Alphabet of the Human Mind. Psychology flagship. Nikita Danilov
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СКАЧАТЬ ECPOs: good (L – Large), medium (M – Middle) and bad (S – Small). Example entries: CPO (L) – it means PPM stands on good CPOs and similar to the MHP. An example of a complete record: PPM DF PNT CPO (L).

      SUMMARY: In order to make a diagnosis of mental illness or state the fact of mental health is necessary to perform four stages, which are defined above.

      {PPM|GCM} (1) – (GCM or MHP – a Person, for whom there cannot be the classification because of versatility GCM, classification lasts only if PPM) —

      {KF|DF|AF} (2) —

      {MCT|PCT|MNT|PNT} (3) —


      You have to choose one of the definitions from curly brackets to get a full diagnosis of mental illness. PPM – this is like one gyrus, which cannot be developed in several directions. Therefore, for the outer shells is someone focused path. If the Personality is multifaceted, it cannot be completely PPM – that’s GCM or PPM, who is on the mend. There are not important statuses positions. It’s like at a reception at the therapist. Symptoms of ARI are – means ARI is, the symptoms of SARS are – means SARS is, flu-like symptoms are – means flu is, if symptoms of PPM are – means PPM is.

      EXAMPLE: Someone – PPM-AF-MNT-ECOM. You always know that the PPM is constantly wants to express his/her UA and showing him/her anything, immediately starts mechanism of «envy-PPJ-UA.» But this PPM characteristic with contactless physical manifestations, so he/she will spoil physically what he saw, You may hide it for a while if it is necessary, until PPMs Opened Form will be over. AF will not be remembered for a long time what he/she envy. ECPOs – means that this PPMs important to stay in front of the others is not an idiot, and look like MHP. You cannot communicate for some time in this situation and try not to remind and not to show something called envy, which for PPMs works as a catalyst and as well as other primitive signs. Can only envy the Child due to the fact that He or She was eating ice cream. PPM does not understand that he is an adult body and should not compete with a Child and he can buy a truck of ice creams, but if the PPM, for example, the PPM-AF-MCT-SCPO, there is no doubt that he/she pushes Child in a pool with ice cream, because he or she contact type and SCPOs like Opened Form – symptoms appears immediately. If the Child responds incorrectly, the OF may worsen and cause more physical harm to the Child. But it’s hard to say which is worse mental trauma in childhood or physical. And they both can lead to the collapse of fate, the problems in all areas, to poverty, alcohol and drugs. And it all falls apart, not only individuals but their families and also Russia as a whole, which cannot be weak, when the whole world «plays» in their non-violent games all against one – Russia! The sanctions have been one of the first moves. Either Russia will be strong enough in the non-violent struggle or not will stand against the whole world.

      Let us recall one well-known expression: «Clinical idiots have to stick together, otherwise they will not survive!» and have been translated into more scientific language with AHM. PPMs need a team to injure the psyche of Children and exist in this world. One PPM pretty safe, even for beginners of AHM. PPM Teams will be discussed most clearly in chapter Global NLP in movies. Understanding not only the symptoms of a separate PPM, but also a team game, you can build for Yourself and Friends impenetrable defense, which is essential for those who become GCM. AHM PRO can handle this task. Obstruction protection is that in order to express the UA, for example, to the Friends of GCM the PPM have to win the fight in their symptoms inside his PPMs mentally ill world. What is impossible without TMPHS. See. Ch. «Glossary».

      Another feature that can be added to the diagnosis of PPM. PPMs mask. For instance, PPM AF understands that if everyone around will know that it can be obtained only Unreasonable Aggression from him, no one will talk to him and no one turns his back to strike. Therefore, to «deceive» Children, PPMs wear masks: either Kind Mask (KM) or Depressive Mask (DM). Sometimes, PPMs KF, Responsive Extroverts, very annoying that others constantly asks them about something, and they can wear a mask: DM or AM. As a result, the diagnosis will be written as:




      Method for Beginner in AHM. Answer the question: «What wants to appear PPM: kind, magnificent or terrible?» Accordingly, the proposed form of the preliminary diagnosis, which can serve as a good starting point: KF, DFAF.

      Health card of ppm

      In order to be successful in today’s society mostly need to understand exactly whom You are talking to. The first PPM or GCM. If the PPM, then You should know Primary and Secondary Classification of PPMs and what CPOs are they use to exist. And also to understand what to expect from single PPM and in the company of other PPMs. Chapter about PPM-Commands later. The more precisely this understanding, the more problems You will avoid in Your life. But for an accurate diagnosis, even AHM PRO needed long-term observations. It is not always possible to see PPM symptoms immediately, because AF for example knows that this is not normal, to express his or her Unreasonable Aggression and attempts to disguise it with «sheep’s mask»: displays KF symptoms or contactless AF is easily confused with the DF. All this obviously for experienced in AHM.

      Talking about DF and KF an unjustified aggression can provoked. The classic and clear example of DF will use from the film «Route 60» – the man with dynamite, which is ready to explode all around, as soon as he learns that there is a false. This film would be good to watch, because there is very informative world NLP hidden inside. This film will be more fully explained in the following contents of the book. KF very easily provoked UA. AF is asking for help KF and KF becomes an accomplice of the evil deeds. One good example in the movie «Big Fish.» The main character – KF on the good ECPOs, who can negotiate with anyone. He helps former poet in a bank robbery. Former poet – this AF and didn’t write even one page of his poems and finally elected aggressive path. Thus, KF shows unfounded and reckless aggression to the bank’s employees and customers with the aim to do well and help an old «friend».

      This shows that beginners of AHM there are something to understand, but it becomes a matter of technique for any healthy mind. A little practice and You have already Experienced AHM, and then AHM PRO, who can make an accurate diagnosis СКАЧАТЬ