 1857; member of senate of Bombay Univ. 1858; M.I.C.E. 4 Dec. 1855, Telford medallist 1860. d. Sydenham, Kent 25 Aug. 1862. Min. of Proc. of Instit. of C.E. xxii, 618–24 (1863).

      BERNAL, Ralph (only son of Jacob Bernal of 7 Fitzroy square, London who d. 10 Nov. 1811). ed. at Christ’s coll. Cam., B.A. 1806, M.A. 1809; student L.I. 13 June 1804, barrister 8 Feb. 1810; M.P. for Lincoln 1818–20, for Rochester 1820–41 and 1847–52 and for Weymouth 1841–47; spent sum of £66,000 in election contests; chairman of committees of House of Commons 1830–50; pres. of British Archæological association 1853 to death; made a splendid collection of works of art from the Byzantine period to that of Louis Seize and of furniture and plate which was sold for £63,000 in a 32 day sale 1855. d. 93 Eaton sq. London 26 Aug. 1854. Annual Register (1855) 41–44; G.M. xlii, 628 (1854).

      BERNAL OSBORNE, Ralph (eld. son of the preceding). b. 26 March 1808; ed. at the Charterhouse; matric. from Trin. coll. Cam. Oct. 1829; ensign 71 Foot 8 June 1830; captain 7 Foot 27 July 1838 to 1841 when he sold out; M.P. for Chipping Wycombe 1841–47, for Middlesex 1847–57, for Dover 1857–59, for Liskeard 1859–65, for Nottingham 1866–68 and for Waterford city 1870–74; took surname of Osborne in lieu of Bernal 19 Aug. 1844 but always known as R. Bernal Osborne; presided at banquet given to Lord Palmerston at Reform club 20 July 1850; secretary of the Admiralty Dec. 1852 to Feb. 1858; author of 2 poems called The chaunt of Achilles 1838 and A voice from Palace yard. d. Bestwood lodge near Nottingham 4 Jany. 1882. Bagenal’s Life of R. Bernal Osborne privately printed 1884; Temple Bar, lxxii, 34–49 (1884); Fortnightly Review xxxvi, 535–44 (1884); I.L.N. xiv, 397 (1849), portrait, lxxx, 61 (1882), portrait; Graphic xxv, 45 (1882), portrait.

      BERNARD, Hermann. b. Uman or Human Poland 1785; a banker; went to England 1825; Hebrew teacher in Univ. of Cambridge 1830 to death; author of The creed and ethics of the Jews 1832; edited Guide of the Hebrew student 1839; author with Rev. P. H. Mason of An easy practical Hebrew grammar; in the title pages of all his works the name of Hedwig being that of a departed sister whom he wished to commemorate is joined to his own. d. Cambridge 15 Nov. 1857. The book of Job as expounded to his Cambridge pupils by the late H. H. Bernard edited by Frank Chance vol. i, (1864) lxxvii-ciii, (1864), portrait.

      BERNARD, Mountague (3 son of Charles Bernard of Eden, Jamaica). b. Tibberton Court, Gloucs. 28 Jany. 1820; ed. at Sherborne and Trin. coll. Ox., B.A. 1842, B.C.L. 1845, D.C.L. 1871; Vinerian scholar and fellow of his college; barrister L.I. 1 May 1846; Chichele professor of international law and diplomacy in Univ. of Oxford 1859 to 9 May 1874; assessor of the Chancellor’s Court, Oxford 1859 to Nov. 1871; sec. to royal commission on Cattle plague 1866; member of royal commissions on Naturalisation 1868, Fugitive slaves 1876 and Univ. of Ox. 1877; fellow of All Souls coll. Ox. 1870; curator of Taylor СКАЧАТЬ