Become Instagram Famous. Alexander Metelev
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СКАЧАТЬ for their questions is a great opportunity.

      Do not be too focused on your commercial image, your behind-the-scenes footage and photos are just as important: show your brand from inside out.

      Always inform your followers on any upcoming events. This will boost the events’ popularity and attendance if necessary.

      Designing a business account

      Some advice on how to design your commercial account:

      Instagram is a highly visual social network. Create quality and bright photos which will leave lasting impression, think of some interesting “gimmick’ for your pictures. Come up with a creative approach to your products and fulfill that approach on photosets for your products.

      Use your brand name as the account’s nickname. Sometimes a name that you want to use is already taken, or cannot be used for other reasons; in that case use a name that could be quickly associated with your business or relates to it directly.

      Use your logo as your avatar but design it beforehand.

      Include all the information and fill out every info section. Put a link to your website, describe everything clearly and thoroughly.

      How to design your publications:

      Interact with your public: ask them questions in the description, play the “capture this’ game, entertain them with other small activities;

      Despite being a common thing amongst all users and bloggers, do not hesitate to use hashtags, it still works even after all these years.

      Use common hashtags even if they are too basic: for example, a gift shop could use hashtags such as #giftshop #gift #present #bestgifts etc.

      Methods of Instagram monetization

      There are three ways to make profit out of your Instagram account:

      ads selling;

      paid account promotion;

      business advertising.

      If you are serious about making profit out of Instagram you need to learn more about these methods and analyze them to choose one that suits you best.

      The first method is selling advertisement. You need a fairly popular account with couple of thousand followers in order to choose that method. Your account can be a blog, a public page or a celebrity profile. Most popular accounts with dozens of thousands of followers usually choose from various ad offers themselves. But on the other hand it is fairly common for account owners to offer their profiles for promoters to place their ads on. There is no need to wait for a good offer when you can come to the advertisers yourself and show what your account can do. Another way of doing that is via promotion platforms where you can buy and sell ads. Usually there are numerous options and some may suit you better than the others.

      The second method is paid account promotion. It is a fairly new way of promotion but is already proven to be really effective. Many companies have already tried hiring a promoter for their social network account, so-called “Instagram manager’. Here are some things that you need to do as one:

      profile designing for a business account;

      creating content and developing strategies for business starts and reaching mass audience;

      applying different methods of account promotion (which includes using your popular Instagram profile);

      organizing ad campaigns and working with other advertisers.

      Third method is business advertising. One of the most popular demographics on Instagram is women who are 18 to 30 years’ old so your business will be popular if that demographic is considered. Some businesses on Instagram look out of place and probably will not attract many people: trying to sell construction supplies or cars on Instagram is probably pointless since Instagram relies heavily on visuals. Cosmetics or candies, on the other hand, would attract more users by just being visually pretty, so a lot of people would be interested in buying such products.

      Here are some businesses that are popular on Instagram:

      café, restaurants, bakeries and pizzerias: food attracts more people both online and in real life, making such businesses rather popular and profitable;

      beauty salons and gym accounts that are popular in real life would reach wide audiences on Instagram also;

      businesses related to teaching;

      hand-made accessories and DIY;

      baby products;

      candies and pastries;

      jewelry and accessories;

      clothes and shoes;

      perfumery and cosmetics;

      generally speaking, everything brand new and unique: there are many popular items that are “revolutionary’ and “innovative’, i.e. bottled stockings, push-up bras, Kylie lipsticks etc.

      There are many different niches and businesses that are not yet popular but have potential, i.e. wholesales, liquid makeup, budget travel, sand animation DIY master classes and clothing repairs etc.

      Monetizing each method and average numbers

      Now that we established three main methods we can walk through each of them:

      Selling advertisement: the price for each ad – be that publishing a photo or mentioning a company that is being advertised – depends on how many followers you have on your account. There are businesses of all sizes on Instagram (small, medium, large-sized) and each has its own budget for advertising and its own audience. A large brand probably will not ask a blogger with 10 thousand followers to advertise their product, just like an average online clothing store will not be advertised by a celebrity. The prices are all over the place on Instagram with starting numbers at around 300 rubles per post ($5). Usually ad price ranges between 1 and 10 thousand rubles ($15-$175) with most ads costing about 3—5 thousand rubles ($50-$90). Some accounts can make more than 30 thousand rubles ($500) from ads monthly. Alyona Esipova, a beauty blogger with more than 600 thousand subscribers on her Instagram account, makes roughly 300 thousand ($5200) rubles from advertising per month. Anastasia Volkova, a popular professional photographer with 400 thousand followers, asks for 50 thousand rubles (almost $900) per ad post. Celebrities also are not strangers to advertisement as additional source of income: Kseniya Borodina, Russian TV personality, demands 70 thousand rubles ($1200) per ad. The most expensive ads on Russian Instagram are on Ksenia Sobchak’s profile: she charges 250 thousand ($4300) per one ad.

      Paid account promotion: anyone can start promoting accounts, even with little to no experience. You only need an already popular account of yours and a couple of months to understand various specifics. In Russia, the price ranges from 5 to 20 thousand rubles ($90-$350). You can easily make 80 thousand rubles (roughly $1400) a month if you have 3 or 4 companies as your СКАЧАТЬ