Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H. Frederic Boase
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СКАЧАТЬ States of America 16 Feb. 1871, signed treaty of Washington 8 May 1871; P.C. 29 June 1871, member of its Judicial committee 24 Nov. 1871; an original member of the Institut de droit international 1873, pres. at the Oxford meeting 1880; one of founders of Guardian newspaper 1846, wrote the weekly summary of events in it for some years. d. Overross, Ross, Herefordshire 2 Sep. 1882.

      BERNARD, Thomas. b. Sep. 1816; sheriff of King’s county 1837 and lord lieutenant 5 Dec. 1867 to death; colonel of King’s county militia 23 March 1871 to death. d. Castle Bernard, Kinnetty, King’s county 13 Dec. 1882.

      BERNARD, Sir Thomas Tyringham, 6 Baronet. b. Bolton st. Piccadilly London 15 Sep. 1791; ed. at Eton and Ch. Ch. Ox.; sheriff of Bucks. 1816; M.P. for Aylesbury 28 March 1857 to 6 July 1865; succeeded 22 Jany. 1876. d. Cadogan lodge, Carlyle sq. London 8 May 1883. I.L.N. lxxxii, 525 (1883), portrait.

      BERNARD, William Bayle (son of John Bernard, English comedian 1756–1828). b. Pleasant st. Boston U.S. 27 Nov. 1809; came to England 1820; clerk in Army accounts office 1826–30 when office was abolished; wrote much dramatic and other criticism for the press; author of The freebooter’s bride 5 vols. 1828; Life of Samuel Lover 2 vols. 1874 and of 114 plays, best known being Rip Van Winkle 1832; The nervous man 1833; The man about town 1836; Marie Ducange 1837; His last legs 1839; The boarding school 1841; The round of wrong 1846. d. Brighton 5 Aug. 1875. The Era Almanac (1868) 17–18.

      BERNARD, William Smyth (4 son of 1 Earl of Bandon 1755–1830). b. Castle Bernard, King’s County 14 Nov. 1792; sheriff of Cork 1820; M.P. for Bandon 15 Dec. 1832 to death. d. Queenstown 6 Feb. 1863.

      BERNAYS, Adolphus. Professor of German language and literature at King’s College London 1831–63; F.R.G.S. 1858; author of German poetry for beginners 1836; German poetical anthology 1843; German historical anthology 1846 and 6 other school books. d. The rectory, Great Stanmore 22 Dec. 1864.

      BERNAYS, Rev. Leopold John (eld. son of the preceding). b. 28 Dec. 1820; ed. at Merchant Taylors and St. John’s coll. Ox., B.A. 1843, M.A. 1846, fellow of his college; head master of Elstree school 1847–60; R. of Great Stanmore, Middlesex 1860 to death; author of Translation of Goethe’s Faust, part 2 and other poems 1839; Manual of family prayers and meditations 1845; The church in the schoolroom, 1851. d. The rectory, Great Stanmore 25 Oct. 1882.

      BERNCASTLE, Julius. Educ. at Univ. of Paris and Guy’s hospital London; assistant colonial surgeon Van Diemen’s Land 1841–42; surgeon at Croydon, Surrey 1842–48; surgeon to Croydon union and infirmary 1842–48 when presented by medical profession with a purse of gold; practised in London 1851–54; an oculist and aurist at Sydney 1854 and at Melbourne 1867 to death; author of A voyage to China 2 vols. 1850; The revolt of the Bengal Sepoys 1857; The defenceless state of Sydney 1865; Australian snake bites; The use and abuse of tobacco [Two lectures] 1868. d. Greville place, Prahran, Victoria 30 June 1870 in 51 year.

      BERNERS, Rev. Henry Wilson, 5 Baron. b. 1 Oct. 1762; R. of Alexton, Leics. 1814 to death; R. of Kirby-Cane, Norfolk 1820 to 1845; succeeded 25 March 1838. d. Kirby-Cane 26 Feb. 1851.

      BERNERS, Henry William Wilson, 6 Baron. b. Kirby-Cane hall, Norfolk 23 Feb. 1797; ed. at Eton and Em. coll. Cam.; built Keythorpe hall, co. Leicester 1842; succeeded 26 Feb. 1851; pres. of Royal agricultural society 1859 and of Smithfield club 1860 and 1861; a successful breeder of sheep and shorthorns; a great hawker and hunter. d. Keythorpe hall 27 June 1871. Illust. news of the world ii, (1858), portrait; I.L.N. xxviii, 74 (1858), portrait.

      BERNERS, Venerable Henry Denny (2 son of Charles Berners of Woolverstone park, Suffolk 1740–1815). b. 18 Sep. 1769; ed. at St. Mary hall Ox., B.C.L. 1794; R. of Erwarton, Suffolk 1801–35; archdeacon of Suffolk 27 Feb. 1819 to 12 Jany. 1846. d. Woolverstone park, 24 Jany. 1852.

