Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H. Frederic Boase
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СКАЧАТЬ a series of Italian comic operas at Lyceum theatre 1836; conductor of English opera at Drury Lane 1838, where he produced The gipsy’s warning 19 April 1838; The brides of Venice 22 April 1844, and The Crusaders 1846; travelled with Jenny Lind in the United States and Havannah and directed all her 122 concerts 1850–52; formed a choral society called The vocal association; conductor of Italian opera at Drury Lane and Her Majesty’s theatres 1859–60; conducted the Norwich Musical Festivals 1845–78 where he produced Undine 1860, Richard Cœur de Lion 1863 and St. Cecilia 1866; conducted the Monday Popular Concerts; his best known opera The Lily of Killarney was produced at Covent Garden 8 Feb. 1862; conductor of Liverpool Philharmonic society 9 April 1867 to Feb. 1879; wrote for Birmingham musical festivals St. Peter 1870 and Graziella 1873; knighted at Windsor Castle 24 March 1871. d. 2 Manchester sq. London 5 June 1885. I.L.N. lviii, 377 (1871), portrait, lxvi, 494 (1875), portrait; Scribner’s Monthly xiii, 480–84 (1877); Graphic xxix, 184 (1884), portrait.

      BENETT, John (2 son of Thomas Benett of Pyt house Tisbury, Wilts. who d. 16 May 1797 aged 68). b. 20 May 1773; sheriff of Wilts. 1798; M.P. for Wilts. 19 July 1819 to 3 Dec. 1832 and for South Wilts. 17 Dec. 1832 to 1 July 1852; author of some essays on agricultural subjects. d. Pyt house 1 Oct. 1852. G.M. xxxviii, 636–37 (1852).

      BENHAM, James Erle. Ed. at St. Mary hall Ox.; student Middle Temple 20 Nov. 1875; author of The student’s guide to the preliminary examination for attorneys and solicitors 1868; edited The preliminary examination Journal 1871. d. Abercorn house, Baron’s court, Kensington, London 11 July 1885 aged 34.

      BENHAM, William. Author of English ballads for school reading 1862; St. Matthew, authorised version 1862; Epistles for the Christian year, with notes 1864; Companion to the Lectionary 1873. d. 14 Arley hill, Bristol 16 Sep. 1885 aged 69.

      BENIOWSKI, Bartholomew. Educ. at Ecole d’etat major of Paris 1832–33; major in Polish army; attempted to revolutionise art of printing by use of short words cast into one such as, and, but, the; teacher of memory at the Royal Adelaide gallery, Strand, London 1842; took out patents for machinery for printing and composing type 1846, 47 and 49; author of Phrenotypics 1842; A French vocabulary 1843; The Anti-absurd or phrenotypic alphabet and orthography 1844. d. 8 Bow st. Covent Garden 29 March 1867 aged 66.

      BENISCH, Abraham. b. Drosan, Bohemia 1811; ed. at Univ. of Vienna; settled in England 1841; edited the Jewish Chronicle 1854 to death; one of chief founders of Society of Hebrew Literature 1870, and of the Anglo Jewish Association 1871; author of A translation of the Old Testament 1851; An essay on Colenso’s criticism of the Pentateuch and Joshua 1863; Judaism surveyed 1874. d. 13 Brownswood park, Green Lanes, London 31 July 1878.

      BENJAMIN, George. b. Sussex 15 April 1799; went to Canada; founded the Intelligencer at Belleville 1834, edited it to 1848; member of legislative assembly Canada 1856–61; grand master of the Orangemen of British North America 1848; author of Short lessons for members of Parliament compiled from English and other publications 1862. d. Belleville 6 July or 7 Sep. 1864.

      BENJAMIN, Judah Philip. b. St. Croix, West Indies 1811; ed. at Yale college, Connecticut 1825–28; called to the bar in New Orleans 16 Dec. 1832; member of firm of Slidell, Benjamin and Conrad 1840; counsellor of the supreme court New Orleans Dec. 1848; practised chiefly in Washington; a senator for Louisiana to the Senate 1852 to 4 Feb. 1861 when he withdrew, expelled the Senate 14 March 1861; attorney general of the Southern Confederacy Feb. 1861; acting secretary of war Aug. 1861 to Feb. 1862; sec. of state Feb. 1862 to April 1865 when the members of the cabinet left Richmond; a student L.I. 13 Jany. 1866, called to bar at L.I. 6 June 1866, bencher 15 April 1875; Q.C. for county palatine of Lancaster July 1869; Q.C. with patent of precedence 29 July 1872; made £15,000 a year for several years; entertained on his retirement, at a banquet in hall of Inner Temple 30 June 1883; author of Digest of decisions of supreme court of New Orleans 1834; Treatise of the law of sale of personal property 1868, 3 ed. 1883. d. Avenue de Jena, Paris 6 May 1884. J. Davis’s Rise and Fall of the Confederate government i, 242 (1881), portrait; Law Journal (1883) 100–103; I.L.N. lxxx 465 (1884), portrait; Graphic xxix, 484 (1884), portrait.

