Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H. Frederic Boase
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СКАЧАТЬ Nov. 1825; physician to City of Dublin hospital; contributed 4 articles to Todd’s Cyclopædia of anatomy and a course of lectures on the Diseases of the digestive organs to Dublin Medical Press 1840–42. d. 42 Fitzwilliam sq. Dublin 21 Jany. 1880 in 83 year.

      BENSON, Rev. Christopher (son of Thomas Benson of Cockermouth, solicitor). b. Cockermouth 1788; ed. at Trin. coll. Cam., scholar, B.A. 1809, M.A. 1815; select preacher 1817; Hulsean lecturer (the first) 1820–22; fellow of Magd. coll. Cam. 1820; preb. of Worcester cathedral 27 Dec. 1825 to death; R. of St. Giles’s-in-the-Fields, London 1824–26; V. of Cropthorne, Worcs. 1826–40; master of the Temple London 1827–45; author of Discourses on powers of the clergy 1841; Baptism and baptismal regeneration 1843. d. Woodfield, Ross, Hereford 25 March 1868. The living and the dead by a country curate (Rev. E. Neale) 1827 pp. 81–98; E. M. Roose’s Ecclesiastica (1842) 413–15.

      BENSON, Sir John (only son of John Benson of Collooney, co. Sligo). b. Collooney 1812; architect and civil engineer; county surveyor to east riding of co. Cork 8 April 1846; surveyor of city of Cork 29 Jany. 1851; architect and builder of Dublin exhibition 12 Aug. 1852 which was opened 12 May 1853, knighted by Earl of St. Germans at the opening; engineer of Cork waterworks which cost £80,000; built 48 bridges in co. Cork; M.I.C.E. 4 March 1862. d. 15 Alexander sq. Brompton London 17 Oct. 1874. Min. of Proc. of Instit. of C.E. xl, 251–53 (1875).

      BENSON, Richard. Entered Bengal army 1805; colonel 11 Bengal N.I. 16 July 1849 to death; C.B. 3 April 1846; M.G. 28 Nov. 1854. d. at his residence on lake of Buttermere, Cumberland 26 Aug. 1858.

      BENSON, Rev. Samuel. Ed. at St. John’s coll. Cam.; B.A. 1823, M.A. 1826; lecturer at St. John’s Horsleydown 1823–33; chaplain of Horsemonger lane gaol 1833–43; V. of St. Saviour’s Southwark 1868 to death; author of several sermons and tracts. d. 34 Borough high st. London 22 Feb. 1881 aged 82. I.L.N. xxiv, 401 (1851), portrait.

      BENT, Jeffery Hart (eld. son of Robert Bent of Lancashire). Ed. at Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1804, M.A. 1807; barrister M.T. 7 Feb. 1806; chief justice of New South Wales 1814, of Grenada 1820 to 1833, of St. Lucia 1833 to 1836 and of British Guiana 1836 to death. d. George Town Demerara 29 June 1852 aged 72. I.L.N. xxi, 155 (1852).

      BENT, Sir John (eld. son of Wm. Bent of Stoneyfield near Newcastle under Lyne). b. Newcastle under Lyne 1793; ed. at Newcastle gr. sch.; a large brewer at Liverpool; alderman of Liverpool, mayor 1850–51; knighted by the Queen at Liverpool 9 Oct. 1851. d. Edge hill near Liverpool 13 Aug. 1857.

      BENT, John. Assistant surgeon in the army 11 Sep. 1838; served in the Crimea 30 April 1855 to end of the war; deputy surgeon general 28 Jany. 1862; surgeon general 11 July 1874 to death. d. The Camp Aldershot 23 Nov. 1874 aged 57.

      BENT, Robert (son of Wm. Bent who founded Bent’s Literary Advertiser 1802). Edited The London Catalogue of books 1839. d. 6 Dec. 1859.

      BENTHAM, George. b. June 1787; entered navy 1795; captain 16 Sep. 1816; retired V.A. 9 July 1857; knight of Sardinian order of St. Maurice and St. Lazare. d. Barton fields, Canterbury 24 Feb. 1862.

      BENTHAM, George (2 son of Sir Samuel Bentham, naval architect 1757–1831). b. Stoke near Plymouth 22 Sep. 1800; lived in France 1814–26; managed his father’s estate of 2000 acres near Montpellier; student at Lincoln’s Inn; worked for his uncle Jeremy Bentham 1826–32; F.L.S. 1828, vice pres. 1858, pres. 1861–74; hon. sec. of Horticultural Society 1829–40 which he raised to a flourishing condition; presented his collections and books valued at £6,000 to Kew Gardens 1854; F.R.S. 5 June 1862, royal medallist 1859; LLD. Cambridge 4 June 1874; C.M.G. 1878; author of Outlines of a new system of logic 1827 which set forth for the first time doctrine of quantification of the predicate, the most fruitful discovery in abstract logical science since Aristotle; Handbook of the British flora 1858, 2 vols. 1865; Flora Hong-Kongensis 1861; Flora Australiensis 7 vols. 1863–78; author with Sir Joseph Hooker of Genera Plantarum, 6 parts in 3 vols. 1862–83 which marks an epoch in botany. d. 25 Wilton place, London 10 Sep. 1884. Nature xxx, 539–43 (1884); G. C. Wallich’s Eminent men of the day (1870), portrait.