      BERNEY, Sir Hanson, 8 Baronet. b. Kirby-Bedon, Norfolk 3 Dec. 1780; succeeded 4 Oct. 1825. d. 7 Sep. 1870.

      BERNSTORFF, Albrecht Graf Von, Baron. b. Dreilükow, Mecklenburg 22 March 1809; Prussian minister in London 1 May 1854; minister for foreign affairs at Berlin July 1861 to Oct. 1862; Prussian ambassador in London Oct. 1862; ambassador of North German confederation Feb. 1867 and of German empire 24 Feb. 1871 to death. d. 9 Carlton house terrace, London 26 March 1873. Illust. news of the world i, 10 (1858), portrait.

      BERRI, Amy d’Artois, Duchesse de (dau. of Rev. Joseph Brown of Maidstone, Kent who d. 8 April 1824 aged 77 by Mary Anne Deacon who d. 10 March 1806 aged 59). b. Maidstone 8 April 1783 m. at the Catholic church King st. Portman sq. London 1806, Charles Ferdinand d’Artois Duc de Berri son of Comte d’Artois afterwards Charles x, he was b. 24 Jany. 1778 and was assassinated by Louvel on the steps of the Opera house Paris 13 Feb. 1820, the marriage was annulled by Louis xviii in 1815. d. Château de la Contrie, commune de Couffé, Loire-Inférieure France 7 May 1876. Les secrets des Bourbons par C. Nauroy (1882) 5–62; Bingham’s Marriages of the Bonapartes ii, 198–200 (1881).

      BERRIDGE, James Samuel. b. 1806; Educ. at the Charter House and Trin. hall Cam.; pres. of legislative council St. Christopher 1846, puisne judge Court of Queen’s Bench and Common Pleas 1847, chairman of Board of Health 1860, postmaster 1860, pres. of legislative assembly 1870; pres. of St. Christopher April 1872 to death; member of executive council of Leeward Islands 1872. d. Limekiln, St. Kitts 5 Nov. 1885.

      BERRY, James Middleton. Librarian to the Queen 1839 to death. d. Manchester 25 Oct. 1875 aged 72.

      BERRY, Agnes (younger dau. of Robert Berry of London, merchant who d. 18 May 1817). b. Kirkbridge, Yorkshire 29 May 1764; travelled on the Continent with her sister Mary 1783–85 and 1802. d. 8 Curzon st. London 29 Jany. 1852. Extracts from the Journals of Miss Berry, edited by Lady T. Lewis, 2 ed. vol. 1 (1866), portrait.

      BERRY, Alexander. b. Fifeshire 30 Nov. 1781; member of legislative council of New South Wales 1829; member of the upper house 1856–61. d. Sydney 17 Sep. 1873.

      BERRY, Rev. Charles (3 son of Rev. John Berry, Independent minister at Romsey, Hants who d. about 1821). b. Romsey 10 Nov. 1783; ed. at Homerton college; Unitarian minister of the Great meeting Leicester 1803–59; kept a school at Leicester 1808–38, had many distinguished pupils; one of founders of Leicester literary and philosophical society and of Leicester town museum; author of The duty of national thanksgiving 1812; Funeral sermon for Queen Caroline 1821; Remarks on Popery 1851. d. Olive Mount, Wavertree, Liverpool 4 May 1877. Remembrance of Rev. C. Berry by J. C. (James Clephan) 1877.

      BERRY, Rev. Cornelius (brother of the preceding). b. Romsey 23 July 1788; ed. at Homerton college; Independent minister at Ware, Herts 1 Oct. 1809 to 30 Sep. 1810, at Hatfield Heath, Essex 31 March 1811 to death; ordained 9 Oct. 1811. d. 5 Mathon place, Richmond road, Barnsbury, London 8 Sep. 1864. Biographical sketch of the Rev. C. Berry by John Hayden 1865.

      BERRY, Mary (sister of Agnes Berry). b. Kirkbridge, Yorkshire 16 March 1763; travelled on the Continent 1783–85 and 1802; became acquainted with Horace Walpole 1788 who left her at his death 2 March 1797 sum of £4000 and house called Little Strawberry Hill; engaged to General O’Hara 1796; edited The works of Horace Walpole 5 vols. 1798 on which her father’s name appears as editor; author of Fashionable Friends, a comedy in 5 acts produced at Drury Lane theatre 22 April 1802; A comparative view of the social condition of England and France 1828; Social life in England and France from the French revolution in 1789 to that of July 1830 [anon.] 1831. d. 8 Curzon st. London at midnight 20 Nov. 1852. H. Martineau’s СКАЧАТЬ