      BENN, Anthony. b. 1814; 2 lieut. R.A. 20 Dec. 1832; col. 27 June 1864 to 6 March 1868; M.G. 6 March 1868. d. Plumstead 22 Dec. 1875.

      BENN, Edward (son of John Benn of Belfast, brewer 1767–1853). b. 1798; purchased with his brother George, an estate at Glenravel near Ballymena where they tried to create a new industry by manufacture of potato spirit; formed a fine archæological collection now in the Belfast Museum; contributed papers to Irish antiquarian journals; founded 3 hospitals in Belfast, the Eye Ear and Throat, the Samaritan and the Skin Diseases. d. 1874.

      BENN, George (brother of the preceding). b. Tanderagee co. Armagh 1 Jany. 1801; entered Belfast Academical institution 1816; took gold medals in logic 1817 and moral philosophy 1818; author of The history of the town of Belfast [anon.] 1823; A history of the town of Belfast 2 vols. 1877–80. d. 8 Jany. 1882.

      BENN, Piercy. b. 1800; 2 lieut. R.A. 3 Feb. 1821; col. 7 June 1856 to 16 July 1862; M.G. 16 July 1862. d. Farringdon, Hants. 17 June 1876.

      BENNETT, Charles Fox, formerly of Clifton, Bristol; late premier of Newfoundland. d. St. John’s, Newfoundland 5 Dec. 1883.

      BENNETT, Charles Henry. Draughtsman on wood; contributed sketches signed in the corner with the figure of an owl to Diogenes comic weekly paper 1853 and portraits of members of Parliament to Illustrated Times; contributed sketches to Fun down to 1866 and to Punch 1866 to death; published Fables of Æsop and others translated into human nature 1858; Proverbs with pictures 1858; London people sketched from life 1863; Adventures of Young Munchausen 1864. d. Caversham road, Kentish Town 2 April 1867 in 38 year. Punch 13 April 1867 p. 151.

      BENNETT, George (2 son of John Bennett, Judge of Irish court of King’s Bench who d. 25 Dec. 1791). b. Cork 20 Sep. 1777; called to Irish bar 1800; went Munster circuit; K.C. 18 Feb. 1822; crown prosecutor for Munster circuit Feb. 1832; bencher of King’s Inns Dublin 1836, retired about 1849. d. Sodylt hall, Shropshire 26 May 1856. Dublin univ. mag. xxxiv, 526–32 (1849), portrait.

      BENNETT, George John (son of George Bennett of Norwich, comedian). b. Ripon 9 March 1800; served in the navy 1813–17; first appeared on the stage at Lynn 1818, and in London at Covent Garden 27 Jany. 1823 as Richard iii; acted at Covent Garden 1830–38, at Drury Lane 1841–43 and at Sadler’s Wells 27 May 1844 to 15 March 1862 when he left the stage, his best parts were Bossola in the Duchess of Malfi, and Caliban in The Tempest; author of a five act play called Retribution or love’s trials produced at Sadlers Wells 11 Feb. 1850, and of a drama called The Justice produced at Birmingham. d. Edmonton 21 Sep. 1879. Theatrical times i, 241 (1847), portrait; Tallis’s Drawing room table book, parts 8, 10, 17 and 21, 4 portraits; The Players iv, 17 (1861), portrait.

      BENNETT, James. b. Falfield, Thornbury, Gloucs. 10 May 1785; apprenticed to George Robbins of Bath, printer; printer and bookseller in Tewkesbury 1810–52; published History of Tewkesbury 1830; Tewkesbury Register and Magazine 1830–49. d. Tewkesbury 29 Jany. 1856.

      BENNETT, Rev. James. b. London 22 May 1774; preached his first sermon 24 Dec. 1792; Congregational minister at Romsey Feb. 1796; ordained 5 April 1797; theological tutor and pastor at Rotherham 22 Aug. 1813; pastor of Silver st. church, London Nov. 1828, and of Falcon sq. church, London 1843 to Nov. 1860; one of foreign secs. to London Missionary society May 1830 to 1832; chairman of Congregational Board 1840; author СКАЧАТЬ