Alphabet of the Human Mind. Psychology flagship. Nikita Danilov
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СКАЧАТЬ Example: to provoke anxiety, which already are symptoms PPM and because of frequent provoke the mind can be destroyed totally. These conditions provoked surrounding people to Truman since childhood, when he wanted to go to the water. First, there was a dog that frightened the child, and then created a scene in which Truman lost his fiction father. NLP description of this film will not be included here because every experienced in AHM easily able to get it by himself like any other picture and description of «The Truman Show» NLP can take a separate book. It is important that this happens in real life, and may fall under the article of the Criminal Code, «incitement to suicide» and others.

      The solution is to make such crimes easily punishable offense. Of course, it’s not all measures! Impunity is very high and major criminals remain on the sidelines. More about this in a later chapter.

      As already mentioned, most of all suffers from PPMs children’s psyche. Children who need to be supported and Russia hope become, at best, cogs in a system that is designed mostly not Russians. All those who had to build a Ferrari-Russia, Bosch-Russia, Maserati-Russia were either physically destroyed during the time from 1917 or maimed (psyche) from childhood because of envy surrounding PPMs. Therefore it is very important that children learn to stand up for themselves and for the most precious thing they have – Their Healthy Psyche. With AHM it is possible and very effective!

      It is important to know with whom you are communicating:

      First you need to understand if you are dealing with PPM or GCM! It is not difficult for those who have learned the difference between GCJ and PPJ. If the PPM is proven, then proceed to the next phase. AHM counts Man Mentally Healthy if after every PPJ may appear or appears GCJ. On the contrary person is mentally ill if there is PPJ after every GCJ. This is due to the fact that there can be 100 percent GCM and 100 percent of PPM related humans, as an absolute value. Even GCM can do something not clever. Even Mentally Ill Person can think and do something smart… Determine what judgments operates person can quite easily in the conversation (experiment) or short-term observation. For AHM PRO it is easy, but you first need to become AHM PRO.

      Next – basic classification of the PPMs. You must understand: KF, DF or AF. It fit all kinds of observations: short-term, long-term, and included. It is necessary to see what the persons first reaction to the new situation. You can use this method. Respond, who wants to appear this person: kind (KF), terrible (AF), majestic (DF). Remember that AF sometimes can be noncontact, and don’t confuse with the DF. Most owners of DF as a child were trying to shut out of Unreasonable Aggression in favorite business, which for some reason destroyed. Children do not know the psychology and AHM and cannot understand how dangerous and damaging to children’s psyche techniques that in use of surrounding PPMs. At one point, children start to be afraid to look at the matter, which could be their sense of life: air and car designers, amateurs… The reason is that in the mind of a child his hobby became associated with injuries that were inflicted mainly by AF of banal envy the future success and excellence. That way most Children injured since childhood. It is not easy to prove in court and put the culprits into prison. The Authors believe that it is a criminal and a war crime and a crime against humanity and Children. But it is difficult to prove. Set diagnosis with AHM and learn how to use nonviolent hygiene is much more real and more effective. Many PPMs can start running away from you, though, they poured hot coals into pants just because you know their diagnosis. ATTENTION! For PPMs is the main war – knock from CPOs each other, so to set the diagnosis for PPM and nonviolent psychotherapy can be perceived as an attack and a response will be forthcoming. Either in the form and type of disease or in the form and type of non-violent therapy. Very carefully examine AHM before any actions and it is good to continually upgrade Your skills. With base of AHM for You anything tricky doctrine, disguised NLP will be recognize very easily. But be very careful! PPM can cause not only psychological but also physical harm if the disease goes into an Open Form (OF).

      Now go to the additional classification of PPMs of secondary classification – it PPM type: MCT, PCT, MNT, PNT. All cuts of the first chapters You need to learn if You want to understand so difficult and, at the same time so easy and clear area, as the Human Psyche. Clarity is here only because of AHM for today. Further additional classification of PPMs can be found in the chapter «BASIC TYPES OF HUMANS WITH PPM». It is important to understand that the PPM cannot be 100 percent with symptom UA, it can sometimes occur other symptoms, which are in each PPM. All symptoms: UA, UM, UK – are the result of PPM. All this is a manifestation of quite healthy aspects of life: the aggression to the enemy, goodness to friends, and the greatness of Human. And only PPM makes symptoms of mental ill from these manifestations. Example. The girl, who all her life stood on CPOs and learned to express her UA. The more she learned this, the more dependent of CPOs and PPM was growing stronger. All she knew how – beat from back weak innocent Children. Who else has admitted from the back the PPM!? Just Kids! This is example of UA. After Kid bitten, disabled psyche told her: «You mentally healthy don’t worry continue bit Kids!» It is like drugs. She needs this illusion every day every moment.

      The last step – to determine whether the PPM stands on Crutches of the Public Opinion (CPOs) and which of them. Look in the glossary. This is a very important reduction since this is the final procedure of the diagnosis that let You live happily, richly and with the Healthy Psyche. Knowing the diagnosis of PPM you can avoid a lot of problems in all spheres of life and achieve success, which are so afraid PPMs, but only of the success that is stable and durable. Therefore, the most red flag (like for the bulls) for PPMs – is the beginning of success in any business, even about Kids. CPOs or ECPOs – Crutches of Public Opinion of Crutches of Sick Mentality (CSM), which allow people to behave as MHPs. GCM does not need these crutches as the PPM, his mind has natural mind and wisdom supports. CPOs or ECPOs included inside the world NLP, which is encrypted, almost in every famous movie, computer game. The more interesting NLP – the more popular game or movie! There are SCPOs – a Soviet Crutches of Public Opinion, which is very similar to an Open Form of mental illness. Symptoms appear almost without disguise, as they are, at the slightest occasion to envy. If NLP teaches how to mask and the situations in which it can be exercised, and where better to abstain, then PPMs on SCPOs – like open books for the study of mental illness. More options can be: TLCPOs, LLCPOs, and PLCPOs. There are cases that require a complete physical intervention and specialists with specific profile. All these cases are considered and studied the length and breadth. For AHM much greater interest is those who confidently stand on CPOs or even GCM a bit. Here nonviolent AHM psychotherapy is most effective and applicable. Treatment of mental illness is simple: in fact it is necessary to transfer the patient from CPOs to AHM TCPOs that gives the beginning of strengthen GCM with simple tasks to complex problems. But department into TCPOs effective only СКАЧАТЬ