Выпуск 21. Михаил Судаков
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Название: Выпуск 21

Автор: Михаил Судаков

Издательство: КГ-Портал

Жанр: Критика

Серия: Телеовощи



СКАЧАТЬ long do we have to sit here? Launch us, I’m longing to explore new planets. We have checked and double-checked everything ten times already.

      Igor raised his thumb up and nodded his head in support of the words spoken by Terry. There was silence on the air, the ship's commander was waiting for a response from Rich.

      Rich Rudiger went to his workplace, where the whole hall and staff of his team were visible as well as the main screens with windows. Behind him stood a large delegation overseeing his work and the actions of his staff. He took a deep breath and spoke in an undertone.


      – May the fun begin! Cybersecurity and security!

      Rich was looking in the direction of Eric Newman and Peter Kushnirenko, who were responsible for internal and external security as well as for the work of all computer systems.


      – The internal network is clean, no cyber-attacks were detected, computing power is at its maximum, I give permission to the start.


      – Security gives permission to start.


      – The Communications Service?

      Sheila Lopez and Chase Silverman were responsible for the communication between the FCC and the «New World».


      – Permission to the start.


      – Health?


      – Astronaut performance is normal, I give permission to start.


      – Report on the readiness and serviceability of the «New World» shuttle.

      Paul Emerson and Renat Belyaev followed the indicators and sensors of the shuttle. Paul looked at Renat. Renat raised his thumb up and with a nod of his head let Paul know about the uninterrupted operation of all shuttle systems.


      – I confirm the readiness and serviceability of the «New World» and give permission to start.


      – The trajectory?

      Vin Disheb and Mary Milbront were responsible for the trajectory at the start of the shuttle.


      – Trajectory is perfect, permission to start.


      – Launch control?

      Evan Rochester and Anton Chistikov were ready to start engine starting operations on Rich's command.


      – Launch control gives permission to start.


      – Communication with the shuttle?


      – Confirm connection.


      – Terry, FCC is ready to start engines, one minute to start.

      Terry addressed to his crew.


      – Roger that. The entire crew, lower the extravehicular visor assembly.

      Excited team members alternately lowered the extravehicular visor assembly.


      – Start the final 30 second countdown. Start launch operations of accelerators.

      Using their touch screens, Evan Rochester and Anton Chistikov performed the engines starting procedure and fuel supply to the combustion chamber of solid boosters. Terry and Igor at the same time were ready to start the auxiliary engines of the shuttle.


      – 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 – start!

      After the countdown, Anton and his colleague pressed the buttons with the word «ignition» on their touch monitors and were holding them until they saw the word «engine started», painted in green. Terry pressed the red button on his monitor with the words «ignition» and was holding it until the word «engine started» appeared on it, also painted green.


      – Starting solid and support engines confirmed.


      – The ignition confirmed.


      – Launch control, roger that.

      There was a roar at the launch pad, and giant flames burst from the solid boosters, attached to the shuttle. For the shuttle not to explode at the start, the flame jets went into the flame outlet channel and were also cooled by water. The giant puffs of smoke and steam rose into the air.


      – Engines are running, power goes to maximum.

      Vibration was felt inside the shuttle and a powerful roar was heard from the flames bursting out of the engines. The faces of the astronauts and tyconauts were focused and tense.


      – Remove the launch support, carry out the launch!

      On his touch screen Anton Chistikov gave the command to the launch support and the opening of the locks that held the «New World» shuttle. Freed from the launch support, the shuttle began to soar up and gain altitude, followed by a huge, long tail of flames.


      – There is a blastoff!

      Terry Taylor

      – Let the conquest of interstellar space begin!

      Rich, wealthy and famous people, surrounded by social circuits, watched the launch of the shuttle from the roofs of their luxurious penthouses with pools, drinking elite alcohol and enjoying delicious food from the best chefs in the world. Less well-off people with families were on viewing platforms, on the balconies of their rooms, in restaurants, cafes and shopping centers. On the streets of the space launching complex thousands of guests watched the live broadcast of the launch.

      Music, car, and costume festivals were organized for a large amount of people in the desert with the participation of famous DJs and popular singers. They were watching the launch from afar on huge installed screens.

      All kinds of media and social networks monitored shuttle launch and ascend to orbit.