Выпуск 21. Михаил Судаков
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Название: Выпуск 21

Автор: Михаил Судаков

Издательство: КГ-Портал

Жанр: Критика

Серия: Телеовощи



СКАЧАТЬ would not have to spend precious time on unnecessary actions. Dashboards, screens and monitors started up and were performing system diagnostics. Igor began to settle down in the place of the commander of the ship.


      – How are we doing?


      – It’s alright, except for the fact that we will soon enter the atmosphere of the planet.

      The shuttle made a revolution, and Igor Vladimirovich could see through the frontal porthole how a colored planet filled almost the entire panoramic windshield. They could make out the uneven outlines of the multicolored islands. There was a visible vegetation of green-blue, green-purple and red-green shades on them. The islands were washed with a liquid of turquoise, azure and pale pink shades.


      – What a beauty!


      – The planet looks like a paradise, and it seems to me that it is very suitable for life.


      – Perhaps, but first we need to stop the rotation or, at least, try not to crash.

      The shuttle made a revolution, and the planet disappeared from the view of the astronauts. Igor and Nastya examined the dashboard of the shuttle. On-board computer displayed incomprehensible data and indications, as well as interference on monitors and screens.


      – What the hell is going on?

      The astronaut was trying to fix the on-board computer and restart the system, to turn off the autopilot and to take control. Igor was pulling the levers responsible for maneuvering, but the on-board computer and the shuttle didn’t give a backlash.


      – This is nonsense, nothing works.

      He tried to workaround the shuttle automation in various ways and to start the shunting engines, but all his efforts were in vain. The astronaut has established a connection with FilPC.


      – FilPC, FilPC, this is Igor.

      FilPC was connected to the dashboard of the power unit and was scanning its system for detection and elimination of errors.


      – Receiving.


      – It seems that the on-board computer is out of order as well as the control of the shuttle. Nothing is working.


      – Give me 2 hours and I will reinstall the ship's on-board computer.


      – We don’t have two hours. We are going straight to the planet, and if we do not figure out how to stop the rotation, then we will all have a tragic ending.


      – I can workaround the on-board computer and give the shuttle control to you.

      Igor scrolled through all the possible scenarios in his head.


      – Listen, why don't you take control of the shuttle yourself, you're a supercomputer.


      – Yes, it is possible, but all my resources are aimed at eliminating errors in the power unit. If I don’t finish the test, the shutdown incident may happen again.


      – I understand you. You can’t do without human help. Turn off the automation and set the shuttle to manual mode.

      Igor Vladimirovich looked at Anastasia.


      – Nastya.

      Anastasia looked at Igor.


      – How do you feel?


      – It’s nauseating a little, but in general I’m okay. Can I help you?


      – So far I can’t say anything, it will be seen further. FilPC, what about the on-board computer?


      – I am working on your assignment. I can’t understand why so much protection for the on-board computer is needed.


      – So that hackers like you won’t be able to hack it.

      With each revolution of the shuttle, the planet was getting larger and larger, and its beauty could be seen with the naked eye.


      – Uh, I don’t want to upset you, but the on-board computer of the shuttle is completely destroyed and is working at 5 percent.


      – Do something. It’s almost your relative, make a contact with it, ask it to work a little more.


      – Very funny joke. Ha- ha- ha.

      Igor and Anastasia looked at each other smiling.


      – Done, I agreed with it on the condition that I will take on its functions. I turned off the automation, the shuttle should go into manual mode.


      – Well done, FilPC.

      Igor slightly pulled the levers responsible for maneuvering the engines and felt a response from the shuttle. He was delighted with this small event as a child who got a new car from the Hot Wheels collection.


      – It’s working!

      The astronaut slowly and accurately aligned the shuttle on the horizon of the planet and stopped its rotation. Without the support of maneuvering engines the shuttle's head was tilting down.


      – Damn, it seems we got into the gravitational field of the planet.


      – Maybe we should break out of its gravitation and try to stay in orbit?


      – It is a good idea.

      The СКАЧАТЬ