Alphabet of the Human Mind. Psychology flagship. Nikita Danilov
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СКАЧАТЬ Statistics data confirm this assumption. All films include in this book is not possible and makes no sense. Many AHM Skilled and PRO leave their reviews online and other sources. The higher the AHM skills, the more accurate will be all painted up to 100 percent hit. So, back to the scientific classification of PPMs that called «Additional Classification of PPMs». Let the readers are not afraid of the word «scientific». AHM created precisely in order that anyone could make sense of what is the Human Psyche without additional knowledge, which, of course, will only strengthen AHM and once again confirm for each person that AHM – it The Flagship of World Psychology.

      The Additional Classification of PPMs will help to understand the example. AF does not want to give a child a possibility to ride on a bicycle. There was envy of the child and as a consequence – UA. PPM wants to express his UA on an innocent Child. What would the PPMs of AF but different types do?

      PPM AF Material Contact Type (MCT) – Would have to wait until the child sit on the bicycle and would have kicked him to broke the bicycle. Those. Wait for physical contact.

      PPM AF Psychic Contact Type (PCT) – Would have to wait for a chat and would tell a story that would be planted in the child’s unreasonable anxiety (these conditions injure the psyche of Children, sometimes forever) at the memory of the bicycle and Kid will fall down when try to drive bicycle.

      PPM AF Material Noncontact Type (MNT) – Would cut bicycles brakes and he went on a fishing trip. The child would have sat on the bicycle and fall down.

      PPM AF Psychic Noncontact Type (PNT) – Planted to child video tape as a monster eats all children who want to ride their bicycles to create unreasonable anxiety dangerous for the psyche of the Child, and would go fishing at this time.

      From the title it is clear on what is aggression focuses – on the psyche and physical health, property. Contact and Noncontact types should also be clear from the title. It is like near and long-range combat.

      There are four types of Secondary Classification of PPMs: MCT, PCT, MNTPNT.

      The percentage of ppm-gcm

      Each PPM believes that if the conversation turned to his/her symptoms, it is necessary to defend themselves. But in psychology is no such thing as «defend», «fight», «war», etc. The first standard question when talk comes to mental illness: «You think that everybody insane?» PPM expects that the question his «opponent» will not be able to answer and the PPM will go with the «victory». In fact, the only «victory», which can be viewed in psychology – a cure of Particularly-Primitive type of Mind. Mental illness can be considered as the effects of sin in varying degrees and forms. Nobody admits if he wants to seem normal, for example, that he watched adult movies and has long been proven that it is traumatic for the human psyche. Now answer the question about the intimate relationship in terms of AHM. If it is closer to the ideal: husband, wife, love, happiness, then intimacy causes less harm to the psyche, and if it is close enough to the ideal, it may have the opposite – positive (improvement) effect for Human Psyche. Similarly, everything related to PPM people won’t talk others. But the PPM won’t disappear in the air if not to talk about this problem! It’s like the flu or acute respiratory disease that should be treated and, if the flu will pass with time, the PPM itself will not go away. However, for those people who love themselves Psyche and want to understand AHM better give some answers and explanations.

      As to the question: «What? Are all around mentally sick?» This question is primitive: everyone or no one. A more complicated question would be 10 percent to 90 percent or 30 percent to 70 percent. So it is a primitive judgment! This question is particular: «If so, I think everyone around sick, if not – healthy.» This is a pure PPJ which talks about generalized area. By the scheme" Conformity of Healthy-Sick Psyche» shown below, you will be able to more accurately categorize this PPJ. The fact that this primitive question is symptom of mental illness (PPJ), and answer is not important, but it is necessary to carry out a non-violent psychotherapy about this PPM, or say that it is PPJ if the person is adequate! However, you can answer this way: «If symptoms of PPM are – in fact the diagnosis is! This is how the law of attraction. It will operate for one apple for 10 apples for 1000 apples, at least for all». AHM PRO preliminary diagnosis takes 1 minute to an hour, maybe more. Sometimes it requires long-term observations. Even AHM PRO can’t make diagnostics for all people in the world! In addition AHM PRO time is very expensive! Now it is clear that this issue generated by PPMs not to say about their symptoms. Statistics, based on scientific data is not comforting – many PPMs were checked in all layers of the population, and in many public places.

      It is cool! All statements are based on the scientific facts with 100 percents of truth, which cannot argue, even PPMs. But, nevertheless, we have to make a small pseudo-scientific hypothesis to explain who is considered PPM, and who is considered and is GCM or MHP from positions of AHM.

      Chart 1. Percentage of PPM-GCM.

      This scientific assumption is that there cannot be 100 percentage GCMs or 100 percentage PPMs among people. Then let 100 percentage GCMs – Mentally Healthy Angels, and 100 percentage PPMs – mentally ill angels. The graph of the PPM and the GCM is committed to 100 percent.

      The Green Line (marked with a green dot) – the development of GCM.

      Red Line (marked with a red dot) – the development of mental illness or PPM.

      Region 1 on the chart. The child prone to GCM, since childhood tends in this direction, constantly strengthening and shaping his or her GCM. Prone to the PPM, on the contrary. This schedule is presented without any surrounding influences, which can be very dangerous for the psyche of the child. Others with PPM constantly envy Childs mind (GCM) and start from childhood to injure the psyche, consciously, hard provable methods under existing legislation. In order to injure Kids psyche must be to provoke one of the symptoms: UA, alarm state of mind (unreasonable anxiety), MDS, and any PPJs. If this is to provoke a lot of times, the child becomes PPM or insane. In addition to the child’s mind injuries, added the destructive action of the system in which a lot of dangers. All this is well known: alcohol, drugs, adult movies, etc. Also, the world of NLP purports to destroy the psyche of the child and give him or her CPOs, which is not work so well in Russia.

      Region 2 on the chart. Improving GCM when man loves and knows how to think (i.e. have GCM or GCJs) and injuries from the outside world are not serious or avoided.

      Region 3 on the chart. СКАЧАТЬ