Выпуск 21. Михаил Судаков
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Название: Выпуск 21

Автор: Михаил Судаков

Издательство: КГ-Портал

Жанр: Критика

Серия: Телеовощи



СКАЧАТЬ shuttle, and crew members were watching its movement along the window. Terry looked at his working monitors and waited for the head of the shuttle to coincide with the center of the collider. After waiting for the registering, the astronaut on his dashboard turned on automatic trajectory support and autopilot.

      Terry and Igor were holding hands near shunting levers and were watching devices. Having waited for a few seconds and making sure in trajectory sustainability, they looked at each other and smiled. Igor raised his thumb up and with a nod of his head paid tribute to his captain for a well-done maneuver.


      – Good job, captain.


      – FCC, we are on the spot, our trajectory is stable. Ready to start spatial movement.

      The MCC applauded Terry and his team for the clear and masterful execution of the maneuver.


      – Great job, «New light»! I’m paying for the parking.

      Employees working in the FCC and the IOS were calm and restrained. Everyone worked on the task assigned and tried to fulfill it with maximum efficiency.


      – Terry, you have 25 minutes to move. Check the shuttle, crew and report on readiness. Tell the crew that if someone wants to chat with their relatives, then we are ready to provide broadcasting and communication.


      – Rich, roger that.

      Terry unfastened his belt and looked with equanimous eyes at each of the members of his team.


      – Astronauts, you have 20 minutes before we begin the preparation for spatial movement. If you want to chat with your relatives, you can do this in your personal cabins. FCC and IOS will provide broadcasting and communication. Watch the time and avoid delays. That's all I wanted to say.

      Having listened to the captain, brother and sister Zhou went down to their cabins through the transition between the levels. Anita Lewis was helping Jase Adesenya to keep his blog. He continued talking about his space journey. Anastasia Gradetskaya remained in the cockpit. She was looking out of the window and was watching the stunningly beautiful blue ball. Being the first time in outer space, she could not see enough of the Earth with its rich palette of colors and shades. She occasionally turned her gaze to the huge and massive International Orbital Station.


      – Terry, can you do the shuttle test yourself?


      – Yes, of course, I know this shuttle perfectly well.


      – Well, if you need me – I’m communicating with my family in my cabin.


      – No worries, my friend, the situation is under my control.

      Igor smiled, turned around easily and flew out of the cockpit in the direction of the transition between levels. Having flown the second level, he flew at speed to the first level of the space shuttle and moved towards his cabin. On the left of the door, there was a hand recognition scanner, a door unlocking and a button to automatically open the door. The cabin automatically recognized its owner and opened the door for him. Igor flew into his miniature room and the light immediately was turned on.

      The room had a semi-double bed with clips for sleeping in zero gravity, above the bed there were numerous closed shelves and lockers with personal belongings. Near the berth there was a desk with a built-in touch screen and a work surface. The lockers with personal items were over the table. The cabin had a personal shower, a toilet as well as special equipment for washing clothes and air conditioning.

      Igor took his personal on-board tablet, went into the application to communicate with his family, and waited for a connection with them. On the screen appeared his 17-year-old daughter Julia, 14-year-old son Daniel and his wife, Marina Tkachenko – a pleasant overweight brunette with touching face. They were in the in the meeting room of FCC. The room was modestly furnished with space-themed paintings on the walls. The Tkachenkos were sitting on the couch and were glad to see their hero.


      – Hello, my dear.

      Julia and Daniel greeted their dad. Marina was sitting modestly and decently next to the children, and also greeted her beloved husband.


      – Dad, don't forget to bring me a souvenir from another planet.


      – I won’t forget, of course.


      – We love you and we are waiting for you, our hero.

      Igor was touched by daughter’s words.


      – Thank you, dear. I love you, too. Pass the tablet to mum.

      They handed the tablet to Marina.


      – How are you?


      – I’m worried, of course. I'm the astronaut’s wife.


      – My dear, 30 days – and «Roscosmos» will send me on a well deserved retirement. And I will be with you.


      – I know that. I’ll wait for you, Igor, as I have always been waiting for you. I fell in love with your longing for stars and space. I understand that for you this trip is the most important thing in your career. Having entered your name in the story, you can retire calmly, with a sense of accomplishment, and be with us.

      Igor was inspired by his wife’s words.


      – Thank you for your support, my love.


      – Have a successful journey. I love you.

      Marina turned the tablet, and Julia and Daniel hit the camera. The family said goodbye loudly and cheerfully to their father.

      Terry was sitting in his place and was diagnosing the operation of the shuttle systems. Anastasia saw the lonely captain and flew up to him. The man drew his attention to the girl.


      – Do you think we will find the planet suitable for human life?

      Terry frowned.


      – If they are sending us there, it means that it exists. We only need to find it from those СКАЧАТЬ