Become Instagram Famous. Alexander Metelev
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СКАЧАТЬ small-business friendly with additional options such as:

      – adding long promotional videos;

      – adding panoramic images and videos for carousel ads;

      – a premium Marquee feature

      By constantly adding new features for more comfortable advertising, Instagram managed to create stable income which grows even bigger the more popular the app gets.

      How can thousands of advertisers create the audience and make money on Instagram

      A popular account on any social network and in particular on Instagram is a long-term investment which is helpful for when you decide to start your own business. The economy is uneasy at all times, and the fear of downsizing and unemployment enables people not only to create their own businesses but also effectively promote them via Internet – the best promotion platform in this day and age. Instagram is the most efficient way to help you with that, but, why Instagram exactly?

      Remember that your Instagram profile is your personal space and you can do whatever you want with it: according to Terms of Use, you are responsible for any activity that occurs through your account. Since Instagram most certainly is not going away any time soon, your ownership is practically indefinite which means the opportunities are endless as well. The problem of effective Instagram promotion is on many companies’ minds: for some the promotion is already potent, others have only just started their long way to become Instagram famous, and for some it is easier to let companies, created specifically for Instagram promotion, to handle it. Instagram offers huge prospects and it still has a long way to go, unlike many social networks. More and more companies now try to start their Instagram profile promotion and make it lucrative as soon as possible.

      Your course of action:

      Work on a theme and develop your message. For many advertisers it is important to reach wide audiences by offering them something to relate to: not too personal but not too general, something that holds attention and is actually interesting. You decide on the message you want to spread to your audience, be that wide masses or small customer demographics. Your main goal in developing your social network profile is to define your target audience.

      You can combine defining your target audience with attracting more followers to your page. If you want to get more followers naturally you need to be active on your profile and outside of it, upload frequently, like and comment both your followers and random people. Alternatively, you can use automation services to grow your followers count.

      Keep your account active at all times and be regular with your publications. Maintain a schedule, balance between frequent and seldom posting. There are various activity charts created by more experienced advertisers that allow you to define the best time for publications and maintain your timetable better.

      After a while, when the goal of creating your page is more or less fulfilled and the income from it is stable, you may hire an account manager for further promotion and keeping your profile active. Hiring a manager is important for entrepreneurs who value their time and can manage passive income.

      For many advertisers one of the biggest dangers is the suspension of their profiles. If you do not want all your work to be for nothing, always be careful with what kind of ads you publish. For example, promoting alcohol and tobacco products is usually very risky. For each ad there must be thorough overview with background checking and knowing exactly what type of product is being advertised.

      There are different general methods to grow your follower count. Some of them are:

      Follow different communities of people and public pages. For more efficiency you need to be especially active on Instagram, engage in discussions, like and leave comments, follow people and so on. Your profile will be more recognized and attractive for people to visit. The downside is overwhelming amount of posts in your feed after following a lot of people.

      Be more active in communicating with users. Many new users engage more with those who are genuinely interested in them, you can express that interest by liking and leaving original and nice comments. With such comments users will be motivated to visit commenter’s profile so it is better to have an already established and developed profile.

      Always respond to comments in time and do not leave any comments without answers. For real people it is essential to be genuine, answer their questions, thank them for compliments etc. The sincerer and more interesting discussions you have on your profile, the more users will be curious to follow you. Think of your comments and consider every detail before posting them.

      Think of interesting questions and conversation topics for your followers. Any popular profile has to keep users involved. For any publications that do not include advertisement, and those publications you must have, come up with thought-provoking text and offer your followers a follow-up question which they would want to discuss in comments.

      Integrate your profile with Facebook profile. With connecting your Facebook business account you can double your traffic and viewership which results in getting more followers on both platforms.

      Bio is essential. Whenever your visitors see informative and thorough information about your business they get to know you better and trust you more.

      Take nice and unique photos, make them colorful and charming. Discovering something new and memorable is always great so if you want to stay relevant keep your photo bank diverse, put a lot of effort into your photography and do your best at resonating with viewers. Having said that, the amount of selfies should be as minimal as possible.

      Business accounts usually make decent income starting from 2000 real targeted followers without including bot followers, spammers or other business accounts. From that point the success of your profile is up to you and your personal approach.

      The growth of Instagram over the years

      In 2017, Instagram reached 700 million monthly active users. Comparing to previous years almost 100 million users joined to the usual growth ratio in 2017. To put this in perspective, from the launch in 2010 the platform with all its popularity managed to reach 100 million monthly active users only by February 2013. In March 2014 the amount of users reached 200 million and afterwards it kept growing with a ratio of 100 million people more for each 9 months. The trend changed in December 2016 when Instagram reached 600 million users and then it took only 4 months to get 100 million more and reach the milestone of 700 million users by the end of April 2017.

      In terms of functionality Instagram constantly develops and adds more and more functions with regular updates across all mobile phone OS. A recent Android update added an offline more for the world regions without constant Internet connection. It is more than likely that in the following year the amount of users will grow once again and finally reach 1 billion mark.

      According to the statistics, only 22 million of Instagram users are from Russia.

      What Instagram features were added in 2017

      In 2017, Instagram introduced more features and released more updates that ever before. Most of those updates made Instagram even better and easier to use. Common users are always intrigued СКАЧАТЬ