Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H. Frederic Boase
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СКАЧАТЬ companies 1855–56; author of Manual of life insurance 1862; Financial position of life offices 1865. d. Feb. 1872 aged 67.

      BENTLEY, Joseph Clayton. b. Bradford, Yorkshire 1809; a landscape painter; went to London 1832; exhibited landscapes chiefly views in Yorkshire at Royal Academy and other exhibitions; a line engraver; executed many plates for publications of Messrs. Fisher and Messrs. Virtue especially for the Gems of European Art 2 vols. 1847; some of his best works are in the Vernon Gallery at the National Gallery. d. Sydenham, Kent 9 Oct. 1851.

      BENTLEY, Richard (brother of John Bentley 1786–1860). b. Oct. 1794; ed. at St. Paul’s sch.; publisher with his brother Samuel in Salisbury st. Fleet st. Jany. 1819 to 1829; publisher with Henry Colburn 1829–32; started Bentley’s Miscellany 1837; founded with George Smythe and the Young England party a newspaper called Young England Jany. 1845 which collapsed April 1845; started with John Douglas Cook Bentley’s Quarterly Review 1859 of which only 4 numbers appeared; published Standard Novels 127 volumes the copyright and stock of which he sold 27 Feb. 1856 for £11,000; publisher in ordinary to the Queen 1838 to death. d. Ramsgate 10 Sep. 1871. Graphic iv, 375, 381 (1871), portrait.

      BENTLEY, Samuel (brother of the preceding). b. 10 May 1785; ed. at St. Paul’s school; apprenticed to John Nichols, printer and publisher; partner in firm of Nichols, Son and Bentley April 1812 to Dec. 1818; publisher with his brother Richard Jany. 1819 to 1829; carried on business at Bangor house, Shoe lane under firm of Samuel and John Bentley, Wilson and Fley 1829 to April 1853 when he retired; an antiquary, musician and artist; edited the Concio de puero Jesu of Erasmus 1816; author of Excerpta Historica 1831; indexed Nichols’s Literary anecdotes and Surtees’s History of Durham. d. Croydon 13 April 1868. G.M. i, 127 (1868).

      BENTLEY, William (brother of the preceding). b. 1788; ed. at St. Paul’s school; principal of the Bank stock office, Bank of England; master of the Leathersellers Company 1857–58. d. Colfe lodge, Lewisham 28 Jany. 1877.

      BENTON, Mary (dau. of Ralph Lodge). b. Raby Moor house near Keverstone, Durham 12 Feb. 1751. (m. John Benton of Longnewton, butcher). Lived at hamlet of Elton near Stockton on Tees many years. d. Elton 7 Jany. 1853, aged 102. I.L.N. xviii, 324 (1851), portrait.

      BEOR, Henry Rogers (4 son of Richard White Beor of Swansea). Barrister M.T. 26 Jany. 1870; admitted to Queensland bar 7 Dec. 1875; member of Queensland parliament for Bowen; attorney general for Queensland 1880. d. on his voyage from Sydney to Auckland 25 Dec. 1880.

      BERE, Montagu Baker. b. 15 July 1798; barrister L.I. 21 June 1825; commissioner of Court of bankruptcy at Leeds 21 Oct. 1842 to 1844 and at Exeter 1844 to death. d. Barley near Exeter 13 Dec. 1858.

      BERENS, Venerable Edward (son of Joseph Berens of Hextable, Kent). Matric. from Ch. Ch. Ox. 17 Jany. 1794 aged 17; B.A. 1798, M.A. 1801; fellow of Oriel coll.; V. of Shrivenham, Berks. 1804 to death; R. of Englefield, Berks. 1818–55; Preb. of Salisbury 23 Oct. 1829 to death; archdeacon of Berks. 7 Sep. 1832 to 1855; author of A discourse on parochial psalmody 1825; Advice to a young man upon first going to Oxford 1832, 6 ed. 1853; The history of the Prayer Book of the Church of England 1839, 2 ed. 1854; A memoir of the life of Bishop Mant 1849; Lectures on the Liturgy 1850 and other books. d. Shrivenham vicarage 7 April 1859.

      BERENS, Henry Hulse (son of Joseph Berens of Kevington, Kent). b. 1804; deputy chairman of Public works loan office 1849–52; a director of Bank of England many years. d. Sidcup, Kent 23 Aug. 1883 aged 78.

      BERENS, Otto Alexander. Linen draper in St. Paul’s churchyard, London; originated the fancy trade; moved to Cannon st. 1854. d. Raleigh hall, Brixton-rise London 15 April 1860 aged 63.

