Выпуск 21. Михаил Судаков
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Название: Выпуск 21

Автор: Михаил Судаков

Издательство: КГ-Портал

Жанр: Критика

Серия: Телеовощи



СКАЧАТЬ stable work of the engines and systems!


      – The shuttle and its systems are working stable.


      – Terry, report on the health of the systems and indicators!


      – All systems operate in the green zone, indicators within normal limits.

      The shuttle was rapidly gaining altitude and speed. After 25 seconds, it passed the mark of ten thousand meters and continued to soar upward. The crew members were sitting with restless faces. Shaking and overload were giving them an unpleasant sensation.


      – FCC, turning on a rolling control.


      – Roger that, Vin, watch the trajectory and the rolling.


      – Roger that, watching.

      Soaring higher and higher, the team observed a dark blue stratosphere in the frontal windows of the shuttle. 2 minutes after the start, at an altitude of 45 kilometers, the automation separated the solid boosters from the external tank. The FCC monitored the process on the screens.


      – Terry, observing the decoupling of the acceleration device.


      – Roger that, FCC, we are ascending the intermediate orbit.


      – Roger that.


      – Igor, disable the auxiliary engines.

      Igor Vladimirovich did sequential operations to turn off auxiliary engines.


      – Auxiliary engines disabled.

      Shortly before entering the intermediate orbit, a dull sound was heard. Automation separated the external fuel tank from the shuttle. The shaking and noise stopped abruptly. The shuttle team felt weightless and watched the black outer space and the blue and white ball below through the portholes.


      – Terry, your trajectory is normal. Continue to enter the orbit of the International Orbiting Satellite.


      – FCC, roger that.

      Terry and Igor began to reduce the roll of the aircraft and put it into the orbit of the International Orbiting Satellite. At the same time, the planet Earth and the outer space surrounding it appeared in the frontal porthole.


      – FCC, come in! This is the «New World» shuttle. Telemetry is normal, all systems are working properly. We are in orbit, we will approach the International Orbiting Satellite in 3 hours and begin our space journey.

      After Terry’s words at the FCC, the rejoicing began. Rich and his team were congratulated on the successful launch of the shuttle. On the roofs of penthouses, in restaurants, cafes, on observation decks and on the streets of the space launching complex, people rejoiced at a successful launch. «Babylon» was lit up with bright multi-colored flashes of fireworks. This event was covered by numerous television journalists and online bloggers. In the desert, where festivals were held, multi-colored flashes of fireworks also thundered and mass fun continued.


      – Great job, «New World»! You can relax a bit before docking with the orbiting satellite. The next connection is in two and a half hours.


      – Roger that.

      Terry turned off the link with Rich and FCC. Turning around, he saw how his team was already having a good time in zero gravity. Jace Adesenya was holding a camera in his hands, keeping his blog. He was talking about the shuttle, his mission and was interviewing his colleagues. Anastasia Gradetskaya was examining planet Earth with its rich color palette through the upper portholes. Igor Vladimirovich and Anita Lewis were showing a variety of tricks in zero gravity on the Adesenya’s camera. Siyu and Qunfei were taking photographs for the personal archive and also were keeping their personal video blogs, too. Terry unfastened, removed his visor and flew up to Anastasia.


      – Hi, how are you feeling?

      Terry smiled at the girl and she smiled back.


      – It seems normal, only a little nauseous.


      – This is a normal condition, you will get used to it and you won’t notice it.

      Terry turned his gaze to the porthole.


      – Oh look, we are flying over the Himalayas.

      Anastasia drew her attention to Terry, who was pointing to the giant mountain range of the Himalayas.


      – Oh, wow, from above they seem so tiny, like sharp pebbles.

      Holding his camera with a stabilizer in his hands, Jase flew up to them.


      – I want to introduce our commander Terry Taylor.

      Terry smiled and waved at the camera.


      – And next to him is our psychologist and linguist Anastasia Gradeckaya.

      Anastasia smiled sweetly and also waved her hand at the camera.


      – Jase, look at the porthole, we are flying over the Himalayas.

      Jase cautiously flew up to the porthole and pointed the camera lens at the mountain range.


      – Now from the side of the shuttle I am observing a mountain system called the Himalayas with a length of 2330 kilometers and a width of 1335 kilometers, with a total area of more than one million kilometers. There are 10 eight-thousanders – peaks more than 8000 meters above sea level, of which I have conquered all 10. The five highest peaks are Cho-oyu, Makalu, Lhotse, Kanchenjunga, and the largest peak on planet Earth reaches a height of 8848 meters. This is Mount Chomolungma, or Everest, which means «the Divine Mother of vital energy».

      The team continued to relax and enjoy all the charms of weightlessness in the cockpit. A bag with the inscription FilPC was mounted near the aft control panel and controls.

      Igor СКАЧАТЬ