Alphabet of the Human Mind. Psychology flagship. Nikita Danilov
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СКАЧАТЬ symptom. GCM or MHP can be multi-faceted and unclassifiable and PPM is, figuratively speaking, a meander, which runs only in one direction: goodness, aggression or greatness. If confirmed, that PPM is it means that the person or AF (evil) in all situations, except when it is necessary to wear a «sheep’s mask», or KF (should always help others in some form) or DF (closer to GCM form, get mind with CPOs help).

      The meaning of long-term observations to find out what prevalent symptoms is and accurately diagnose PPM. Here is an exemplary form of virtual or real health card.


      Name.Sername. Fathersname.: ***** ***** *****

      (optional fields – the beginning)

      Date of Birth: **.**.****

      Where he met: on birthday

      Relationship to: mate

      (optional fields – the end)

      Preliminary diagnosis (PPM / GCM): PPM

      Form of PPMAF

      Type of PPMMCT


      SITUATION 1.

      Every situation that may seem interesting has to be fixed. In this situation, can be identified in due course symptoms of PPM: PPJs, UA, UM, UK, etc. Or signs of GCM: thought decisions and other GCJs. If it is clear that GCM – You are lucky and there is an interesting Person with whom You can talk, whom You can trust.

      SITUATION number N.

      For example, the healthy card is full and diagnosed. What does this mean? If PPM AF – not easy to agree and to talk like GCMs, because UA will be appeared on everything around every day every hour, it’s like the flu sneezing – constantly! Physical contact type indicates that the PPM is easy to enter the fray and can cause harm to health or property. SCPOs says that PPM is not shy about his symptoms Unwarranted Aggression and will not hide it. One of the most effective non-violent psychotherapies for this type – do not give rise to envy: it can be Your mobile phone, car, ice cream, which You bought or coffee that You drink. Rather interesting dialogue got a lot of problems that You do not need. Knowing and understanding this before can be very helpful. If communication is necessary with this type, you can use non-violent psychotherapy called SHOWOFFPSYCHOTHERAPY it is necessary to give PPM envy to several empty facts of Your life all the time and effort wasted PPM, but not to cause harm to Your life, property and plans.

      Example. In your life there is something good, you bought a new car. Let the Swedish crossover. In the page on the social network posted a photo where You sitting behind the wheel in Lamborghini Avendator (friend, dealer, leasing – it does not matter!) – This is a powerful and stylish Italian car, good for European roads, but not for Russia. PPM AF, with which you will have to meet have heard that you have upgraded the machine and immediately wants to express his UA. He prepares some unpleasant phrases for a meeting about the car, which is seen in a social network and thinking You bought Lamborghini. When you meet him, you hear: " Lamborghini is not good car – You can’t get countryside», «any rut – and new Lamborghini», «sleeping policeman did not move in – it is necessary to look for a workaround.» If you bought Lamborghini, these phrases could stay with you for a long time, and instead of enjoying a good ride on Lamborghini, every time you have to think about this unpleasant PPM AF, who told you this shit. Of course for GCM it is not as critical as for PPM, but definitely unpleasant! But you bought another car and on the first bad comment you would answer: «With the clearance 230 somehow sleeping policeman will go through!» All unjustified aggression or UA of PPM – merged in his patient’s inner world, like feces in the toilet and the PPM was quiet for a time, waiting for the right moment, when you turn your back on him. As long as the PPM is not cured and no signs of GCM, the symptoms will always be manifested as cough and runny nose for colds. At certain points PPMs symptoms may be hidden from Your eyes when he or she cannot put ’hit’ You in the back with impunity.

      Especially suffer from PPMs AF innocent CHILDREN.

      You can take notes on paper, you can use the virtual health card to make an accurate scientific diagnosis and predict PPMs primitive moves, not giving to ruin Your Live.

      Model of the human psyche

      Simplified model of personal human space (smphs)

      Mentally Healthy Person is considered as the Tsar of His Personal Space (PS).

      With a higher level (closer to the Tsar) to a lower:


      2) Level: WISDOM.

      3) Level: MIND.

      4) Level: PHYSICAL (BODY).


      Total model of personal human space (tmphs)

      Also, as in the SMPHS, MHP is seen as Tsar of his Personal Space (PS).

      Scheme 1. Model – «Healthy Human Psyche».

      This is model of Personal Space of Mentally Healthy Persons. Particularly-Primitive type of Mind cannot allowed touching even the lowest levels of Healthy Human Psyche. Low levels – is incomprehensible, the higher is incomprehensible inconceivable, etc.




      LEVEL 4 (grey): Controlled area, apartment, house, a table in a cafe, car, and boat!

      SMPHS and TMPHS – are models of a Healthy Psyche. A Healthy Mind is based on GCMs «different exposure.» Wisdom is incomprehensible without Mind, because there is nothing to understand with. Higher levels are also based on the Mind or GCM or GCJs.

      GCMs for a healthy psyche – it is like the foundation, like a brick and the tree from which everything else is built. To see the difference between the model of Mentally Healthy and mentally ill man, give an СКАЧАТЬ