      BENTINCK, Adolphe Baron Von. Secretary of legation for the Netherlands at Copenhagen, Stockholm, Berlin and Vienna successively; councillor of the legation in London 7 years; envoy extraord. and minister plenipo. in London 25 Aug. 1851 to death. d. 26 Eaton sq. London 2 March 1868 aged 70.

      BENTINCK, Arthur Cavendish. b. 9 May 1819; ensign 84 Foot 2 Nov. 1838; lieut. col. 7 Dragoon guards 8 Dec. 1854 and 4 Dragoon guards 30 Aug. 1859 to 30 May 1862 when placed on h.p.; L.G. 1 Oct. 1877. d. Thomas’s hotel, 25 Berkely sq. London 11 Dec. 1877.

      BENTINCK, Charles Anthony Ferdinand. b. 4 March 1792; ensign Coldstream guards 16 Nov. 1808, lieut. col. 9 Nov. 1846 to 25 April 1848 when placed on h.p.; colonel 12 Foot 14 April 1857 to death; L.G. 15 Jany. 1858. d. Bergheim in principality of Waldeck 28 Oct. 1864.

      BENTINCK, Sir Henry John William (youngest son of Major general John Charles Bentinck 1763–1833). b. 8 Sep. 1796; ensign Coldstream guards 25 March 1813, lieut. col. 22 Aug. 1851 to 20 June 1854; aide de camp to the Queen 23 Nov. 1841 to 20 June 1854; commanded the brigade of Guards in the Crimea 22 Feb. to 8 Nov. 1854 and the fourth division 1 June to 10 Oct. 1855; colonel 28 Foot 11 Oct. 1854 to death; K.C.B. 5 July 1855; groom in waiting to the Queen Nov. 1859 to June 1867; general 8 Dec. 1867. d. 35 Grosvenor st. London 29 Sep. 1878.

      BENTINCK, Henry William Cavendish (youngest son of 4 Duke of Portland 1768–1854). b. 9 June 1804; ed. at Ch. Ch. Ox.; M.P. for North Notts. 6 March 1846 to 21 March 1857; invented the call for trumps at whist, known as Blue Peter, at Graham’s club house 87 St. James’s st. about 1836, an explanation of which first appeared in print in The laws and practice of whist by Cælebs, M.A. [E. A, Carlyon], 2 ed. 1856; master of the Rufford hounds 1835–36, of the Burton hounds 1842–64, when he sold the pack for £3,500, had over 100 horses in his stable at one time. d. Tathwell hall near Louth 31 Dec. 1870. Baily’s Mag. xix, 288–93 (1871).

      BENTINCK, Venerable William Harry Edward. (elder son of Lord Edward Charles Bentinck 1744–1819). b. 2 Feb. 1784; ed. at Westminster and Ch. Ch. Ox.; B.A. 1805, M.A. 1808; R. of Sigglesthorne near Hull 1808 to death; Canon of Westminster 7 Oct. 1809 to 1864 and Archdeacon 1854–64; rural dean 1842 to death; built at his own expense church of Holy Trinity, Vauxhall bridge 1852. d. Sigglesthorne rectory 29 Sep. 1868. I.L.N. xxiv, 401 (1854), portrait.

      BENTLEY, Charles. Member of the old water-color Society 1844; painted many pictures chiefly of coast and river scenery, four of which are in the South Kensington Museum. d. of cholera at Mornington place London 4 Sep. 1854 aged 48.

      BENTLEY, Edward (eld. son of John Bentley 1786–1860). b. 31 Dec. 1817; an operative chemist; gained credit for his method of obtaining the more powerful vegetable preparations for medical use; studied at Guy’s Hospital; L.R.C.P. 1845; M.D. St. Andrews 1845; very instrumental in founding City of London hospital for diseases of the chest 1848; hon. sec. to Pathological Society of London. d. 8 St. Thomas sq. Hackney 2 Feb. 1861.

      BENTLEY, James. b. 1785; purchased Wood Green park, Cheshunt, Herts 1839 and the manor of the rectory of Cheshunt 1855; sheriff of Herts 1860; treasurer of St. Bartholomew’s hospital 1841–55. d. Wood Green park 26 Oct. 1880 in 96 year.

      BENTLEY, John (son of Edward Bentley, principal of accountants office bank of England who d. 24 July 1838 aged 85). b. 12 Nov. 1786; ed. at St. Paul’s school; secretary to Bank of England 1850–60. d. Park crescent, Brighton 20 Dec. 1860.