Выпуск 21. Михаил Судаков
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Название: Выпуск 21

Автор: Михаил Судаков

Издательство: КГ-Портал

Жанр: Критика

Серия: Телеовощи



СКАЧАТЬ IOS, great job!


      – Thank you.

      Rich switched the communication channel from IOS to the shuttle.


      – Terry, come in.


      – Receiving you, Rich.


      – The spatial tunnel is open, MCC and MOS give the permission for entry.

      The crew was observing with excitement the formation of the spatial tunnel in front of them.


      – Yes, I’ve already understood that it is open. Got you, FCC, we are starting the entrance.

      Terry pushed forward the thrust levers of the main engines of the shuttle and the ship slowly moved towards the spatial tunnel. His actions were watched by workers and guests of the FCC, astronauts of the International Space Agency, guests of the «Babylon» space launching complex and billions of people around the globe. The captain looked at the distance to the entrance. It was slowly contracting and stepped over a mark of 100 meters.


      – The team is ready to shift!

      Astronauts tried to hide their nervousness, but confusion and fear of the unknown were visible on their faces.


      – God bless us all!


      – FCC, we’ll meet in 30 days.


      – Have a good journey and God bless you!

      Terry pulled the levers forward and the shuttle speeded off. Entering the tunnel, the shuttle instantly disappeared from screens and monitors. The world was briefly shocked by what was happening. Seconds later people, who were watching the broadcast around the world, celebrated a new step in the conquest of interstellar space. An enchanting, festive mood reigned in the FCC. FCC employees, high society, investors, guest stars lit cigars and opened champagne. Astronauts and Charlie Holland's team congratulated each other at IOS. Rich switched the communication channel to IOS.


      – IOS, come in!


      – IOS receiving.


      – Disconnect the collider, prepare it for the return of the shuttle.

      Passing through the spatial tunnel, Terry and his team watched as the head and cockpit of the ship stretched into the distance. The captain glanced at his hands, holding the steering wheel and traction levers – they also extended in length, like his whole body. He felt a wild and violent heaviness throughout the whole organism and thought about telling Igor Vladimirovich about this, but his consciousness fell into darkness, as did the consciousness of the whole crew.

      Star system «Alpha Centaur S». 1.67 light year from the Earth

      An active white-yellow star was producing thermonuclear reactions, during which hydrogen was transformed into helium. In this case, energy was released, giving light and heat. On the surface of the star, plasma substance was mixed, sunspots were forming and prominences were erupting. Fountains of hot gas and energy eruptions of ionized particles went into space at great speed and formed a solar wind. The solar system had many diverse solid planets, small planetoids and gas giants. In the inhabited zone of the Star there were three exoplanets closely spaced to each other.

      At a distance of 160 million kilometers from the Star, a small planet was moving in its orbit, having the color shades of turquoise, azure and pale pink. There was interspersed dry land of green-blue, green-violet and red-green colors on the planet.

      At 423 thousand kilometers from the exoplanet a small black spherical base was formed. The «New World» shuttle was thrown from it at a tremendous speed. It was de-energized and it rotated around its axis. It was moving towards a multicolored planet. Igor Vladimirovich was the first to wake up on board the ship. His consciousness, like his body, began to recover after spatial displacement. The man immediately felt a wild aching headache. Overcoming the pain, the astronaut looked at Terry Taylor sitting next to him. He was unconscious. Igor shook his shoulder and muttered with difficulty.


      – Terry, Terry, wake up.

      A severe aching headache gave no peace. Writhing from excruciating sensations, the astronaut continued to wake Terry. He raised his voice and tried to bring the captain to life.


      – Terry, Terry, wake up!

      The man turned back and examined the crew. All of them were fastened to their seats, but were in an unconscious state, their limbs were floating in the air. The aching headache began to subside, which gave Igor the opportunity to orient and concentrate. He examined aerobatic instruments and shuttle controls: they were de-energized. The astronaut touched the screens and monitors, but they didn’t show activation signs. His gaze periodically fell on a multicolored planet, which with each appearance in the frontal window became larger and sharper. Igor once again patted Terry's shoulder and said loudly.


      – Terry! Terry, wake up! Fuck!

      Terry remained unconscious. The astronaut heard a moaning female voice. He immediately turned around and saw Anastasia, who woke up and was touching her head with her hands and was groaning in pain.


      – Oh, my gosh, my head is going to explode.


      – Nastya, be patient, the pain will soon pass.

      Nastya muttered plaintively and inaudibly aloud. She lowered her hands and saw Igor Vladimirovich peeking from his chair.


      – Hold on, my dear, it'll pass.

      Anastasia was twisting with pain and was looking around.


      – Igor, what happened to us and why is our shuttle rotating so fast?


      – This is what I’m trying to find out, but first we need to restore the ship’s power supply. How are you, honey?


      – Much better now, the pain subsides.

      Igor Vladimirovich turned to Anastasia.


      – Nastya, listen to me, we don’t have time to bring our team to life. I tried to wake СКАЧАТЬ