Become Instagram Famous. Alexander Metelev
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СКАЧАТЬ became more than sharing platform for all types of pictures of food, cute cats or what you recently bought; now it is a large advertisement platform and using it that way will attract substantial income.

      Designing a public page on Instagram

      Unlike public pages on other social networks, such as Facebook or VK, Instagram pages are not separate types of profiles. They are the same accounts which use a different bio, different blogs or different posts. Here are some essential rules of designing a thematic account:

      – Use keywords in your Username. Think of a simple yet memorable and creative username to your page. Ideally, people would look at that name and instantly associate it with what type of business you have.

      – In Name Field, include what you think would describe your profile’s theme best; you can use emojis for that.

      – Choose Profile Photo carefully. It should fit the theme and be of really good quality.

      – Include all the information about your profile in Bio field. This is one of the most important parts of your account. For potential advertisers leave your business contacts and inquiries.

      Celebrity Instagram accounts and their peculiarities

      There are different “levels’ to fame on Instagram: it can be a celebrity that is famous in the city (from 1 to 10 thousand followers), in the country (from 50 to 500 thousand) or worldwide famous (more than 500 thousand followers).

      A celebrity account is a personal page of a famous person (actor, dancer, singer etc.) which can be maintained by social media manager or a team of managers. In those profiles you will see news about celebrity’s activity, personal life or interesting facts about them and their life. Such accounts are suited well for advertisement but it requires thorough planning which should be developed considering a famous person that you represent and how he or she handles their Instagram account.

      How to operate a celebrity Instagram account

      Keep the account active and always make it interesting for the followers. You need to not only keep your current audience but also involve new users. An effective strategy for that is regular giveaways or any types of interactions which involve prizes.

      Use hashtags to attract users. Do not put more than 3 to 5 hashtags in your publications and make sure they fit the description and are not just the most popular ones.

      Publish new posts at peak activity time (from 5 to 9 PM according to most stats). Balance your publications and try to post actively but not too much. A good ratio is one post per 3 or 4 hours.

      Talk to your followers but do not forget about the haters as well. Each celebrity has both and you can take different actions against the latter: you can ignore them, respond to them or block them. But talk to the former for as much as possible: answer fans questions, thank them, chat with them. It creates a good image for celebrity and leaves a good impression for both admirers and naysayers.

      Pay attention to what photos you are posting. Do not post same or just very similar photos twice. Do not post too provocative and shocking pictures which may lead to controversy, unless you are intentionally do that in order to make people talk about you.

      Analyze what photos your followers like more. For each celebrity there is a different image, and there is a certain one which your followers like better. For Russian users it is interesting when celebrities talk about their families and their personal lives while people from other countries prefer lifestyle photos, pictures from professional photoshoots and photos related to sports. Usually after a certain time with the audience the celebrities themselves know better what their fans like and what type of photos people would want to see from their idols.

      Always include an interesting caption for any photo or video, do not hesitate and include English translations for your followers from all over the world (that is in case your comments and captions are not in English already).

      Each celebrity has their own strategy on how to operate their famous account. Some stars almost exclusively promote their projects, some talk a lot about their personal life and others carefully mix both. There are many attributes that distinguish celebrity accounts and how they operate in comparison to common users.

      Designing a celebrity account on Instagram

      Usually, there are very little differences in how celebrity account looks comparing to other profiles. One exception is Bio where instead of long descriptions celebrities include their official websites or inquiries, as well as links to their new products or projects. A lot of celebrities include their agents’ contacts and advertising contacts.

      Another important feature of most celebrity accounts is verification badge which you can see near their account names. Most of the time, they also have their photos as avatars for quick recognition.

      Commercial and Brand Instagram accounts and their peculiarities

      A while ago, Instagram introduced Business profiles to facilitate business operations for companies and brands. There are several features which distinguish such accounts from others:

      “Contact’ button;

      Additional stats on publications and activity;

      New advertising features;

      An option to include company’s physical address.

      Here are some recommendations on how to operate a commercial account on Instagram:

      Always provide fresh news and new information for your followers, keep them entertained. Try and divide your content into different sections: as a clothing line on one day you may publish a picture of your client in a new dress bought from you, on the other day you can publish a fresh package to send out to one of your customers, next time post an interesting fashion fact or behind-the-scenes photo etc.

      Do not post too much, 3 to 6 posts a day is a sufficient amount. The exception is when you have a special event or important news to tell your followers about, on that day you may use from 5 to 10 photos.

      Despite your account being commercial, try and mix your professional photos with random pictures from your daily routine made on your phone rather than professional camera. People like more “humanity’ in their company and will appreciate that type of sincerity from you.

      Publish your photos on specific times:

      Morning: 6—7 AM;

      Afternoon: 12—2 PM;

      Evening: 5—9 PM.

      For each region and each business sphere a time may differ so after a while you will see when it is better to add new posts.

      Think of your strategy of Instagram promotion. Come up with around 10 first publications, make them interesting for new users and keep them intrigued for the 11th post. Make your brand look original for people.

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