Выпуск 21. Михаил Судаков
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Название: Выпуск 21

Автор: Михаил Судаков

Издательство: КГ-Портал

Жанр: Критика

Серия: Телеовощи



СКАЧАТЬ asking them about their personal life. Having bitten off a good piece, he enjoyed it with pleasure. Hearing Terry's voice in the headset, Rich spat out the chewed leftovers in the first ballot box before he could swallow them.


      – I’m receiving you, Terry.


      – The shuttle and the crew is ready to start spatial move.


      – Roger that.

      Walking to his workplace, Rich ate in a hurry the rest of the sandwich and drank some tea. He put the mug on the table and turned on the speakerphone.


      – FCC team! I’m announcing a three-minute preparation for the start of spatial displacement.

      In a separate room of the FCC, where the high society and guest stars were located, after the announcement of a three-minute readiness, the eyes of all gathered guests turned to the huge central screen of the FCC. Television and Internet broadcasts started gaining viewers massively.

      Rich's colleagues set aside their personal affairs as well as fast food and drinks. They began to prepare for the next phase of the «New World» mission. The excitement and tension in the FCC had been growing with every second. Rich switched the communication channel to the International Orbiting Satellite.


      – IOS, this is FCC, come in!

      Indian astronaut Sadhir Bin Osman, Russian astronaut Ruslan Nikolayevich, British astronaut Andrew Scott and Charlie Holond from the United States of America sat in one of the IOS residential modules at the monitors and computers. They were getting ready to launch equipment for spatial movement.


      – Rich, this is IOS, I’m receiving you.


      – Charlie, the «New World» shuttle is ready for spatial displacement. I give permission to run the collider.


      – Rich, roger that, starting.

      Charlie Holland began to lead his colleagues, preparing IOS for the launch of the collider. Ruslan Nikolaevich and Sudhir Bin Osman activated huge solar panels and aligned them in the direction of the Sun. Andrew Scott and Charlie Holland were watching the indicators and the data arriving on computers.


      – Energy is at the maximum, we are ready to run the collider.


      – Great.

      On his touchpad, Charlie clicked on the button «Launch». Terry, Igor and their comrades were watching as the collider turned on and began to rotate. The lower part was rotating to the left side, the upper part was rotating to the right side.


      – Indications are ok.

      Charlie gradually added energy to the collider.


      – Sudhir, launch electromagnets and enter the Peter Pachus’s formula for the spatial displacement.


      – In the process.

      Sudhir activated electromagnets, maximized their values and introduced the spatial displacement formula into the program on a touch-screen monitor. The upper and lower parts of the collider began to move faster, which was making the collider glow slightly with a violet-blue color.


      – Andrew, what are the indicators?


      – The indicators are normal. The purification of dark energy from impurities has begun. The reaction is currently stable.


      – Ruslan, bring energy to the maximum.

      On his touch-screen monitor Ruslan raised the level of energy, supplied to the collider to ten thousand gigaelectron-volts. A minute later, a dark substance began to grow from the edge of the structure to the center. Another minute passed, and the dark substance merged in the center and took a stable etheric form.


      – Pure dark energy received.


      – The reaction is stable, we are holding it.

      Applause was heard at the FCC. Billions of viewers watched the launch of the collider and the creation of pure dark energy. Charlie Holland introduced the coordinates of the solar system «Alpha Centauri S» on his 3D model of the Universe. With the help of shunting engines the collider made an adjustment. Shuttle pilots also made a small adjustment to the trajectory.


      – FCC, this is IOS. Coordinates entered. I’m waiting for a command to start spatial movement.


      – IOS, roger that. The data received and verified. Hold on.

      Rich turned to the VIP box side and looked for Peter Pachus. Their eyes met and Peter Pachus nodded his head.


      – IOS, this is FCC. Permission granted.


      – FCC, roger that.

      Charlie said a prayer and pressed the «Shift» button on his touch screen. The shuttle team was watching while the viscous substance froze. A glow appeared from the center, it gradually grew, became brighter and moved to the edges. After some time, the crew of the shuttle could observe the distorted projection of the yellow star «Alpha Centauri S» and one of the exoplanets, as well as the outer space surrounding them. The objects were extended in width, length and connected in the center.


      – That's crazy! Rich, do you see it?


      – Yes.

      Billions of people, watching the creation of a tunnel for spatial movement, were stunned by what they saw.


      – Indicators?


      – Normal.


      – FCC, this is IOS. The spatial tunnel is stable, you can launch the shuttle. Wish the team a great journey from us.