      BERESFORD, William Carr Beresford, 1 Viscount (natural son of George de la Poer Beresford, 1 Marquis of Waterford 1735–1800). b. Ireland 2 Oct. 1768; ed. at Strassburg; ensign 6 Foot 27 Aug. 1785; lieut. col. of 124 or Waterford Foot (a regiment raised by his father) 11 Aug. 1794; lieut. col. 88 Foot 1 Sep. 1795 to 9 Feb. 1807; commanded first brigade in Egypt June 1801 to 1802 and first brigade at Cape of Good Hope 1806; captured Buenos Ayres 27 June 1806 but lost it 12 Aug.; colonel 88 Foot 9 Feb. 1807 to 11 March 1819; governor of Madeira 24 Dec. 1807 to July 1808; marshal commanding Portugese army 1 March 1809 to 1819; captain general of Spain 1811; commander in chief at battle of Albuera 16 May 1811; voted the thanks of Parliament 7 June 1811; received a cross with 7 clasps for 12 actions July 1815; governor of Jersey 29 Jany. 1820 to death; col. 69 Foot 11 March 1819 to 15 March 1823; col. 16 Foot 15 March 1823 to death; lieutenant general of the ordnance 8 Feb. 1823 to 3 May 1824, master general 29 Jany. 1828 to 22 Nov. 1830; general 27 May 1825; col. in chief 60 Rifles 23 Sep. 1852 to death; K.C.B. 18 Oct. 1810, G.C.B. 2 Jany. 1815; knighted at Whitehall 23 Oct. 1810; Conde de Trancoso in peerage of Portugal 1810; Duke of Elvas in peerage of Spain; M.P. for co. Waterford 28 June 1811 to 17 May 1814 but never took his seat; created Baron Beresford of Albuera and Dungarvan, co. Waterford 17 May 1814; G.C.H. 1818; P.C. 6 Feb. 1821; created Viscount Beresford of Beresford, co. Stafford 22 April 1823. d. Bedgebury park, Goudhurst Kent 8 Jany. 1854. J. W. Cole’s Memoirs of British generals i, 165–217 (1856); W. C. Taylor’s National portrait gallery iv, 96 (1848), portrait; I.L.N. xxi, 545 (1852), portrait, xxiv 38, 58 (1854), portrait; Napier’s Peninsular War vol. iii.

      BERESFORD, Denis William Pack. b. London 7 July 1810; M.P. for co. Carlow 7 Aug. 1862 to 11 Nov. 1868. d. 28 Dec. 1881.

      BERESFORD, Sir George de la Poer, 2 Baronet. b. 1 March 1811; M.P. for Athlone 8 July 1841 to 13 June 1842; succeeded 2 Oct. 1844. d. Glasgow 11 Feb. 1873.

      BERESFORD, Most Rev. John George (2 son of George Beresford, 1 Marquis of Waterford 1735–1800). b. Tyrone house, Dublin 22 Nov. 1773; ed. at Eton and Ch. Ch. Ox., B.A. 1793, M.A. 1796, D.D. 1805; ordained deacon 1795, priest 1797; R. of Clonegam and Newtown Lenan; dean of Clogher 23 Dec. 1799; R. of Termonmaguirk 1801; bishop of Cork and Ross 20 Feb. 1805; consecrated 24 March 1805; translated to Raphoe 10 Aug. 1807; translated to Clogher 25 Sep. 1819; created Archbishop of Dublin 21 April 1820; enthroned 6 May 1820; P.C. Ireland 23 May 1820; archbishop of Armagh and primate of all Ireland 17 June 1822; vice chancellor of Univ. of Dublin 1829, chancellor 19 Nov. 1851; founded the chair of Ecclesiastical history 1853; gave £6000 to college of St. Columba; restored Armagh cathedral at expense of nearly £30,000. d. Woburn near Donaghadee 18 July 1862. bur. in crypt of Armagh cathedral 30 July. Creasy’s Memoirs of eminent Etonians new ed. 1876, 568–89; I.L.N. xli, 128, 138 (1862), portrait; Dublin Univ. Mag. xvi, 86–89 (1840), portrait.

      Note.—He presided over the church in Ireland for 40 years, a longer period than any primate for nearly 1000 years; on completing the 50th year of his episcopate, 29 March 1855 he received an address of congratulation signed by all the Irish bishops and by 1980 out of the entire body of 2100 Irish clergy.

      BERESFORD, Marcus (2 son of Hon. George Beresford 1776–1842). b. 28 July 1800; 2 lieut. 21 Foot 4 Sep. 1817; lieut. col. 3 Foot 25 Dec. 1835 to 13 May 1842 when placed on h.p.; colonel 20 Foot 22 Sep. 1858 to death; general 4 March 1866. d. Leamington 16 March 1876.

      BERESFORD, William (younger son of Marcus Beresford 1764–97, M.P. for Dungarvan). b. 17 April 1797; ed. at Eton and St. Mary’s hall Ox., B.A. 1819, M.A. 1824; captain 12 Lancers 6 April 1826 to 16 July 1830 when placed on h.p.; served in Portugal 1827; master of the Tennis Court, Hampton Court 1823 to death; contested Waterford 1837; M.P. for Harwich 1841–1847 and for North Essex 1847–65; secretary at war 28 Feb. 1852 to Dec. 1852; P.C. 27 Feb. 1852. d. Eccleston sq. London 6 Oct. 1883. I.L.N. xx, 267 (1852), portrait.

      BERGENROTH, Gustave Adolph. b. СКАЧАТЬ